Illinois Valley News, Cave Junction, OR Wednesday, October 26, 2005 NOTICE NOTICE MEETING NOTICE THE FINISHING TOUCH CLEANING SERVICE. Custom- ized cleaning to your specifications. Com- mercial, residential, rentals, new con- struction, windows, local references, licensed, bonded and insured. 592-5270. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE PIANO LESSONS: Pat Mersman now accepting students for theory, harmony, technique and reper- toire. For more infor- mation phone 592- 3563. PM29-4p This is to give notice that on Monday, No- vember 14, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 222 W. Lister St., Cave Junction, Oregon, the Common Council in accordance with the Land Use Hear- ing Rules and ORS 197.763, will hold a Public Hearing to consider a thirteen (13) lot subdivision (Belleau Woods), submitted by Brook- hurst Development, LLC at 240 - 360 Hanby, more particu- larly described as Assessor's Map 39- 08-15-DB, Tax Lot 1501 & 1502. The property is zoned Single Family Resi- dential. Possible actions include Ap- proval, Approval with Conditions, Disap- proval, Table, or Continue. C42-tfc PUBLIC NOTICE Illinois Valley Soil and Water Conserva- tion District will meet on Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005, at 7 p.m. in the County Building in Cave Junction. The agenda for the meeting will include, but is not limited to the following: *Approval of Minutes *Financial Report *NRCS Update *Old Business *New Business If you need assis- tance or information, please contact the IVSWCD Office at 592-3731 during regular business hours. Publish: 10/19, 10/26 PERSONAL HAVING A drinking problem? Perhaps Alcoholics Anony- mous can help — Cave Junction 592-6258 or 592-2901. Sunday 8 p.m. at Immanuel United Methodist Church. Tuesday, 7 p.m. book study at St. Matthias Episco- pal Church. Wednes- day, 7 p.m. men’s meeting at Episcopal Church. Thursday 7 p.m. at Methodist Church. Saturday 10 a.m. Women’s meeting at Methodist Church. AA-tfc To R. Tippy and his heirs and any person claiming an interest under his name: You are hereby notified that Walter B. Free- man has expended $2,500 in labor on each of the following mining claims in Josephine County, Oregon: the West Fork Association Placer #1 and #2 and Eastmont Associa- tion Placer #1, #2, and #3 as required by the laws of the United States for the years 1981 through 2005. And, if within 90 days of the first date of publication of this notice on Octo- ber 5, 2005, you fail, or refuse, to contrib- ute your 1/4 share, or $3,125 for all claims or $625 for any one claim, to Walter B. Freeman at P.O. Box 344, Cave Junction, OR 97523, your in- terest in such mining claims will become the property of Wal- ter B. Freeman pursuant to 30 U.S.C. § 28. WF29-13p LEGAL NOTICE AS OF Sept. 21, 2005. I, James Mi- chael Blair, am no longer responsible for any debts or con- tracts of Connie Sue Blair. JB30-3p PUBLIC NOTICE RECYCLE YOUR bubble wrap and peanuts at Darn Near Everything 136 So. Redwood Hwy. 592-5255. No paper please. DNE32-1c LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF 30-DAY COMMENT PERIOD COMMERCIAL ROAD USE PERMITS The Forest Service is proposing to issue com- mercial road use permits to Indian Hills LLC, Perpetua Forests Company, Spaulding Timber- land LP, and Rick Jackson. The Forest Service roads involved in this use are within the Galice and Illinois Valley Ranger Districts on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest. Roads include #25 (Briggs Valley), #4611 (Grayback), #4613 (Buck Peak), #9938 Leuizenger Creek), and associated spur roads from these main roads. All of these roads have been used for commercial haul from private land in the past. Road use permit holders share the cost of road maintenance with the Forest Service commen- surate with their use. The Forest Service is initi- ating a 30-Day Comment Period under the re- quirements of the National Environmental Pol- icy Act and its implementing regulations. This proposal falls within a category of actions listed in the Forest Service NEPA Handbook (FSH) that are potentially excluded from documenta- tion in an Environmental Assessment or Envi- ronmental Impact Statement and there do not appear to be any extraordinary circumstances that would preclude use of the category (FSH 1909.15, Chapter 31.12, Category 4). This comment period is being provided pursuant to the September 16, 2005, order issued by the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of Cali- fornia in Case No. CIV F-03-6386JKS. Those who provide timely and substantive comments will be eligible to appeal the decision pursuant to 36 CFR part 215 regulations. This notice to comment is intended to inform the public of review information available upon request and the opportunity to provide meaningful input prior to the decision being made for authorization of this action on National Forest System lands made per 