Page 9 Illinois Valley News, Cave Junction, OR Wednesday, January 18, 2006 (Editor’s Note: Factual information for ‘Blotter’ is provided by official law en- forcement agencies. All per- sons listed are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Charges can be amended or dismissed.) * * * Tuesday, Jan. 3 *After he was released from a traffic stop on Hay’s Hill at 1 a.m., Edwin Obed Scott, 39, was recontacted and cited on warrants charging failure to appear (FTA) on charges of contempt of court, and failure to report to a sanc- tion program. *Three times today a man with a reported history of drug use phoned a Selma woman to inform her that he was on his way over with a gun. She was told to phone 911 if he showed up. A deputy left a message to warn the gun-toting caller about phoning the woman. *A Cave Junction woman wanted the people who threat- ened to “kill her son and break every bone in [her] body” warned about their behavior. *A warrant charging Mi- chael Adam Massey, 25, with FTA on an original charge of providing false information to police, was served at the Illi- nois Valley Substation at 11 a.m. *On a parking lot on W. Palmer Street, an unwelcome man was threatening people and telling them that he “owned the place and they needed to leave.” *At a Cave Junction finan- cial firm, a man reported that his estranged wife had fraudulently removed funds from his account. *On S. Old Stage Road a woman said that someone had entered her house, leaving a window and backdoor open, but that nothing was taken or damaged. *On Reeves Creek Road a gate valued at $150 was report- edly ripped from its hinges. *Due to the presence of a woman who was cussing and disorderly, a school bus driver avoided leaving children at their stop on Redwood Hwy. at Kerby Mainline Road, a caller reported. The woman eventu- ally left on foot toward Sauer’s Flat. *Information about a pos- sibly malnourished horse on Lakeshore Drive was for- warded to Josephine County Animal Control. *Employee error was re- sponsible for motion alarms at Napa Auto Parts on Caves Hwy. Wednesday, Jan. 4 *A woman phoned at 5 p.m. to advise that “her grand- mother was freaking out, but no assistance was necessary.” She was to phone again if the situation changed. *A rural Cave Junction man said that a person against whom he had committed a crime had phoned to harass him several times that morning. *On White Oak Drive a man said that someone cut the lock on the main breaker box to his residence, and also dam- aged the screen on the laundry room window. *The city of Cave Junc- tion was advised of a “Stop” sign down on Schumacher Street at Sawyer Avenue. *Three firearms with a Ask the Acupuncturist: Do you treat gastric or esophageal reflux? Yes. Reflux diseases are considered a serious warning in Chinese medicine. They are associated with more serious circulatory and digestive diseases, which are at the root. Herbs, acupuncture, dietary and lifestyle changes can correct the problem. Illinois River Acupuncture 592-5041 Mon., Wed., Fri. Jo Anne Stone, M.S., L.Ac. combined value of $1,200 were reported taken from the closet of a resident in the 8000 block of Takilma Road, allegedly by another resident. *A woman in her 40s was said to be driving around CJ, Kerby and O’Brien in a gray sedan with a trunk-load of sto- len guns, which she was trying to sell. The information was logged for patrol deputies. Thursday, Jan. 5 *Following a report of a suspicious vehicle in front of