Page 15 Illinois Valley News, Cave Junction, OR Wednesday, December 14, 2005 A Look Back ... NOTICE NOTICE OF FORFEITURE To R. Tippy and his heirs and any person claiming an interest under his name: You are hereby notified that Walter B. Free- man has expended $2,500 in labor on each of the following mining claims in Josephine County, Oregon: the West Fork Association Placer #1 and #2 and Eastmont Association Placer #1, #2, and #3 as required by the laws of the United States for the years 1981 through 2005. And, if within 90 days of the first date of publication of this notice on October 5, 2005, you fail, or re- fuse, to contribute your 1/4 share, or $3,125 for all claims or $625 for any one claim, to Walter B. Freeman at P.O. Box 344, Cave Junction, OR 97523, your inter- est in such mining claims will become the property of Walter B. Freeman pursuant to 30 U.S.C. § 28. WF29-13p Look for the BLUE FLY GUY next to I-5 On Dec. 16, 1773, a cargo of tea was thrown overboard into Boston Harbor at the Bos- ton Tea Party to protest the tea tax ... Dec. 17, 1903, Orville Wright made the first success- ful flight in a heavier-than-air mechanically propelled airplane near Kitty Hawk, N.C., at 120 feet in 12 seconds ... Dec. 17, 1903, Orville’s brother, Wilbur, flew 852 feet in 59 sec- onds ... Dec. 18, 1917, the 18th Amendment (Prohibition) to the Constitution was submit- ted to the states by Congress for ratification ... Dec.15, 1948, Alger Hiss was indicted for perjury, after denying he had passed secret documents to Whittaker Chambers for trans- mission to a Communist spy ring ... Dec. 15, 1960, the United States announced it backed a rightist group in Laos, which took power the next day ... Dec. 18, 1972, full-scale bombing of North Vietnam resumed after Paris peace negotiations reached an impasse ... Dec. 13, 2000, in a televised address to the nation, Vice President Al Gore conceded the presidential election to Gov. George W. Bush of Texas ... Dec. 13, 2001, President Bush announced that the United States would withdraw from the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty ... Dec. 13, 2001, the U.S. government released a tape of Osama bin Laden and others believed to have been made Nov. 9 in Kandahar; on the tape, bin Laden expressed surprise and pleas- ure at the number of “enemies” killed in the Sept. 11 attack ...Dec. 14, 2001, the Bush ad- ministration began wide international distribution of the tape, offering it as proof of bin Laden’s complicity in the terrorist attacks and disregard for human life; many Muslims abroad claimed the tape was a fabrication ... Dec. 16, 2001, Secretary of State Colin Powell said, “We've destroyed al-Qaeda in Afghanistan” ... Dec. 17, 2001, it appeared that hun- dreds of Osama bin Laden’s men were escaping through the mountains into Pakistan. (c) 2005 DBR Media Inc. Sports Challenge ‘BETHLEHEM’S LIGHT CHRISTMAS MUSICAL’ was performed at Community Bible Church Sunday evening, Dec. 11 by an all-congregation choir. The narrator (left) was Dave Winches- ter, and the director was Tom Ninow. The performance was well received. The photos were taken during the final re- hearsal. ‘I.V. News’ could not attend the actual performance because Bob and Jan were taking their daughter and grand- children to Medford International Airport. Lumber firms log in to rebuild fort The National Park Service (NPS) has taken delivery of approxi- mately 420 donated Douglas fir logs for rebuilding Fort Clatsop. The new fort will replace an earlier replica, built near Astoria 50 years ago and destroyed by fire Oct. 3. Lewis and Clark and members of their Corps of Discovery built the original Fort Clatsop for quarters during the 1805-1806 winter af- ter completing their expedition to establish a route west to the Pacific Ocean. Forest products companies that contributed and delivered logs for the rebuild are Stimson Lumber Co., Longview Fibre Co., Hampton Affiliates, and Weyerhaeuser Co. The companies delivered the logs to the Clatsop County Fair- grounds near Astoria Thursday, Dec. 1. The Oregon Forest Resources Institute organized the contributions using log specs provided by NPS. LEGAL NOTICE Jackson/Josephine/Klamath County Schools Seek Disabled Students On an ongoing basis, school districts in Jackson, Josephine, and Klamath counties conduct Child Find activities to locate dis- abled children, birth to 21 years of age, who are not currently receiving special education services. Each district wants to find and evaluate the skills of children within its boundaries