Page 15 Illinois Valley News, Cave Junction, OR Wednesday, February 8, 2006 (Editor’s Note: Fac- tual information for ‘Blotter’ is provided by official law enforcement agencies. All persons listed are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Charges can be amended or dismissed.) * * * Wednesday, Jan. 25 *Just before 9 a.m. a manager at Shop Smart Food Warehouse reported that a man was begging for money and harassing cus- tomers. *Assistance was pro- vided a motorist with a dis- abled vehicle blocking one traffic lane on Deer Creek Road at 4:19 p.m. *On Queen of Bronze Road a man suspected his neighbor of phoning to harass him, and of placing signs on his property. *In the 200 block of Caves Avenue a property owner was said to be having difficulty with a soon-to-be former tenant with “violent tendencies.” Thursday, Jan. 26 *In the 32000 block of Redwood Hwy., a father said that his 12-year-old son was cursing at people and had threatened to kill his parents in their sleep. *Three gunshots were heard from the vicinity of Cowboy Way, said a resi- dent on Queen of Bronze Road, who believed the shooter was doing so to in- timidate the complainant. *Though no real dam- age occurred, other than a fence being knocked over on O’Brien Road when a vehicle drove through it, a report of third-degree crimi- nal mischief was filed. *Passing on corners and hills in the Holland Loop vicinity, the driver of a large SUV with several children inside nearly caused two head-on collisions, a con- cerned caller said. *On Thompson Creek Road a caller said that for several weeks all mail re- ceived from the bank was opened before he got it, and he thinks he knows a suspect. *Clothing, personal effects and a passport appli- cation were located in a bag at a property on S. Old Stage Road. No ID was found, and due to the dete- riorated state of the clothes, the caller was advised to throw the stuff away. *John David Campbell, 28, was cited on a charge of driving while suspended (DWS) and his vehicle towed after a motor vehicle accident on Old Stage Road at E. River Street at 3:20 p.m. *Someone attempted to enter a garage on N. Old Stage Road, causing an esti- mated $80 damage to locks. *In a dispute regarding the sale of a travel trailer on Lakeshore Drive, one man allegedly pointed a gun at another. One man was warned about his behavior; the other advised of options. *Transients and their dogs said to be trespassing at a property on Caves Ave- nue around 3 p.m. were not located when a deputy checked the area later. *A girl, 15, was re- ported as a runaway person. *Kicking things, fight- ing with her brother and threatening to stab someone, a 13-year-old on S. Kerby Avenue was cited on a charge of being beyond pa- rental control and lodged at the county Juvenile Justice Center in Grants Pass. *In Kerby around 8 p.m. a woman said that a man against whom she has a restraining order was at her home and wouldn’t leave. Pear people proffer product A new packaged pear product utilizing Oregon’s winter varieties is being test- marketed, and is about to make a bigger splash in the weeks to come as long as funding continues. Because pf a collabora- tive corporation that in- cludes a market develop- ment company, a Salem- based food processor, and the pear industry itself, this new product line is poised to go from a testing phase to full scale production in the not too distant future. “It’s a winner and the kind of project we like to see,” said Jerry Gardner, business development man- ager for the Oregon Dept. of Agriculture. “This new value-added product could mean new jobs and better use of a top-10 Oregon agri- cultural commodity.” The