a Kerby Avenue residence, a deputy contacted the driver, who was evasive as to what she was doing in the area. She was cited on a charge of driving while suspended (DWS) and her vehicle impounded. *At 10 a.m. a N. Redwood Hwy. business owner noted that a hole had been shot through a front window. *A deputy responded to a verbal altercation on Taurus Lane around noon. *County public works was advised of a “Stop” sign down on Westside Road at Prottsman Way. *Offensive littering was reported on Ollis Road. *Following a motor vehi- cle accident on private property near River Valley Restaurant, a warrant was served to James Anthony Princhetta, 25, on a charge of FTA on a charge of driving under the influence of an intoxicant (DUII). He also was cited for DWS and failure to carry proof of insurance and his vehicle impounded. The other driver, Allen Aslan Hart, 64, was cited on a charge of failure to yield the right-of- way. *Some lousy cretin stole a front porch light and two plant- ers with roses from her mother’s residence on Hussey Avenue, a woman said at 4:25 p.m. *Sometime in the past two weeks someone entered a resi- dence on Laurel Road and took jewelry boxes. *On Draper Valley Road it was reported that the locked door of a storage shed was pried open, the inside ran- sacked and a chainsaw and screwdriver set taken. *An employee at Cave Junction Goodwill reported apparent mistreatment of two disabled men by their care- givers. *Angry, intoxicated, and possibly also on drugs, the driver of a dark-colored Chevy pickup truck was headed to town from a residence on Westside Road, a caller said. *A suspected shoplifter was said to have caused injury to an employee at Shop Smart Food Warehouse while fleeing with a bag of dog food. The employee sought treatment for an injured shoulder at Three Rivers Community Hospital. Friday, Jan. 6 *In the 3000 block of Caves Hwy. a woman said that her estranged, angry and possi- bly intoxicated husband was en route to take the keys to a vehi- cle. She as advised to phone if he arrived. *Following a verbal dis- turbance in front of Evergreen Federal Bank which seemed likely to turn physical, both parties were warned of their conduct. *Four horses were said to be wandering loose on Warren Road at 11:22 a.m., but a dep- uty could not locate them. *Robert James Myers, 35, was arrested on a charge of violating a restraining order and lodged in Josephine County Jail. *No reason could be found for an alarm at a resi- dence in the 5000 block of Takilma Road. *On S. Redwood Hwy. at E. Watkins Street, a man was walking into traffic, causing cars to stop. This incident was reported to the man’s parole officer. Saturday, Jan. 7 *An anonymous com- plainant said that a 14-year-old girl was taken from a residence on June Drive by a red-haired man wearing a baseball cap. *Paul Daniel Pittman Jr., 38, was arrested on a charge of violating a restraining order after he showed up at his es- tranged wife’s home to take a pickup truck. *At 9 a.m. a man noted that his vehicle, which had been parked overnight in the 27000 block of Redwood Hwy., had three smashed win- dows. *Somebody siphoned fuel from a U-Haul truck at Rob- bie’s Auto Care. *Phoning from Oakland, Calif., a woman said that her car, which had been left where it had broken down near Caves Christian Fellowship in Kerby, was gone when her brother returned to retrieve it. Sunday, Jan. 8 *At 2:23 a.m. an intoxi- cated man phoned from Down- town CJ requesting