36 Code of Federal Regulations 215.6. The 30-day Comment Period for federal portion of this proposed action shall commence the first day after publication of this legal notice (Note: the comment-time period is computed using calendar days, including Saturdays, Sun- days, and Federal holidays and shall not be extended). Individuals and organizations wish- ing to be eligible to appeal must provide the following in a timely manner: (i) Name and ad- dress; (ii) Title of the proposed action; (iii) Spe- cific substantive comments (i.e., comments that are within the scope of the proposed action, are specific to the proposed action, have a direct relationship to the federally proposed action and include supporting reasons for the Deciding Officer to consider in reaching a decision; and (iv) Signature or other verification of identity upon request. The Responsible Official is Pam Bode, District Ranger, Illinois Valley and Galice Ranger Districts. Written comments must be submitted to: Michael Dearborn, Pacific Zone Environmental Coordinator, 29279 Ellensburg Avenue, Gold Beach, OR 97444, or telephone (541-247-3688), or FAX (541-247-3690) The office business hours for those submitting hand- delivered or oral comments or seeking addi- tional information are: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM, Mon- day through Friday, excluding holidays. Oral comments must be provided during normal business hours via telephone or in person. Electronic comments must be submitted in rich text format (.rtf), or Word (.doc) to: comments- pacificnorthwest-siskiyou-galice- The subject line must contain the name of the project for which you are submitting comments. Publish: October 26, 2005 SHEET METAL If it’s SHEET METAL We’ll Make It! *Seamless Gutters *Duct Work & Fittings *Roof Flashing *Hard-to-Find Items *Fabrication *Installation DOWN & OUT SEAMLESS GUTTERS 592-3391 License #94699 D&O7-tfc MEETING NOTICE LOSE WEIGHT Tops support group meets Thursday 10:30 a.m. At the Methodist Church. Come for a no obligation visit. Information 592- 2799. PW32-1p PUBLIC NOTICE The Illinois Valley Watershed Council, will meet on Thurs- day, Oct. 27, 2005, at 8 p.m. in the County Building in Cave Junction. The agenda for the meet- ing will include but is not limited to the following: Persons with hear- ing, visual, or manual impairment who wish to participate in the meeting should con- tact the City to ar- range appropriate communication as- sistance. City Hall can be reached by tele- phone at (541) 592- 2156, Fax (541) 592- 6694 or TDD Relay 1-(800) 735-2900. Publish: Oct 26, ‘05 Classified Ads Do Really Work! *Approval of Minutes *Project Updates *Old Business *New Business If you need assis- tance or information, please contact the IVSWCD Office at 592-3731 during regular business hours. Cemetery Publish: 10/19, 10/26 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF 30-DAY COMMENT PERIOD PROSPECT PLACER MINE EXPLORATORY TRENCHES On August 29 th , 2005, the Forest Service de- cided to approve a plan of operations for the Prospect Placer Claim to sample and test grav- els overlying bedrock for mineral values. De- velopment of three exploratory trenches is planned, each is approximately 10 feet by 2 feet by 25 feet deep. Testing will be accomplished by panning on site, and then the overburden will be replaced in the trenches. The project is ex- pected to last 2 days. This operation is located in the Josephine Creek watershed on the Illinois Valley Ranger District of the Rogue River- Siskiyou National Forest. Specifically, it is in Grayback Creek in the N ½ of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of section 2, Township 36 S, Range 9 W, in Josephine County, Oregon. This approved mining operation has been suspended while the Forest Service follows the notice, comment and appeal provisions of 36 CFR Part 215, pursuant to the September 16, 2005, order issued by the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of California in Case No. CIV F-03-6386JKS. The Forest Service is initiating a 30-Day Comment Period under the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act and its implementing regulations. This proposal falls within a cate- gory of actions listed in the Forest Service NEPA Handbook (FSH) that are potentially ex- cluded from documentation in an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact State- ment and there do not appear to be any ex- traordinary circumstances that would preclude use of the category (FSH 1909.15, Chapter 31.2, Category 8). Those who provide timely and substantive comments will be eligible to appeal the decision pursuant to 36 CFR part 215 regulations. This notice to comment is intended to inform the public of review informa- tion available upon request and the opportunity to provide meaningful input prior to the decision being made for continuation of this action on National Forest System lands