Nexus Project, as it is known, is using the exist- ing packaging technology, usually featured in glass or plastic packs of shelf-stable puddings, to create a clear, colorful pear product. It is believed to be the first time that aseptic technology has been used to reprocess large pieces of fruit. “The idea is to bring a higher quality, better- looking product to consum- ers and see if we can’t bring back some of them who have abandoned the canned pear,” said Dennis Anderson of Green & Green, the mar- ket development company that helped lead the project. Friday, Jan. 27 *Having returned home voluntarily, a 15-year-old girl was no longer consid- ered to be a runaway. *On Fir Drive, a woman said that a neighbor had taken mortgage loan information from her mail- box, and filled out the pa- perwork. When confronted, the alleged mail-thief claimed the victim’s iden- tity, and claimed to have ID to prove it. The person was warned about taking mail from other people’s boxes However, she asserted that all the mailboxes on that side of the street belong to her. It was, according to a deputy, “unknown if the warning was understood.” *Attempting to phone information, someone at a business on N. Redwood Hwy. phoned 911 instead, but there was no problem. *Once again, a man who was unwelcome at Shop Smart was there, a manager reported. *Traveling northbound on Redwood Hwy. in Selma at 3:30 p.m., a brown van was said to be moving “at least 100 mph.” *Two jackets valued at $550, a first-aid backpack with supplies valued at $250 and some clothing and other items were reported taken from a locked SUV at Page Mountain Snow Park while the victims were skiing. *Angry that no deputy responded in a timely man- ner when he reported that evicted persons were tres- passing on his Rockydale Road property, a man stated that he would never call the sheriff’s office again. Nei- ther would he be bothered to “handle things legally again,” the call-taker noted. Saturday, Jan. 28 *Rain striking a door apparently caused an entry alarm at a home on McMullen Creek Road at a quarter after midnight. *Just before 3 a.m. an intoxicated person took off in a borrowed Chevy Subur- ban without permission, to the consternation of the per- son whose grandfather owns the vehicle. It was later re- turned, however. *Though he didn’t see anyone, a man in the 25000 block of Redwood Hwy. said that someone tried to open his front door at 7 a.m. No one was found in the immediate vicinity. *In the 5000 block of Takilma Road two flatbed trailers were parked in the roadway, and even though there were two orange cones near one of the trailers, the caller thought it a traffic hazard. *In order to close their door satisfactorily before leaving the residence at 10 p.m., some folks in the 700 block of Caves Hwy. were obliged to use a hammer, and slam the door repeat- edly, which prompted a neighbor to phone 911. Sunday, Jan. 29 *Robert Cecil Sanders, 45, was lodged in Josephine County Jail after he was cited on charges of menac- ing, domestic menacing, felon in possession of a fire- arm, third-degree criminal mischief, first-degree theft and reckless endangering in the 700 block of Caves Hwy. around 3 a.m. *A green bike was found near Illinois River “Forks” State Park at 3:25 a.m. *Perhaps not long for this world, a dog was report- edly chasing cars on Red- wood Hwy. in the 24000 block just after 2 p.m. *More bad dogs were said to be chasing animals in the 500 block of Lakeshore Drive. *No reason could be found for a burglar alarm at the Cave Junction DMV office at 2:18 p.m. *Two ponies were said to be loose on Smith Sawyer Road at quarter after one. Once the animals were