help secur- ing lodging for the night. *A man with whom she has frequent difficulty with was across the road verbally harassing her, a woman in Downtown CJ said at 8:52 a.m. *With a reported blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.18, Melissa Ann Marsh, 27, was cited on a charge of DUII and her vehicle towed from the 8000 block of Takilma Road. Her passenger, Katherine M. Bockstiegel, 29, was cited on a charge of violation of open container law and warned for interfering with a police offi- cer. - - - - - - - *Skylar Thomas Melton, 21, was cited on a charge of DUII with a BAC of 0.15, warned for an obscured license plate and failure to maintain a lane. His vehicle was im- pounded. *Some 20 gunshots were heard in the vicinity of W. River Street at 1 p.m. *In the 800 block of Caves Hwy. two gunshots were heard at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 9 *Jesse Thomas Hopwood- Camp, 22, was arrested on warrants charging FTA on original charges of possession of a controlled substance (PCS), and failure to perform the duties of a driver. He also was charged with PCS (methamphetamine) and lodged in county jail. *Jeremy Daniel Newsome, 29, was cited on charges of DUII, failure to leave name at the scene of an accident, reckless driving and DWS after reportedly ramming his car into Art’s Red Garter Saloon & Steakhouse at 2:17 a.m. *Attempted theft from storage sheds was reported at Illinois Valley Laurel Pines Golf Course. *Several times in recent months, a woman on S. Old Stage Road has caught a male subject peering into the win- dows of their residence and video-taping the house. The complainants were advised of their options. *Two boys were said to have poured gasoline down the middle of McMullen Creek Road at 12:30 p.m., but there was said to be no fire at the time of the report. *Jacob Wood, 17, was cited on a charge of third- degree theft after a shoplifting incident at Shop Smart Food Warehouse. *A man was said to be lying in the fetal position near the bridge construction on Red- wood Hwy. just south of Cave Junction. Later he was said to b e s ta g g e r i n g a r o u n d “intoxicatedly” on Rockydale Road, but could not be located by emergency personnel. *A customer at CJ 76 gas station gave the attendant $20, received $20 worth of fuel, but insisted he only wanted $5 worth and wanted his change. All parties were contacted and advised it was a civil matter. Tuesday, Jan. 10 *Just after 5 a.m. a downed tree on Lakeshore Drive was creating a traffic hazard. *Two transient men were said to be refusing to leave CJ Select Market at 3:34 p.m. *On White Oak Drive, a man said that someone poured oil all over the front porch and rear deck, and also carved pro- fanities into the wooden deck. *Apryl Heatherstream Slater, 29, was cited on charges of failure to obey a traffic con- trol device and failure to use a turn signal on S. Redwood Hwy. at Watkins Street at 5 p.m. *Chaz Albert Lindsey, 21, was cited on a charge of sec- ond-degree trespassing after employees asked him to leave Stevereno’s Family Restaurant at 4:30 p.m. *Surveillance video was available in the gasoline theft from a vehicle parked at Sel- mac Auto Service, the owner reported. Wednesday, Jan. 11 *A mother on Pinewood Way said that a man with facial hair has twice approached her daughter at the school bus stop, but the bus comes before he gets too near, so she can’t get a better description of him. *In the 28000 block of Redwood Hwy. at 