made per 36 Code of Federal Regulations 215.6. The 30- day Comment Period for federal portion of this proposed action shall commence the first day after publication of this legal notice. The com- ment-time period is computed using calendar days, including Saturdays, Sundays, and Fed- eral holidays and shall not be extended. Indi- viduals and organizations wishing to be eligible to appeal must provide the following in a timely manner: (i) Name and address; (ii) Title of the proposed action; (iii) Specific substantive com- ments (i.e., comments that are within the scope of the proposed action, are specific to the pro- posed action, have a direct relationship to the federally proposed action and include support- ing reasons for the Deciding Officer to consider in reaching a decision; and (iv) Signature or other verification of identity upon request . Electronic comments must be submitted in rich text format (.rtf), or Word (.doc) to: comments- pacificnorthwest-siskiyou-galice- The subject line must contain the name of the project for which you are submitting comments. To obtain additional information and/or to submit comments contact: Ken Grigsby, PO Box 520, Medford OR, 97501; FAX (541) 858-2330, or call (541) 858-2336 (Office hours: weekdays 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.). Pam Bode, District Ranger, Illinois Valley and Galice Ranger Districts, Responsible Official Publish: October 26, 2005 FORECLOSURES Christie Stewart you are hereby notified that your Storage Unit #54, at Bargain Storage, 175 Finch Road, Kerby, OR., will be emptied and its contents sold by sealed bid to the high bidder. Sale will take place at 175 Finch Road, Kerby, OR 97531 on Nov. 5, 2005 at 10 a.m. Rhonda Motley you are hereby notified that your Storage Unit #7, at Bargain Storage, 175 Finch Road, Kerby, OR., will be emptied and its contents sold by sealed bid to the high bidder. Sale will take place at 175 Finch Road, Kerby, OR 97531 on Nov. 5, 2005 at 10 a.m. Publish: 10/19, 10/26 Publish: 10/19, 10/26 R o c h e l l e Blankenship you are hereby notified that your Storage Unit #58, at Bargain Storage, 175 Finch Road, Kerby, OR., will be emptied and its contents sold by sealed bid to the high bidder. Sale will take place at 175 Finch Road, Kerby, OR 97531 on Nov. 5, 2005 at 10 a.m. MONEY $ $ NEED CASH $ $ We pay for remaining payments on Prop- erty Sold! Mortgages! Annuities! Injury Settlements! Immedi- ate quotes ! ! ! “Nobody beats our prices.” National Contract Buyers (800) 490-0731 Ext. 305. NCB1-tfc Publish: 10/19, 10/26 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF 30-DAY COMMENT PERIOD LOST CANYON SPECIAL USE PERMIT The Forest Service decided to issue a private road special use permit to Perpetua Forests Company for construction and use of approxi- mately 730 feet of road to access their private land on September 19, 2005. The private land is surrounded by federal land managed by the Illinois Valley Ranger District of the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest. A special use permit was issued and this road was con- structed on September 21, 2005. Specifically, it is in Grayback Creek in the southeast ¼ of the southeast ¼ of section 29, Township 39 South, Range 6 West, in Josephine County, Oregon. Use of this road has been suspended while the Forest Service follows the notice, comment and appeal provisions of 36 CFR Part 215, pursuant to the September 16, 2005, order issued by the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of California in Case No. CIV F-03-6386JKS. The Forest Service is initiating a 30-Day Comment Period under the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act and its implementing regulations. This proposal falls within a cate- gory of actions listed in the Forest Service NEPA Handbook (FSH) that are potentially ex- cluded from documentation in an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact State- ment and there do not appear to be any ex- traordinary circumstances that would preclude use of the category (FSH 1909.15, Chapter 31.2, Category 3). Those who provide timely and substantive comments will be eligible to appeal the decision pursuant to 36 CFR part 215 regulations. This notice to comment is intended to inform the public of review informa- tion available upon request and the opportunity to provide meaningful input prior to the decision being made for continuation of this action on National Forest System lands made per 36 Code of Federal Regulations 215.6. The 30- day Comment Period for federal portion of this proposed action shall commence the first day after publication of this legal notice. The com- ment-time period is computed using calendar days, including Saturdays, Sundays, and Fed- eral holidays and shall not be extended. Indi- viduals and organizations wishing to be eligible to appeal must provide the following in a timely manner: (i) Name and