Page 11 Illinois Valley News, Cave Junction, OR Wednesday, January 25, 2006 HELP WANTED NOTICE BOOKKEEPER ATTENTION CRAF- TERS: Spring fair. March 24 to 26. at Douglas County Fair- grounds. Celebrating our 31st year! Booths available for quality crafts. For informa- tion send SASE to Spring Fair 2006, PO Box 22, Dillard, OR. 97432 LM44-3c I, MARY COLEY, will no longer be respon- sible for any debts other than my own as of Jan. 18, 2006. MC45-1P Reconciliations/Journal Entries 10-key, posting, Excel Advantage Staffing, Inc. Call Weekdays at 476-5932 531 NE “E” Street, Suite D “It’s to your Advantage”! CUSTOMER SERVICE Word/Excel Multi-tasking a must! Temp to Hire Exc. Wage + Benefits Advantage Staffing, Inc. Call Weekdays at: 476-5932 531 NE “E” Street, Suite D “It’s to your Advantage”! OFFICE MANAGER QuickBooks, AP/AR, Payroll, Temp to Hire $12-15 DOE Advantage Staffing, Inc. Call Weekdays at: 476-5932 531 NE “E” Street, Suite D “It’s to your Advantage”! Publish 1/25/06 Hotel Management Positions (Seasonal) The Oregon Caves Outfitters (OCO) is cur- rently seeking experienced, hands-on Manag- ers for employment this 2006 season at the historic Chateau at the Oregon Caves Na- tional Monument. The positions require team players with excellent communication, prob- lem-solving and team-building skills. Previous management or supervisory experi- ence in the hospitality industry preferred. Sal- ary is dependent on experience. The OCO is helping to build our community as a part of the non-profit Illinois Valley Community Devel- opment Organization (IVCDO). EOE. For more information go to http:// Send cover letter and resume, with salary requirements, to: P.O. Box 1824, Cave Junc- tion OR 97523 or email: CDO45 SUMMER CAMP DIRECTOR: Resident camp seeking director for six 1-week ses- sions in July & Au- gust. Must live at camp during train- ing & sessions. Includes program planning, hiring & training staff, evaluation, and all related aspects of camp operations. Applications ac- cepted through Jan. 31, 2006. For more information contact Candace Bartow, CEO Girl Scouts of Winema Council Inc., 2001 N. Keene Way Dr., Medford OR 97504 (EOE) GS44 & 45c SUBSTITUTE CAREGIVER. Must pass background check to work with elderly/disabled. Phone 592-3818 LB45-1P LOOKING FOR full - time or nearly full- time person for order fulfillment, customer service and light as- sembly. Computer skills and touch typ- ing a plus. Long-term and advancement potential. Pays $9 per hour during intro- ductory period, then $10 per hour. Call Traditional Tanners 592-3778 for infor- mation. E-mail re- s u m e t o, or send to 3303 Dick George Rd. Cave Jct, OR 97523, or fax to 592-3793. LM45-1P SHEET METAL If it’s SHEET METAL We’ll Make It! *Seamless Gutters *Duct Work & Fittings *Roof Flashing *Hard-to-Find Items *Fabrication *Installation DOWN & OUT SEAMLESS GUTTERS 592-3391 License #94699 D&O7-tfc 24-HOUR AC- CESS Safe, secure and convenient location Check out the classifieds and service directory, now on-line at www.illinois- Come see us today to place your ad. Per the Board’s decision, the following is be- ing offered for public bid: 1 Non-Operational 1968 GMC Water Tanker . Approximately 3,000 gallon tank. Engine bad, transmission and both differentials good, good pump and P.T.O. LEGAL NOTICE Illinois Valley Soil and Water Conserva- tion District will meet on Thursday, Janu- ary 26, 2006, at 7 p.m. in the County Building in Cave Junction. The agenda for the meet- ing will include but is not limited to the following: *Election of Officers *Approval of Minutes *Financial Report *Siskiyou Field Insti tute representative *Old Business *New Business If you need assis- tance or information, please contact the IVSWCD Office at 592-3731 during regular business hours. Publish 1/25/06 Illinois Valley Water- shed Council will meet on Thursday, January 26, 2006, at 8 p.m. in the County Building in Cave Junction. The agenda for the meet- ing will include but is