10:35 a.m., Jefferey A. Gardenhire, 26, was cited on a charge of DWS and warned for failure to safely restrain a child. *Three people contacted at a transient camp on BLM prop- erty on Kerby Mainline Road were informed that they had to leave. *Timothy Roy Wilcox, 27, was arrested on a warrant charging failure to comply (FTC) with the terms of proba- tion, fourth-degree assault and strangulation. He also was charged with PCS (meth), and lodged in county jail. *At the Cave Junction Post Office, a woman said that her purse containing cash, a medical card, an Oregon ID card and some prescription medication was stolen from an unlocked vehicle. *Six cartons of cigarettes for which she’d already paid had not yet arrived from a smoke shop in New York, said a woman on Rockydale Road, and she wanted to be reim- bursed. *On E. River Street, a woman said that her grand- son’s girlfriend somehow got hold of the car she’d loaned him, and refuses to return it. *At Rough & Ready Lumber Co. a security guard said an employee had yelled at him and used obscenities. Thursday, Jan. 12 *In the 1000 block of Deer Creek Road a contractor reported damage to some building materials, stolen tools and stolen building permit. *Chaz Albert Lindsey, 21, was lodged in county jail, charged with violation of pa- role. He was also cited on charges of FTA on original charges of first- and second- degree criminal trespassing. *Some 12 feet of wooden fence bordering a property on Lakeshore Drive was damaged when a vehicle skidded into it, a woman reported for insur- ance purposes. *Traveling 5 mph in a 55 mph zone, a driver on Red- wood Hwy. in Selma with sev- eral vehicles backed up behind her was warned for impeding traffic. *A woman on Caves Ave- nue reported being threatened by a neighbor, who told her he could “end it all tonight.” *Brad Bell Blachly, 24, was cited on a charge of no valid operator’s permit on Rockydale at Waldo Road at 8:30 p.m. *A man on Caves Avenue was contacted and told to stay home for the evening. MANSFIELD R. CLEARY Attorney at Law General Practice in Illinois Valley since 1980 Practice includes but not limited to: Bankruptcy - Eliminate financial problems Living trusts - Avoid probate Estate planning - Wills, power of attorney Domestic relations Auto accident - Personal Injury Criminal - DUII Real Estate contracts - Foreclosure General Contractor CCB #158849 Inside or Outside Repairs & Improvements Phone Calls Returned Save Money with Expert Consultations After-hours & Weekends Available 592-2195 200 W. Lister 659-5494 <SUNDAY<MORNING/AFTERNOON>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>JANUARY"22,"2006< 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 ‘‘Crazy/Beautiful’’ (2001) A hardworking Movie: ‘‘I Love Trouble’’ (1994) Rival reporters Movie: TTTZ ‘‘Fried Green Tomatoes’’ (1991, Comedy-Drama) Kathy Movie: TTZ ‘‘The Bodyguard’’ (1992) Kevin Costner. A Movie: TTZ ‘‘Something to Talk About’’ ‘‘Pretty F [WTBS] Movie: student falls hard for a wayward classmate. ^ team up on a dangerous investigative piece. ^ Bates. Fannie Flagg’s tale of friendship between Alabama women. ^ bodyguard falls for the singer-actress he must protect. ^ (1995, Comedy-Drama) Julia Roberts. ^ Woman’’ Paid Amazing Digimon- X-Men ^ Spider- Dragon Get Ed ^ Kong- Power Super Spider- W.I.T.C.H. Movie: TT ‘‘Summer Catch’’ (2001) A baseball Movie: T ‘‘A Guy Thing’’ (2003) A groom-to-be Movie: TT ‘‘View From the Top’’ (2003) A G [FOXFAM] Program