address; (ii) Title of the proposed action; (iii) Specific substantive com- ments (i.e., comments that are within the scope of the proposed action, are specific to the pro- posed action, have a direct relationship to the federally proposed action and include support- ing reasons for the Deciding Officer to consider in reaching a decision; and (iv) Signature or other verification of identity upon request . Electronic comments must be submitted in rich text format (.rtf), or Word (.doc) to: comments- pacificnorthwest-siskiyou-galice- The subject line must contain the name of the project for which you are submitting comments. To obtain additional information and/or to submit comments contact: Ken Grigsby, PO Box 520, Medford OR, 97501; FAX (541) 858-2330, or call (541) 858-2336 (Office hours: weekdays 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.). Pam Bode, District Ranger, Illinois Valley and Galice Ranger Districts, Responsible Official Cooper Member Of K-State Glee Club Daniel Cooper, of Cave Junction, is a member of the Men’s Glee Club at Kansas State University in Manhattan. The group’s concert season will go through April. Calhoun Aide At UF In Ohio Chelsea Calhoun, of Selma, has been se- lected as a resident assistant for The Univer- sity of Findlay’s Office of Student Services for the 2005-06 academic year. She is a 2003 graduate of St. Mary’s High School in Medford, and a junior majoring in equestrian studies and equine business man- agement. She is the daughter of Selma resi- dents Susan and Michael Calhoun. Resident assistants are chosen based on numerous criteria including leadership skills, campus involvement and work ethic. Sports Challenge 1. Whose return to tennis on April 15, 1988 coincided with the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropping 101 points? 2. What did Cincinnati Red Eric Davis do in nine consecutive at-bats to set a major league record in 1987? 3. What Mike Tyson opponent did comedian Jackie Mason assert “doesn’t need a weigh-in, he needs a way out?” 4. What male figure skater weighed 108 pounds at the 1984 Winter Olympics? 5. Whom did Ben Johnson glare at triumphantly while crossing the 100-meter finish line at the 1988 Olympics? 6. What future Nike plugger aver- aged 17.1 points per basketball game at the 1984 Olympics? 7. What’s the only country to have been represented at every summer and winter Olympiad? 8. What Cincinnati street was Pete Rose on when he failed to talk his way out of a 1988 traffic ticket? 9. During what year were Waymon Tinsdale and Patrick Ewing playing for the U.S. Olympic basketball team? 10. What Oakland A’s slugger was late to 1988 spring training due to attend- ing bubble gum card shows? Sports Challenge Answers 1. John McEnroe; 2. Strike out; 3. Michael Spinks; 4. Scott Hamilton; 5. Carl Lewis; 6. Michael Jordan; 7. Great Britain; 8. Pete Rose Way; 9. 1984; 10. Jose Canseco (c) 2005 DBR Media Inc. Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong. - Theodore Roosevelt - Look for the BLUE FLY GUY next to I-5 175 Finch Rd. Kerby 592-3355 *8’x10’ - $35 *10’x10’ - $42 *10’x20’ - $72 *8’x40’ - $100 *8’x28’ - $72 Open Vehicle Parking Publish: October 26, 2005 Check out OCANs online at! SERVICES Page 15 O regon C lassified A dvertising N etwork YOUR AD WILL RECEIVE CLOSE TO 2,000,000 EXPOSURES FOR ONLY $230! Oregon Classified Advertising Network is a service of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association. Week of October 10, 2005 Illinois Valley News Place your newspaper contact info here. 321 S. Redwood Hwy., Cave Junction, OR. 97523 Building Materials Employment Personals M&W BUILDING Supply Company. Custom pole buildings. Kits or built, engi- neering, financing available. Free brochure. Call today 1-800-547-1714. Quality and satisfaction guaranteed. OR #79450 / WA #MWBUSCO61K5. Check our website: 100% FREE medical, dental, vision insurance & Avg. $45,500/ yr! Off weekends. Flatbed drivers. NW runs for Maxi. Semi-dedicated runs available. 1-866-394-1944 ADOPTION- LOVE and attention for your precious child. Sally is warm, caring and financially secure. Can we help each other? C a l l S a l l y ’s O r e g o n a t t o r n e y : 800-594-1331. Business Opportunities ALL CASH candy route. Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 30 machines and candy. All for $9,995. 1-800-814-6047. FIRE YOUR Boss! Kwik Kerb Business. Laying continuous concrete curbing. Equiptment, training, marketing with back- up and support. Don’t wait, some areas still available. 1-866-459-4553. Invest. $45,725.00. EARN DEGREE online from home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job placement assistance. 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Expenses paid. 1-877-503-6766 Events BEAT HIGH Fuel prices. Fuel Catalyst gas, diesel engine. Masonic lodge, 75 Sandy Blvd, Portland, Oregon. October 22, 2005. 9 A.M. For information 1-877-465-8606.