not limited to the following: *Election of Officers *Approval of Minutes *Project Updates *Old Business *New Business If you need assis- tance or information, please contact the IVSWCD Office at 592-3731 during regular business hours. Publish 1/25/06 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPECIAL !! VALENTINE’S DAY WILL BE HERE SOON! Minimum bid: $750. All sealed bids will be received at the Admini- stration Office at 28195 Redwood Hwy., Cave Junction (541) 592-2225. During regular busi- ness hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Bids must be sealed and include your name, address, and daytime phone number. To ex- amine or review the equipment available for bid, please contact the Administration Office during business hours to set up an appoint- ment, Deadline for accepting bids will be February 15, 2006 at the close of business, 4 p.m. at the Administration office. Winning bid will be awarded at the regular Fire District Meeting on February 16, 2006 at 7 p.m. (location to be announced). Publish: 1/25/06, 2/1/06, 2/9/06 On Jan. 28, 1878, the first commercial telephone exchange opened in New Haven, Conn. ... Jan. 25, 1915, the first transconti- nental telephone call between New York City and San Francisco was completed by Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Wat- son ... Jan. 23, 1968, the USS “Pueblo” and her 83-man crew were seized in the Sea of Japan by North Korea ... Jan. 30, 1968, Com- munist troops launched the “Tet offensive,” attacking Saigon and 30 province capitals, which suffered heavy casualties ... Jan. 25, 1971, Charles Manson and three of his cult followers were found guilty of first-degree murder in the 1969 slaying of actress Sharon Tate and six others ... Jan. 27, 1973, four-party Vietnam peace pacts were signed in Paris, and the North Vietnamese released some 590 U.S. prisoners by April 1 ... Jan. 27, 1973, the end of the military draft was announced ... Jan. 28, 1986, 73 seconds after liftoff, the space shuttle “Challenger” exploded, killing six astro- nauts and Christa McAuliffe, a New Hampshire teacher, on board ... Jan. 26, 1996, responding to a subpoena, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton testified before a grand jury looking into the Whitewater scandal ... Jan. 26, 1996, the Senate approved, 87- 4, the Second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty ... Jan. 23, 1997, Madeleine Albright was sworn in as Secretary of State becoming the first woman to lead the State Dept. ... Jan. 29, 2001, receiving a warm welcome for his first State of the Union address, President Bush expressed that the U.S. “war against terror” was still only beginning, with tons of thousands of al-Qaeda-trained potential terrorists “spread throughout the world like ticking time bombs” ... Jan. 23, 2002, Ken Lay resigned as CEO of Enron ... Jan. 24, 2002, committees in Congress began public hearings into the Enron bankruptcy; Ken Lay and other top executives took the Fifth Amendment when testifying ... Jan. 29, 2002, in his first State of the Union Address, President Bush called Iran, Iraq, and North Korea part of the “axis of evil.” (c) 2006 DBR Media Inc . Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold. - Zelda Fitzgerald - YOUR AD WILL RECEIVE CLOSE TO 2,000,000 EXPOSURES FOR ONLY $250! Oregon Classified Advertising Network is a service of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association. Week of January 23, 2006 Illinois Valley News Place your newspaper contact info here. 321 S. Redwood Hwy., Cave Junction, OR. 97523 Check out OCANs online at! ALL SALES WILL BE FINAL 1. What did New York Met Kevin Elster take to bed with him on June 27, 1988? 2. In what southern state was Carl Lewis born? 3. What college football coach pro- phetically mused, “I don't know what I would do if I couldn’t coach. Probably croak?” 4. What two women were offered $25,000 apiece to be round card girls at the 1987 Michael Spinks-Gerry Cooney fight? 