se- cured into their pasture, the deputy made note of “many carcasses” and animals which appeared malnour- ished in the pasture. Infor- mation was forwarded to animal control. *After an altercation in which a man with a stick was said to have broken the windows out of a woman’s trailer on Hussey Avenue, both parties were deter- mined to be intoxicated be- yond the point of intelligi- bility. Though she would have liked to have pressed charges, the woman could not clearly describe what had happened. She was ad- vised to phone in the morn- ing if she wanted to pursue the matter. *Just after 11 p.m. a man on Queen of Bronze Road said that his neighbor was shooting toward his house. Also, the neighbor often shines flashlights and laser pointers at his bedroom window, he said. Monday, Jan. 30 *On Warren Road a man said that his landlord had interrupted electrical power to his trailer, and laughing, said he can “control him.” The man, making plans to move, was advised of his options. *In the 5000 block of Takilma Road, a woman reported a Nissan pickup truck stolen at 10 a.m. *Tyler Neal Wylie, 18, was cited on charges of DWS, driving uninsured and violation of the basic rule (driving too fast for condi- tions) on Redwood Hwy. at Krauss Lane at 11:30 a.m. *The owner of a vehicle driven into the side of St. Patrick of the Forest Catho- lic Church’s rectory had been arrested the night be- fore, and so was not avail- able to remove the car or pay for damages. *Angry over accusa- tions that he had taken mail from a box which was not his, a man was reportedly belligerent at the Selma Post Office at 4:21 p.m., and then he left. *Two firearms, a Colt .22-caliber pistol and a bayoneted SKS, were re- ported stolen from a Lone Mountain Road residence. Tuesday, Jan. 31 *Reporting from River Valley Restaurant, a woman said that her ex-husband violated a restraining order by coming within 20 feet of her and taking two photos. *Found wandering around in a Community Bible Church building on Caves Avenue, a transient at first refused to leave, then departed toward CJ Select Market. *Someone was possibly poaching geese near Rough & Ready Lumber Co., a complainant reported after hearing some gunshots around 7 p.m. If only I knew then … what I know now ... Is the pain of a past abortion still with you? For confidential post abortion counseling, call the Pregnancy Center 592-6058 All services are free of charge. 30 years experience in water, sewer & pipeline construction, brush clearing, septic installation & utility line trenching READY TO DIG & AIMING TO PLEASE 24 HOURS A DAY 1-(541) 597-4486 CCB#159580 <SUNDAY<MORNING/AFTERNOON>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FEBRUARY"12,"2006< Ask the Acupuncturist: 6:00 Can TCM resolve sleeping problems? In many cases, we can regulate the body with herbs, dietary and lifestyle changes, and acupuncture. There are many types of sleeping problems in TCM. A treatment program is developed specific to the patient’s needs. Illinois River Acupuncture 592-5041 Mon., Wed., Fri. Jo Anne Stone, M.S., L.Ac. When I was born I was so surprised I didn’t talk for 18 months. - Gracie Allen - 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 Movie: TZ ‘‘Son-in-Law’’ (1993) A coed brings Movie: ‘‘Tommy Boy’’ (1995) An underachiever Movie: TTZ ‘‘The Whole Nine Yards’’ (2000, Movie: TTT ‘‘The Matrix’’ (1999) (PA) Keanu Reeves. A Movie: TTZ ‘‘Underworld’’ (2003, Horror) Kate Beckinsale. ‘‘Lethal F [WTBS] (4:30) Movie: her surf-minded pal home to the farm. ^ struggles to save his father’s company. ^ Comedy) (PA) Bruce Willis, Matthew Perry. ^ computer hacker learns his world is a computer simulation. ^ A vampire protects a medical student from werewolves. ^ Wpn. 4’’ Paid Amazing Digimon- Power Dragons: Metal Ages A rebel helps Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Movie: TT ‘‘Nancy Drew’’ (2002) The teenage Movie: TT ‘‘Lucky 7’’ (2003) A lawyer believes Movie: ‘‘Beautiful Girl’’ (2003) A woman enters G [FOXFAM] Program Facts Digital Rangers royalty fulfill a dangerous destiny. ^ Booster ^ Booster ^ Booster ^ Booster ^ Booster ^ sleuth investigates a mystery at her college. ^ that her true love has arrived too soon. ^ a beauty pageant to win a honeymoon trip. ^ Fox News Sunday Paid Paid Paid Paid Quincy, M.E. ‘‘Who’s Raceline Steel Paid Paid Movie: TT ‘‘Mimic’’ (1997, Horror) A deadly new Paid Paid Kojak ‘‘Queen of the Malcolm- King of The The War H [FOX] With Chris Wallace ^ Program Program Program Program Who in Neverland?’’ Dreams Program Program breed of insect wreaks havoc on New York. Program Program Gypsies’’ Mid. the Hill ^ Simpsons at Home Today (In Stereo) ^ Tutenstein Time Meet the Press ^ NASCAR Racing: Nextel Cup Series -- Daytona 500 Qualifying. Daytona Seinfeld Just Da Vinci’s Inquest XX Olympic Winter Games From Turin, Italy. Speed skating; cross Chris NBC News I [KOBI] ^ Warp Trio Beach, Fla. (In Stereo Live) ^ ^ Shoot Me Conflicting testimony. country skiing; luge. (In Stereo) ^ Matthews Outside Sports SportsCenter (Live) ^ PBA Bowling: West Virginia NFL 2006 NFL Pro Bowl Skills Competition Sunday NFL Countdown (Live) ^ NFL Football: AFC-NFC Pro Bowl. Honolulu. (Live) J [ESPN] Sports- Center ^ the Lines Reporters Championship. ^ Matchup Honolulu. ^ Angelina Jakers!- George Thomas & Mustard Dragon- Dr. Wayne Dyer: The Power of Intention Dr. Wayne Dyer explores the power of intention. (In American Experience McLaugh- Religion- BBC European Boomers!- Real Oregon Field K [KSYS] Ballerina Winks Shrinks ^ Friends ^ Pancakes flyTV ^ Stereo) ^ ‘‘Golden Gate Bridge’’ lin Group Ethics World Journal ^ Life Simple ^ Art Beat Guide Jentezen Dr. David Kenneth Pastor Ed The Coral Ridge Hour Love Worth Finding ^ Bishop It Is Bayless Paula The King Bishop P. Cornerstone ^ Rod Gregory Bishop Joyce Michael Jack Joel Taking L [TBN] Franklin Jeremiah Hagin Jr. Young Sr. ^ Evans Written ^ Conley White ^ Is Coming Parsley ^ Dickow T.D. Jakes Meyer Youssef Hayford ^ Osteen ^ Authority Paid Thinner Paid Paid Robert Schuller: Hour Paid Paid Will & Will & Movie: TTT ‘‘Mr. Wonderful’’ (1993) A man Movie: ‘‘Our Son, the Matchmaker’’ (1996, Movie: TTZ ‘‘Beauty’’ (1998, Drama) Janine Movie: ‘‘Cake’’ (2005) M [LIFE] Program Thighs Program Program of Power Program Program Grace ^ Grace ^ tries to marry off his ex-wife to escape alimony. Drama) Ann Jillian, Ellen Burstyn. ^ Turner. A contemporary ‘‘Beauty and the Beast.’’ Heather Graham. ^ National American CBS News Sunday Morning (In Face the Motorcycle Racing: College Basketball: Illinois at Ohio State. (Live) PGA Golf: AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am -- Final Round. From Pebble Beach, National Outdoors- National CSI: Crime Scene 1: [KTVL] Grants Calif. (Live) ^ Grants man Grants Investigation ^ Latino TV Stereo) ^ Nation ^ Supercross ^ Chalk- Rugrats ^ All Grown Oddpar- Jimmy Jimmy Sponge- Sponge- Oddpar- Oddpar- The X’s ^ Danny Holly Hobbie & Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons 1; [NICK] Zone ^ Up ^ ents Neutron Neutron Bob Bob ents ents Phantom Friends TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV Haw- The Coral Ridge Hour Believer’s Van Impe House, NBA NBA Basketball: Regional Coverage -- Philadelphia 76ers at NBA Basketball: Detroit Pistons at Miami Heat. Hispanics Haw- Triathlon: XTERRA Ernie Kent Oregon- 