Facts Digital Man Booster ^ Series Rangers Robot Man ^ ^ player falls for a woman who’s out of his league. wakes up next to his fiancee’s cute cousin. ^ small-town gal becomes a flight attendant. ^ Fox News Sunday Paid Paid Paid Paid Raceline Steel Kojak ‘‘Case Without a Quincy, M.E. ‘‘For Paid Paid Movie: TT ‘‘Mimic’’ (1997, Horror) A deadly new Fox NFL NFL Football: NFC Championship -- Teams TBA. (In Stereo H [FOX] With Chris Wallace ^ Program Program Program Program Dreams File’’ Love of Joshua’’ Program Program breed of insect wreaks havoc on New York. Sunday ^ Live) ^ Haw- Today (In Stereo) ^ Meet the Press ^ Tutenstein Time International Auto Show Detroit. (N) (In Stereo) Snowboarding: USSA Sarah Hughes & Friends From Uniondale, N.Y. Haw- Mercury Da Vinci’s Inquest Chris NBC News I [KOBI] Mercury thorne ^ Warp Trio ^ Grand Prix. ^ (N) (In Stereo) ^ thorne ‘‘Final Chapter’’ ^ Matthews Sports- Outside Sports Sports- Sunday NFL Countdown (Live) ^ PBA Bowling: Phoenix Classic. Billiards: Women’s Billiards: Women’s Billiards: Women’s Figure Skating: U.S. Figure Skating: State Farm U.S. J [ESPN] Center ^ the Lines Reporters Center ^ Phoenix. ^ Tourn. Tourn. Tourn. Championships -- Short Programs Championships. St. Louis. Angelina Jakers!- George Thomas & Mustard Dragon- Love and Logic Paul Anka Rock Swings: Live in Fred Rogers: America’s Favorite Oregon McLaugh- Religion- BBC European Boomers!- Real Oregon Field K [KSYS] Ballerina Winks Shrinks ^ Friends ^ Pancakes flyTV ^ Montreal (In Stereo) ^ Neighbor Biography. (In Stereo) ^ Art Beat lin Group Ethics World Journal ^ Life Simple ^ Art Beat Guide Jentezen Dr. David Kenneth Pastor Ed The Coral Ridge Hour Love Worth Finding ^ Bishop It Is Bayless Paula The King Bishop P. Cornerstone ^ Rod Gregory Bishop Joyce Michael Jack Joel Taking L [TBN] Franklin Jeremiah Hagin Jr. Young Sr. ^ Evans Written ^ Conley White ^ Is Coming Parsley ^ Dickow T.D. Jakes Meyer Youssef Hayford ^ Osteen ^ Authority Thinner Paid Paid Paid Robert Schuller: Hour Paid Paid Will & Will & Movie: ‘‘Her Deadly Rival’’ (1995) A relentless Movie: TTT ‘‘Small Sacrifices’’ (1989, Drama) Farrah Fawcett, John Shea, Ryan O’Neal. A Movie: ‘‘Our Mother’s M [LIFE] Thighs Program Program Program of Power Program Program Grace ^ Grace ^ secret admirer destroys a married man’s life. ^ mother stands trial for shooting her three children. ^ Murder’’ (1997, Drama) Carleton American CBS News Sunday Morning (In Face the Pride, Passion and Motorcycle Racing: NFL Today Time NFL Football: AFC Championship -- Teams TBA. (Live) ^ Paid Happy Paid CSI: Crime Scene 1: [KTVL] Sheets Latino TV Stereo) ^ Nation ^ Power (N) ^ Supercross tentative. (Live) ^ Program Days Program Investigation ^ Chalk- Teenage Rugrats ^ Oddpar- Jimmy Cats- Sponge- The X’s ^ Oddpar- Cats- Danny Avatar- Teenage Chalk- Dad-Rock Cats- Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons Avatar: The Last Nicktoons Nicktoons 1; [NICK] Zone ^ Robot ents Neutron cratch Bob ents cratch Phantom Last Air Robot Zone ^ Star cratch TV TV TV TV Airbender ^ TV TV Rebecca’s Paid Coral Ridge Hour Believer’s Van Impe Good Morning NBA Basketball: Regional Coverage -- Nuggets at Spurs or Paid Jamaican Celebrity Animal Awesome NBA Hispanics Maximum Exposure Ernie Kent Oregon 1= [KDRV] Garden ^ Program ‘‘Lies and More Lies’’ ^ Voice Pres America ^ 76ers at Timberwolves Program Players Advent. Adv. Nation ^ Today ^ Basket Paid Paid Paid Paid PGA Tour Sunday ^ Movie: TTZ ‘‘Hard