who have serious physical, educational, emotional, mental, or learning problems so that appropriate educational programs may be provided. Such services must be provided for dis- abled students under federal and state law. The rights of parents and special education laws can be reviewed at the special educa- tion office within the local school districts. For information contact: Ashland- 482- 2811; Butte Falls- 865-3563; Central Point- 494-6231; Eagle Point- 830-6558; Med- ford- 842-3628; Phoenix-Talent- 535-7520; Pinehurst- 482-1910; Prospect- 560-3653; Rogue River- 582-6003; Three Rivers- 862-3111; Grants Pass- 474-5706; Klamath Falls City- 883-4745; Klamath County- 883-5000. Se buscan estudiantes incapacitados en las escuelas de los condados de Jackson, Josephine, y Klamath Continuadamente, los distritos escolares de los condados de Jackson, Josephine y Klamath dirigen actividades “Child Find” (Encuentra Ninos) para localizer ni- nos incapacitados recien nacidos hasta los 21 anos de edad, que actualmente no reci- ben servicios de la educacion especial. La meta de los distritos es identificar y evaluar las habilidades de ninos dentro de sus fronteras, los cuales tienen serios proble- mas fisicos, emocionales, mentales o del aprendizaje para provenir servicios apropi- ados. Bajo las leyes estatales y federales, esta requerida la provision de estos servi- cios. Se puede revisar los derechos de los padres de familia y las leyes de la educa- cion especial en las oficinas de la educa- cion dentro de los padres de familia y las leyes de la educacion especial en las ofici- nas de la educacion dentro de los distritos escolares locales. Informes a: Ashland- 482-2811; Butte Falls- 865-3563; Central Point- 494-6231; Eagle Point- 830-6558; Medford- 842- 3628; Phoenix-Talent- 535-7520; Pine- hurst- 482-1910; Prospect- 560-3653; Rogue River- 582-6003; Three Rivers- 862-3111; Grants Pass- 474-5706; Klamath Falls City- 883-4745; Klamath County- 883-5000. Publish: 12/14, 12/21, 12/28 Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. 1. What 7-year-old girl often practiced with 8-year-old Boris Becker? 2. What Dallas Cowboys’ running back received rave reviews after an appearance with the Fort Worth ballet? 3. What were the match scores when Ivan Lendl flattened Barry Moir in the 1987 U.S. Open? 4. How many times did Hank Aaron hit 50 or more home runs in a season? 5. What Minnesota Vikings quarterback threw a record 345 completions in 1978? 6. What former heavyweight boxing champ claimed he’d spotted UFOs seven different times? 7. In the famous baseball poem, “Casey at the Bat,” which team is the loser? 8. Who retired for 12 days after being named NBA Rookie of the Year and league MVP? 9. Who won the first women’s marathon contested during Olympic competition? 10. Who was the first left-handed golfer to win more than one tournament in a single PGA Tour season? Answers 1. Steffi Graf; 2. Herschel Walker; 3. 6-0, 6-0, 6-0; 4. Zero; 5. Fran Tarkenton; 6. Muhammad Ali; 7. Mudville; 8. Wilt Chamberlain; 9. Joan Benoit; 10. Phil Mickelson (c) 2005 DBR Media Inc. More ag data available rapidly at new Website A newly redesigned Website has been launched by the Oregon Field Office of USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Ser- vice (NASS): nass, “More agricultural data now is available at your fingertips,” the agency said. The NASS Website, including pages for its 46 field offices, has been revamped to bet- ter serve the needs of NASS customers -- whether farmers, researchers, government officials, journalists, teachers or others. “NASS continues to strive to meet the needs of all of our data users,” it said. “The new site will further our mission by provid- ing an abundant resource of statistics in ser- vice to Oregon agriculture,” said Bruce Ek- lund, deputy director of the NASS Oregon Field Office. “Those interested in Oregon or U.S. agri- culture will find the new site informative and easy to use.” added Eklund. “The NASS Web development team incorporated a vari- ety of Web-based tools to enhance the site.” The site continues to provide compre- hensive statistical data on Oregon agriculture. Features such as the Quick Stats Agricultural Database provide up-to-date state and county agricultural statistics. Data users can search for state and county level data by commodity and download information for use in a database or spreadsheet. - John F. Kennedy - Support the merchants who advertise in the ‘I.V. News’ Illinois Valley News 321 S. Redwood Hwy., Cave Junction, OR. 97523