1= [KDRV] Rebecca’s Garden ^ thorne ^ Voice Pres Home Nation Washington Wizards or San Antonio Spurs at Indiana Pacers. AmericanAirlines Arena. (Live) Today ^ thorne Smith Paid Paid Paid Paid PGA Tour Sunday ^ XX Olympic Winter Games From Turin, Italy. Women’s Coach ^ Movie: TZ ‘‘Big Daddy’’ (1999) A goofy ne’er- Olympic Ice (N) Coach ^ Movie: TTZ ‘‘Sabrina’’ (1995, 1? [USA] Coach ^ Coach ^ Program Program Program Program hockey. (Live) do-well adopts an impressionable youngster. ^ Romance-Comedy) Harrison Ford. Paid Murder, She Wrote ^ Breakfast With the Arts ^ 24 ‘‘Day 2: 3:00 - 24 ‘‘Day 2: 4:00 - Movie: TTZ ‘‘Falling Down’’ (1993) Michael Douglas. A laid- Sell This Sell This Sell This Move This Find & Sell This Sell This 1A [A&E] Paid Program Program 4:00PM’’ (In Stereo) ^ 5:00PM’’ (In Stereo) ^ off defense worker is pushed to the breaking point. ^ House! ^ House! ^ House! ^ House! ^ Design ^ House! ^ House! ^ TTZ ‘‘Shark Tale’’ (2004, Vargas- Movie: TT ‘‘Welcome to Mooseport’’ (2004) A Movie: TTT ‘‘Evita’’ (1996, Musical) Madonna. Based on the Movie: TTT ‘‘Selena’’ (1997) Based on the life ‘‘Shark Making I Movie: TZ ‘‘Catch That Kid’’ Inside the NFL (In Movie: 1B [HBO] Robot (2004) Kristen Stewart. ‘PG’ ^ Stereo) ^ Comedy) Voices of Will Smith. ‘PG’ Mosley man runs for mayor against a former president. stage musical about the life of Eva Peron. (In Stereo) ‘PG’ ^ and brief career of the murdered singer. ‘PG’ ^ Tale’’ ‘PG’ Movie: ‘‘Foxfire Light’’ (1982, Movie: TT ‘‘Dickie Roberts: Former Child Movie: TTZ ‘‘Danny Deckchair’’ Movie: TTT ‘‘Hotel Rwanda’’ (2004, Drama) Don Cheadle. A Movie: TT ‘‘Tapeheads’’ (1988, Movie: TT ‘‘Bookies’’ (2003, Movie: TTZ ‘‘Danny Deckchair’’ 1C [SHOW2] Drama) Leslie Nielsen, Lara Parker. Star’’ (2003, Comedy) David Spade. ^ (2003, Comedy) Rhys Ifans. ^ hotelier saves 1,200 Tutsi refugees from slaughter. ^ Comedy) John Cusack. ^ Comedy) Nick Stahl. (In Stereo) ^ (2003, Comedy) Rhys Ifans. ^ Movie: TTTZ Movie: TZ ‘‘Home Is Where the Movie: TTT ‘‘Camp’’ (2003) Teens attend a Movie: TTT ‘‘Air Force One’’ (1997) The U.S. Movie: ‘‘The Secret Lives of Dentists’’ (2002) A Movie: TTTZ ‘‘A Few Good Men’’ (1992, Movie: TT ‘‘Walking Tall’’ (2004, 2; [SHOW] (4:30) ‘‘Howards End’’ (1992) Hart Is’’ (1987) Valri Bromfield. iTV. summer camp for budding entertainers. ^ president battles terrorists aboard his plane. ^ dentist thinks his wife is having an affair. ^ Drama) Tom Cruise. iTV. (In Stereo) ^ Action) The Rock. ^ (5:20) Movie: TTZ ‘‘Meet the Movie: TT ‘‘A Cinderella Story’’ Movie: TT ‘‘The Chronicles of Riddick’’ (2004) Movie: TT ‘‘Trilogy of Terror II’’ Movie: TZ ‘‘King’s Ransom’’ Movie: TT ‘‘Home Fries’’ (1998, Movie: ‘‘Goodbye Lover’’ (1998) Murder arises ‘‘Chroni- 2< [MAX] Fockers’’ (2004) Robert De Niro. ^ (2004) Hilary Duff. ‘PG’ ^ A fugitive fights an invading ruler and his army. (1996, Horror) Lysette Anthony. ‘R’ (2005) Anthony Anderson. ‘PG-13’ Comedy) Drew Barrymore. ‘PG-13’ when a femme fatale’s hot affair cools down. ‘R’ cles-Ridd’’ 60 Min.- 60 Min.- SportsCentury Don 2002 World Series of 2003 World Series of 2004 World Series of Billiards: 2001 Sudden Billiards: 2002 Sudden Billiards: 2003 Sudden PBA Bowling PBA Bowling PBA Bowling Movie: ‘‘The Fish That 2C [ESPCL] Classic Classic Shula. ^ Poker Las Vegas. ^ Poker -- Final Round Poker Las Vegas. ^ Death 7-Ball. ^ Death 7-Ball. ^ Death 7-Ball. ^ Saved Pittsburgh’’ Great Passport Home Vacation Best of Hawaii ^ Florida’s Top Ten Weddings Away: Weddings Away: Alaska’s Arctic Stranded: Stranded: Best of Hawaii ^ Hawaii FAQ Hawaiian Top Ten Hawaiian Lost Weekend ‘‘Costa 3: [TRAV] Hotels ^ to Europe Search Home Beaches ^ Cayman