Page 11 Illinois Valley News, Cave Junction, OR Wednesday, January 11, 2006 MADD efforts focus on eliminating drunken driving Siskiyou Project A Hope Mountain tour to show the Bureau of Land Management East Fork Illi- nois logging project will be led by Takilma resident Kerry Whitehead on Sun- day, Jan. 15. The tour will go up Hope Mountain Road to the Queen of Bronze Mine area through forests. Participants should meet at the lower parking lot for the hike, which will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Forestry Action Committee “All the rain we have been experiencing lately has caused a great deal of flood- ing and bank erosion through much of Illinois Valley,” said Suzanne Vau- tier, FAC Tree Planting co- ordinator. “Looking at the rivers and creeks at this time is a reminder of the importance of vegetation in riparian areas to help hold the banks and decrease the runoff which can be caused by heavy rains. “Speaking of riparian vegetation, the IBIG For- estry Action Committee Planting Program is gearing up for its second land owner distribution event of this season. We need volunteers to help pack trees Wednes- day, Jan. 18. “Come join the camara- derie and community spirit. Help your neighbors and the Illinois Valley watershed.” Phone 592-4098 for more information, or meet at 9:30 a.m. at the lower com- pound of the forest service By GLYNN BURCH MADD National President In history books, 2005 will go down as the year MADD celebrated 25 years and the more than 300,000 lives it has helped save. But it will not go down as the year MADD consid- ered its job done. Far from it. As we head into the next quarter-century, MADD is set to continue making significant strides in saving lives. In fact, the or- ganization’s goal is a nation without drunken driving. A lofty goal indeed, but one we believe is attainable. And we are not stop- ping there. MADD also will con- tinue to work toward fulfill- ing the other two prongs of its mission: to support vic- tims of drunken driving and prevent underage drinking. So how will we do it? One step at a time. MADD is starting with a realistic, but ambitious, three-year strategic plan, with the aim to accomplish it by the end of 2008. One key goal is to re- duce fatalities resulting from drunken driving by at least 25 percent. To help accom- plish this objective, MADD has developed strategies that include forming strong alli- ances with every level of law enforcement including prosecutors. MADD aims to achieve maximum seat-belt use; in Cave Junction on Wednesday, Jan. 18. American Legion Auxiliary, Glenn Morrison Unit #70 The auxiliary will host the District #4 meeting Saturday, Jan. 28 with lunch starting at noon and the meeting starting at 1. Our goal for member- ship was reached by De- cember deadline. The next auxiliary meeting will be Wednes- day, Feb. 1 at 7 p.m. A potluck will start at 6 p.m., both at the American Le- gion Post #70 on Caves Hwy. Illinois River Valley Arts Council The Arts Council is alive and well with more than 60 members, and pa- perwork is complete for nonprofit status. December included brining to a close a very successful 2005 Art Walk season for the year. Learning Through Art programs are growing; bringing wonderful hands- on art-and-cultural activi- ties to more and more young people in the valley. The annual Winter Wooly Gala will be held Sunday, Feb. 12. Marine Corps League, Rogue Valley Detachment The meeting Friday, Jan. 13 will include elec- tions, followed by installa- tion of officers. Social hour will begin at 5 p.m., with dinner at 6, in the VFW Hall in Rogue River, 410 E. Main St. support the development of technology to prevent drunken driving; improve the performance and ac- countability of the DUI criminal justice system; and promote alternative trans- portation strategies. Until MADD eradicates drunken driving, there will continue to be countless victims who suffer the dev- astating physical, emotional and financial consequences of a crash. MADD’s goal in helping those tragically touched by an impaired driving crash is to serve at least 20 percent more vic- tims each year during the next three years. To do that, MADD’s strategic objectives include increasing awareness of its free services; recruiting and training more victim advo- cates; and working with key community partners that often have first contact with drunken driving victims. To address the No. 1 youth drug problem -- un- derage drinking -- MADD’s three-year goal is to reduce by 5 percent the proportion of 16- to 20-year-olds who drink alcohol or engage in high-risk drinking. To achieve this objec- tive, MADD’s strategies include forming strong alli- ances with law enforcement, including prosecutors, on the national, state and local levels; reducing youth alco- hol access; and decreasing the acceptance and support of underage drinking. MADD knows it will take the work of passionate volunteers, generous donors, inspiring victims, tireless law enforcement and com- mitted legislators to make these goals a reality. A nation without drunken driving is an ambi- tious objective, but it’s a journey that starts with stra- tegic and courageous steps, just as it did in 1980 when MADD was founded. And as it has in its first 25 years, MADD will continue to stand strong, remain fo- cused, effect change and, most important, save lives. Concealed-Carry Handgun Classes being held right here in Cave Junction! Phone for details! Women only classes also available! Seating is limited, classes are filling fast! Phone Now! NRA instructor: Steven Mohr (Reliance Concepts) Home: 592-6692 Cell: 660-9824 Even if you are on the right track you will still get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers - <>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6:00 Advertise regularly in the ‘Noose.’ You’ll be glad you did. Additional Listings Besides the program listings provided, the following also are among those available from Charter Communications. 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