Target’’ (1993) A merchant Monk ‘‘Mr. Monk Movie: TT ‘‘Major Payne’’ (1995, Comedy) A Movie: TZ ‘‘Black Sheep’’ (1996) A lovable lout Movie: TTZ ‘‘Life’’ 1? [USA] Coach ^ Coach ^ Program Program Program Program sailor battles a vicious group of man-hunters. ^ Bumps His Head’’ ^ gung-ho Marine commands young recruits. ^ threatens his brother’s political ambitions. ^ (1999) Eddie Murphy. Paid Paid Murder, She Wrote ^ Breakfast With the Arts Kevin Bacon; Lauren 24 ‘‘11:00AM - 12:00 24 ‘‘Day 2: 12:00 - Movie: TTTZ ‘‘The Shining’’ (1980, Horror) Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Scatman Sell This Country Living (N) ^ Sell This Sell This 1A [A&E] Program Program Bacall. ^ Noon’’ (In Stereo) ^ 1:00PM’’ (In Stereo) ^ Crothers. A haunted hotel menaces a couple and their psychic son. ^ House! ^ House! ^ House! ^ (4:30) Movie: TZ ‘‘SuperBabies: Baby Inside the NFL (In The Wild Ride to Movie: ‘‘Spider-Man 2’’ (2004) Peter Parker Spider- Movie: TZ ‘‘Batman & Robin’’ (1997) The Movie: TTT ‘‘Ocean’s Twelve’’ (2004) George Clooney. Movie: TTZ ‘‘Days of 1B [HBO] Movie: Geniuses 2’’ (2004) Jon Voight. ^ Stereo) ^ Super Bowl I ^ fights a man who has mechanical tentacles. ^ Man 2 dynamic duo returns to take on an icy villain. ^ Indebted criminals plan an elaborate heist in Europe. ‘PG-13’ Thunder’’ (1990) ^ (5:50) Movie: Movie: TTZ ‘‘Staying Together’’ (1989, Drama) Movie: TTT ‘‘Bandwagon’’ (1996, Movie: TTZ ‘‘Life With Mikey’’ Movie: TZ ‘‘D2: The Mighty Ducks’’ (1994, Movie: TT ‘‘Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination Movie: TTT ‘‘The Yes Movie: TZ 1C [SHOW2] ‘‘Battleground’’ Southern brothers resent father’s sale of eatery. Comedy) Kevin Corrigan. ^ (1993, Comedy) Michael J. Fox. ^ Comedy) Emilio Estevez, Kathryn Erbe. London’’ (2004, Adventure) Frankie Muniz. ^ Men’’ (2003) ^ ‘‘Triggermen’’ (2002) Movie: ‘‘Who’s Movie: ‘‘August’’ (1996) A man falls Movie: TT ‘‘Uptown Girls’’ (2003, Movie: ‘‘Battleground: 21 Days on Movie: TZ ‘‘Teaching Mrs. Tingle’’ Movie: TT ‘‘Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius’’ SHO Me Movie: TTZ ‘‘The Curve’’ (1998, Movie: TT ‘‘Uptown 2; [SHOW] (5:30) Harry Crumb?’’ (1989) in love with his brother-in-law’s wife. Comedy) Brittany Murphy. ^ the Empire’s Edge’’ (2004) ^ (1999, Suspense) Helen Mirren. ^ (2004, Biography) Jim Caviezel. ^ 1st Comedy-Drama) Matthew Lillard. ^ Girls’’ (2003, Comedy) Movie: TTZ ‘‘Soapdish’’ (1991, Movie: TTZ ‘‘All Over the Guy’’ (2001, Movie: TTT ‘‘Dodgeball: A True Movie: ‘‘Blue Collar’’ (1978) Three frustrated Movie: TT ‘‘Hearts in Atlantis’’ Movie: TTT ‘‘Outland’’ (1981) A space marshal Movie: TT ‘‘You Got 2< [MAX] (4:20) Movie: Comedy) Sally Field. ‘PG-13’ ^ Comedy) Dan Bucatinsky. (In Stereo) ‘R’ ^ Underdog Story’’ (2004) ‘NR’ ^ autoworkers plot to rob a corrupt union. ‘R’ ^ (2001) Anthony Hopkins. ‘PG-13’ ^ tries to keep the peace on a jovian moon. ‘R’ ^ Served’’ (2004) ‘PG-13’ (5:00) Ringside Ringside Movie: TTT ‘‘North 2C [ESPCL] Dallas Forty’’ (1979) Great Passport Home Vacation Destination: New Flight Attendant Flight Flight Luxurious Log Homes Grand Canyon: Strand- Strand- Stick Fights and Lip The Marrying Tribe of The Honeymen Tribe Tribal Odyssey ‘‘The 3: [TRAV] Hotels ^ to Europe Search Home England ^ School Attend. Attend. ^ Nature’s Great Escape Peters Peters Plates ^ the Amazon ^ ^ Himba’’ ^ (5:45) Movie: TTTT ‘‘The French Connection’’ Movie: TTT ‘‘The Color of Money’’ (1986) Paul Newman. Movies Sun. Movies Movie: TTZ ‘‘The Goonies’’ (1985, Adventure) Sean Astin. Movie: TTT ‘‘Diamonds Are Forever’’ (1971) Sean Movie: TTT ‘‘Colors’’ 3> [AMC] (1971, Crime Drama) Gene Hackman. ‘R’ ^ Martin Scorsese’s Oscar-winning sequel to ‘‘The Hustler.’’ ‘R’ 101 ^ Shootout Shook Young misfits find a 17th-century pirate’s treasure map. ‘PG’ Connery. James Bond battles a space-crazy villain. ‘PG’ ^ (1988) Sean Penn. ‘R’ Movie: T ‘‘Wild Wild West’’ (1999) Two 19th- Movie: ‘‘Major League II’’ (1994) The Cleveland Movie: TTZ ‘‘The Replacements’’ (2000) Keanu Reeves. Movie: TTT ‘‘Remember the Titans’’ (2000, Drama) White Movie: TTT ‘‘The Negotiator’’ (1998, Action) Samuel L. Jackson, Kevin 3? [TNT] century secret agents battle a criminal genius. ^ Indians return for another pennant race. ^ Misfit substitutes take the field during a football strike. ^ and black football players overcome their prejudice. ^ Spacey. A top police negotiator is accused of committing murder. ^ The Bear in The Koala Higgly- Little JoJo’s Doodle- Charlie & The Lilo & Lilo & Mr. American The Buzz Movie: TTZ ‘‘Gotta Kick It Up’’ (2002) Susan Zack & That’s So Lizzie Even Phil of the That’s So 3B [DISN] Wiggles House Brothers town Einsteins Circus ^ bops ^ Lola Wiggles Stitch ^ Stitch ^ Whiskers Drgn on Maggie Egan. A teacher motivates a Latina dance team. Cody Raven ^ McGuire Stevens Future ^ Raven ^ Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Ripley- Ripley’s Believe It or Movie: ‘‘Crimson Force’’ (2005) Astronauts on Movie: TZ ‘‘Red Planet’’ (2000, Science Fiction) Val Kilmer. Movie: TTT ‘‘Star Trek: First Contact’’ (1996) Patrick Movie: 3C [SCIFI] Program Program Program Program Program Program Believe Not! (In Stereo) ^ Mars witness an extraterrestrial war. ^ Marooned astronauts struggle to survive on Mars. ^ Stewart. Half-robot Borg tries to sabotage a rocket flight. ^ ‘‘Stargate’’ Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid A Wild Dog’s Story Living With Wolves Two people live with wolves Living With Tigers MythBusters MythBusters ‘‘Paper Superships The FBI Files ‘‘Deadly The FBI Files ‘‘Stolen 4? [DISC] Program Program Program Program Program Program Wild dogs in Africa. ^ in Idaho. Zoo-born tiger cubs. ^ ‘‘Shredded Plane’’ ^ Crossbow’’ ^ Payout’’ ^ Identity’’ ^ The Really Breed All K-9 to 5 ^ Backyard The Planet’s Funniest Amazing Animal The Jeff Corwin Walking With The Future Is Wild Scientists envision a future Dog Show: ‘‘AKC/Eukanuba National Championship: Live 2006’’ From T-Rex Tyrannosaurus 4@ [ANPL] Wild Show About It ^ Habitat ^ Animals ^ Videos ^ Experience ^ Dinosaurs world in which humans are extinct. ^ Tampa, Fla. rex. (N) Paid Paid Primetime Primetime Primetime Primetime Mad TV Jerry Springer. Mad TV (In Movie: T ‘‘Double Take’’ (2001) A fugitive Movie: ‘‘Bubble Boy’’ (2001) A plastic-encased Movie: ‘‘Saving Silverman’’ (2001) Two buddies Movie: T ‘‘Double Take’’ (2001, 4A [COM] Program Program Glick ^ Glick ^ Glick ^ Glick ^ (In Stereo) ^ Stereo) ^ banker swaps identities with a street hustler. ^ guy goes cross-country to stop a wedding. ^ conspire to prevent another friend’s marriage. ^ Comedy) Eddie Griffin. ^ Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid NYPD Blue ‘‘On the NYPD Blue ^ Movie: TT ‘‘Naked City: Justice With a Bullet’’ Movie: ‘‘Murder by Night’’ (1989) An amnesiac 4B [CRT] Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Fence’’ (In Stereo) ^ (1998, Crime Drama) Scott Glenn. murder witness fears that he may be the killer.