Islands Cayman Islands Wildlife ^ With Cash With Cash vacations. ^ Beaches ^ Rica’’ TTT ‘‘Soldier of Fortune’’ (1955, Movie: TTZ ‘‘Cahill, United States Marshal’’ (1973) A Movies Sun. Movie: ‘‘The Big Red One’’ (1980) A veteran Movie: TZ ‘‘Bloodsport’’ (1988) A Westerner Movie: TTZ ‘‘Uncommon Valor’’ (1983) Gene Hackman. A 3> [AMC] Movie: Action) Clark Gable, Susan Hayward. ‘NR’ lawman’s sons become involved in a fatal bank robbery. ‘PG’ 101 ^ Shootout leads his battalion of young troops into battle. wins a martial arts competition in Hong Kong. ‘R’ father goes after his son, who is missing in Vietnam. ‘R’ ^ Movie: TTTZ ‘‘Heat’’ (1995, Drama) Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Movie: TZ ‘‘Under Siege 2: Dark Territory’’ Movie: TT ‘‘The Art of War’’ (2000) Wesley Snipes. A U.N. Movie: ‘‘The Glimmer Man’’ (1996) A former Movie: TTZ ‘‘Romeo Must Die’’ (2000, Action) Jet Li. Asian 3? [TNT] Kilmer. A homicide detective matches wits with a cunning adversary. ^ (1995, Suspense) Steven Seagal. ^ operative is framed for a Chinese diplomat’s murder. ^ government operative tracks a serial killer. ^ and black gangsters vie for control of prime property. ^ The Bear in The Koala Higgly- Little JoJo’s Doodle- Charlie & The Lilo & W.I.T.C.H. The Buzz American Emperor Movie: TT ‘‘Aladdin and the King Zack & Zack & That’s So Lizzie Even Phil of the Naturally 3B [DISN] Wiggles House Brothers town Einsteins Circus ^ bops ^ Lola Wiggles Stitch ^ ‘‘The Key’’ on Maggie Drgn New of Thieves’’ (1996, Musical) ^ Cody Cody Raven ^ McGuire Stevens Future ^ Sadie ^ Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Thinner Movie: TZ ‘‘Shark Attack 2’’ (2000) Genetically Movie: ‘‘Shark Attack 3: Megalodon’’ (2002, Movie: TTZ ‘‘Jaws 2’’ (1978) Tourist town and Movie: TZ ‘‘Jaws III’’ (1983) A giant great white Movie: TZ ‘‘Jaws the 3C [SCIFI] Program Program Program Program Program Thighs altered sharks dine on defenseless swimmers. ^ Action) Jennifer McShane, John Barrowman. ^ police chief dread huge white shark at beach. ^ shark terrorizes a Florida marine park. ^ Revenge’’ (1987) Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Alps Slopes of the Alps ‘‘Summits of Life’’ Alps Natural wildlife First Olympian ^ MythBusters ^ Prowling Sharks in Shark Attack: Before the Dinosaurs Creatures before the 4? [DISC] Paid Program Program Program Program Program Program mountain range. retake their homeland. the Mediterranean ^ Predators dinosaurs. ^ The Really Breed All K-9 to 5 ^ Backyard The Planet’s Funniest Amazing Animal The Jeff Corwin Lucky Travels L.A. ^ Up Close and Dangerous Wildlife filmmakers’ Buggin’ With Ruud Wolf Within ^ The Most Extreme AKC National Agility 4@ [ANPL] Wild Show About It ^ Habitat ^ Animals ^ Videos Experience ^ most hair-raising encounters. ^ ‘‘Bug-Cloud 9’’ ‘‘Living Dead’’ ^ Championship (N) Movie: TZ ‘‘Ringmaster’’ (1998) People reveal Mad TV (In Movie: TZ ‘‘10 Things I Hate About You’’ Movie: ‘‘Committed’’ (2000) A woman follows Movie: T ‘‘Not Another Paid Paid Hollow Hollow Hollow Mad TV Regis Philbin, Mad TV John C. 4A [COM] Program Program Men Men Men Tony Hawk. (In Stereo) McGinley guest stars. sordid details on a TV host’s program. ^ Stereo) ^ (1999, Comedy) Heath Ledger, Julia Stiles. ^ her estranged husband to the Texas desert. ^ Teen Movie’’ (2001) ^ Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid NYPD Blue ‘‘Traylor NYPD Blue ^ Movie: TT ‘‘Restraining Order’’ (1999) A lawyer Hollywood Hollywood The Investigators ‘‘A 4B [CRT] Thinner Thighs Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Trash’’ (In Stereo) ^ takes on the mob after witnessing a murder. Heat Justice Mother’s Madness’’