Page 16 Illinois Valley News, Cave Junction, OR Wednesday, January 4, 2006 DEQ penalties reaching high figures Twenty-one penalties totaling $739,733 during November -- the largest monthly total recorded this year -- were assessed by the Oregon Department of En- vironmental Quality (DEQ). Through November, DEQ issued 163 penalties totaling nearly $2.3 million, already surpassing total pen- alties levied during 2004. In Grants Pass, DEQ issued a $70,611 penalty to the operators of Pine Villa Mobile Home Park, 3381 Rogue River Hwy. DEQ issued the penalty for “illegally discharging untreated or partially treated sewage onto the ground sur- face of the property during the past four years, threaten- ing public health and the environment.” Park operators Richard Henry Hyde and his two daughters, Mary M. Hyde and Martha Marie Hyde, all of Grants Pass, are responsi- ble for maintaining, repair- ing and replacing the faulty onsite septic system for 26 dwelling units. During August 2001, DEQ issued a Notice of Noncompliance, and in Au- gust 2002 the operators sub- mitted plans for a biological wastewater treatment sys- tem to be constructed begin- ning July 2004. DEQ approved the plan and issued the Hydes a Wa- ter Pollution Control Facili- ties permit. However, the system has not been con- structed, and sewage has continued to surface. As part of the penalty, DEQ is ordering the Hydes to immediately cease dis- charging sewage onto the property, complete construc- tion of the wastewater treat- ment system, and regularly pump all existing sewage disposal systems on the property as necessary. Additionally, DEQ fined Grants Pass resident Ronald Lee Eells $4,509. The penalty is com- prised of $1,625 for open burning of prohibited mate- rial including vinyl flooring, electrical wiring and house- hold garbage at 4435 Fish Hatchery Road, said DEQ; and $2,884 for operating and maintaining a waste disposal site. The month’s largest penalty was issued Nov. 21, to the city of Portland, for more than five dozen sepa- rate discharges of raw sew- age into the Willamette and Columbia rivers, plus their tributaries, from March 2001 to November 2005. FIFTEEN ILLLINOIS VALLEY Fire District (IVFD) firefighters responded to a 10:02 p.m. alarm Friday, Dec. 30 at 9877 Takilma Road. The small structure, which ap- peared to be someone’s residence, was fully involved in flames. No one was at home, and access to the building was difficult. No cause was determined. (Photo by Dale & Elaine Sandberg/IVFD photographers) Steve Lyons wishes you a from Rachel Goodman, L.M.T. New Year’s Resolution I will take better care of my health. I will be good to myself. Happy, Healthy New Year! 337 S. Redwood Hwy. Tuesday - Saturday 10:30 to 6 Prosperous New Year! ‘Thank you for your continued support’ 592-3550 315 A Caves Hwy. 592-3181 592-6947 Happy New Year from John, Sheri, Betty, Lisa, Jackie, & Linda 592-4222 or 592-2892 Ken & Mike from Blakeley’s Automotive wish you a Very Happy New Year! Pharmacy Express All the best in ‘06 from Oregon Caves Chevron Honest & Dependable Serving the Illinois Valley for nearly 20 years Happy new Year! Happy New Year Please don’t drink & drive. from CAVE BEAR PAWN 220 N. Redwood Hwy. 592-2987 Bi-Rite Auto Parts 327 S. Redwood Hwy. 592-3601 or 592-3691 Thanks for a great year and Happy New Year from wishes you a Prosperous New Year Have a Very Happy New Year from all of us at Healthy Children make Strong Families Happy New Year from Siskiyou Community Health Center A Happy & Prosperous New Year from the Kerbyville Museum Directors “See you when we reopen in March.”