5. What team did the Chicago Bears defeat to win their first Super Bowl? 6. What was golfer Nick Faldo the first Englishman to win since Tony Jacklin in 1969? 7. How many players on an arena foot- ball squad are on the field at one time? 8. What 1988 bout pumped $100 mil- lion into Atlantic City’s economy? 9. What former Pittsburgh Pirates slug- ger was the only player inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1988? 10. What NBA basketball team’s pro- ductive offensive runs were dubbed “showtime?” Answers 1. His bat; 2. Alabama; 3. Bear Bryant; 4. Fawn Hall and Donna Rice; 5. The New England Patriots; 6. The British Open; 7. Eight; 8. Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks; 9. Willie Stargell; 10. The Los An- geles Lakers’ Cave Junction resident Sunny Sund- strom, a singer and songwriter, will present his final performance in Illinois Valley on Saturday, Jan. 28 at 6 p.m. at Taylor’s Country Store in Downtown CJ. Sundstrom has lived in Cave Junction for the past six years. He has played regu- larly in the Illinois Valley area as a soloist and with groups. Sundstrom will return to his home in Lane County, as he is completing the task of caring for his elderly parents. He said that he appreciates those who have sup- ported his music and performances. O regon C lassified A dvertising N etwork 2 Heads for 1996 through 1998 7.3 liter. Di- rect inject diesel, includes 8 injectors. A Look Back Performer Sundstrom says sayonara to I.V. Stop by the I.V. News Office at 321 So. Redwood Hwy BEFORE Thursday, Feb. 2 at 5:00 p.m. to place your Cupid Classified. Building Materials M&W BUILDING Supply Company. Custom pole buildings. Kits or built, engineering, financing available. Free brochure. Call today 1-800-547-1714. Quality and satis- faction guaranteed. OR #79450 / WA #MWBUSCO61K5. Check our website: Business Opportunities ALL CASH candy route. Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 30 machines and candy. All for $9,995. 1-888-776-3071. AMERICA’S HOTTEST opportunity- Own y o u r o w n . D o l l a r S t o r e s ( Discount Party Stores ( Teen Discount Zone ( Mailbox Stores ( From $45,900. 1-800-829-2915 or 1-800-518-3064. CARPET CLEANING business for sale. 1998 Chevy Van Hydromaster equipment. Large growth potential. Serious inquiries only. $85,000. Call Cliff at 541-347-3164. Bandon, Southern Oregon Coast. Employment CALIFORNIA BOUND! Now Hiring 18-24 sharp guys & girls free to travel U.S.A. Representing 150+ leading fashion, sports, music publications. Two weeks paid train- ing. Transportation and lodging furnished. Return trip guaranteed. Call Jim Five Star Sales (866) 924-3769. to snow on the valley floor, but only stuck in the higher, colder elevations. (Photo by Dale Sandberg) Sports Challenge (c) 2006 DBR Media Inc. Let I.V. News be your Cupid -- Sign up for our Sweetheart Special - 25 words in the Valentine’s Day Section on February 8th. We will publish your personal ad, with a brief description and your phone number and/or e-mail, for only $5.00. The rest is up to you! Minimum bid: $3,500. All equipment for bid is in an “As is sale”… there is no guarantee or warranty implied or otherwise suggested. SNOW-COVERED MOUNTAINS were visible during a break in the rain on Thursday, Jan, 19. It tried briefly DRIVER- CDL training! We offer 0% financing with no credit check and minimal seating fee. Swift Transportation Driving School in Portland. Call Glenn Coker at 8 8 8 - 7 4 7 - 3 9 5 3 . R e f # 1 8 6 . EOE. DRIVER- SWIFT transportation. OTR, regional and dedicated runs. More home time, more money and great benefits. Call Glenn Coker at 888-747-3953 in Troutdale, OR. Ref#186. EOE. DRIVERS: ARE you looking for a dedicated job to get you home more? We list job open- ings in your area! Positions generally offer: Weekly home-time; local runs get you home daily. Avg $800 to $1000 per wk; cpm earn- ings vary by position. Steady weekly pay with fewer ups & downs than OTR driving. Dedicated listings include owner-ops, teams, flatbed, part-time and more. Check openings at and enter our sweep- stakes. One lucky class A driver will win a new Polaris ATV in March! Or register by phone and learn more about jobs by calling: 1-888-423-8446. CDl exp. required. For Sale H O M E / FA R M w i n d t u r b i n e p o w e r ! Manufactures clearout: Save 50%. Cancelled orders, overstock. Limited sizes, quantities. 2-20 kilowatt from $5875.00. Government p r o g r a m s . w w w. e m a r k e l e c t r i c . c o m . 1-800-973-WATT. Sacrifice! Personals ADOPTION: DEVOTED dad & loving mom seek to adopt child. Financially secure with plenty of love to offer. Expenses paid. Laura & Anthony, toll free 1-866-202-4737. pin#3880. JESUS IS coming soon. Would you like to talk about it? Willard, 541-846-1172. Real Estate BIG TOM buys homes fast. Close when you want. Any condition. No equity, no problem. Also farm/ ranch, commercial. Call 24 hours. 1-800-765-3343 or US TRUCK Driving School. Offering a free, no obligation, CDL Permit Prep class every week. 1st year earnings of $36,000! Three week course, M-F. Pre-hire before training starts! 800-784-3405, FOR SALE- Realtors, are you looking for a way to advertise statewide, or perhaps regionally for an affordable price? Contact this paper and ask about OCAN statewide & regional classifieds, or visit and click on OCAN. Events NEW HOMES, acreage, lots, gated comminities, ocean views, condos and more. 541-469-9210. SALEM RV sale. Jan. 26, 27, 28, 29. Salem F a i r g r o u n d s . O r e g o n l a r g e s t RV marketplace. Three buildings and five acres of tremendous RV sales. 300 national brands. 500 RV’s new and used. 21 regional dealers. Big selection. Bigger savings. Open 10am- 7pm. Sunday 10am - 5pm. Warm and inside. $6 adults. $1 off with this ad. All four days. For 28 years. (206) 783-5957. You Don't Say An Australian frog hatches its offspring in its stomach, then spits out fully developed frogs - sometimes, more than 20 at once. * * * There are around 2,600 different species of frogs. They live in every continent except Antarctica. * * * Cresomaniac: Someone suffering from delusions of wealth. * * * Cynomaniac: Someone obsessed with dogs. * * * Phagomaniac: Someone who constantly craves food. * * * Before she became an actress, Margaret Hamilton, who scared mil- lions of children as the Wicked Witch of the West in the movie, “The Wizard of Oz,” taught nursery school and kindergarten. * * * Once, while visiting Monte Carlo, Charlie Chaplin entered a “Charlie Chaplin look-a-like contest.” He not only didn’t win, but he came in third. * * * Gary Cooper’s real name was Frank. His agent renamed him “Gary” because his hometown was Gary, Ind. * * * The Orioles were named for the Maryland state bird in the early 1900s. * * * Barbie is a college graduate. She attended a generic educational insti- tution called State College. * * * The first toilet in the White House was installed in 1825 for John Quincy Adams. * * * Arnold Reuben was a New York deli owner in the 1940s and ‘50s. He put corned beef, sauerkraut and Russian dressing on a piece of rye bread and named the whole thing after himself. * * * Richard James, a marine engineer, was trying to invent a spring that could be used to offset the effects of a boat’s movement on sensitive navi- gational instruments. One day, he knocked a sample spring off a high shelf. It uncoiled like a snake and “crawled” down to the floor. Thus, the Slinky was born. Lovejoy offers ‘Heart Wills’ Jan. 31 “Wills From Your Heart,” a free workshop will be presented Tuesday, Jan. 31 at Lovejoy Hospice in Grants Pass. The workshop, open to anyone, will be held at Lovejoy’s site at 939 S.E. Eighth St. from noon until 2 p.m. Program facili- tators will be John Davis, a Grants Pass attorney; Jackie Walden, an anthro- pologist; and Pam Allister, Lovejoy Hospice develop- ment coordinator. Phone 474- 1193 for further information and registration.