Subscribe for the P ress . COStRESPONDENaE. The motor for the new electric TALLMAN Or., Aug. 21, 1890. Hop tickets printed at this’office. motor line from .Independence to — o— E d . P ress . Peter Bilyeu went over to the Mon moth arivecl in Portland on As you ask for correspondence,.an SCIO, OREGON, AUGUST 23,1890. county metropolis Thursday. Satuaday, says the Albany Herald item of two from this locality may —-Ò— Mr. E. Goins has received the and was forwarded t® Independence. not come amiss. Harvest is pro­ ........Dealer in. THE CITV OFFICIALS : Everything was in readiness for sheet iron for his new hop drier. operation as soon as it reached Its gressing nicely. The fall wheat has MAYOR........ ................ .JEFF. MYERS. Miss Alice Smith of Grants Pass, destinaton. ail been threshed, yielding from 20 ÌNteORDER.. . ....... 0. S. MAY. TREASURER ......... ;. .GEO. BEVAN KY. to 35 bushels to the acre. The spring MARSHAL....;. .............. JACK BILYEU; is visiting friends and relatives in (.........GEO.MORROW. Scio. State Superintendent E. B. Mc­ grain is about all in the shock and ........T. W. DILLEY. ■ I............-.'..IS. I. SHORE. William Brenner and family Elroy has received the appointment will all be threshed, by the 10th ult. COUNCILMEN< .........S. M. DANIEL.. —-O— ..........H. SHELTON. started for Belknap hot springs to by the executive committee and The prospect for fain during the I..............W. BRENNER. president-of the Natiartal Teacher ’ s present week is causing, the farmers WHIPS ? NETS, ETC. i_........A. J. JOHNSON. day. association, as one of. the six com­ some uneasiness. City Council meets on the first Thursday in . E. Ê. Purdom, an old and respect­ missioners to represent the United Mr. Harv. Wallace lost a valuable each month. ed citizen -of Albany, died on. the Scia Eire ©epartnieiii. States in the educational, depart­ horse a few days ago. Colie was the Cajaelty ?5 Barrel» per äay 17th irist. ment of the 'World’s fair in 1892 at- trouble.. Chief Engineer...............O. S. May. Miss Anna Smith, returned' Chicago. Tills .is. quite an honor to Messrs. Hammack & Smith of Tall- Assistant Engineer.........R. Shelton. Tuesday from a weeks visit to the Oregon’s superintendent.—Demo­ man warehouse are kept quite'busy country. crat- how-a-days receiving grain. By H ook & L adder C o . Not 1. - The old city hall has been moved fair dealing they have made them­ The very host. preparation for har­ Mr. John Simpson has secured President............ G. W. Hunsaker. ness in the market. Secretary^............ ....... N. C; Myers. to the back of Johnson & Hibbler control of the Scio warehouse ancl. selves quite popular among the —O-— Treasurer.................G. W. Morrow. Co’s store. purposes using it for handling oats farmers. B®“CÁLL AND SEE ME“®S Foreman....... ....:... Geo. Shelton. T. J. Munkers has the finest the present season. He is now ready Jesse Swank wears a 7x9 ebunte- Ast........................ M. M. Peery. Delegates : J. R. Gill, G. W. Mor­ clover pasture we have seen for to furnish you sacks,'will treat you nance-now-a-days. Cause why he is • „ '. row, G. W. Hunsaker, W. M. Ab­ many moons. fairly and will always pay-the high­ a lather. Mother and child .doing bott, M. E. Bilyeu. The plasterers are at work on the est market price for your grain. The well. H sse C ompany N o , 1. new bank building and will soon switch is now being repaired and in Miss Helen Crawford and Mrs. Dr. President,...'.;............... Jase Bilyeu. have it finished. a few days Wil! be ready for cars to' Littler of Albany, have been visiting ■Secretary..I....,,:..............Frank Gill. Frank Mack is talking of moving pàss over. Call and see him before hi this neighborhood during the past Treasurer................ ,...T, W. Dilley. ’’ Fore man.................... Sam Shores. liis barber; shop nearer, the new storing elsewhere. week. Assistant-...,Allie Ewing. Christian tabernacle. Harry Noel formerly of Albany, is .Wednesday morning'a faint Oder Delegates—Will Brenner, R. Shel­ Our city needs about two more arc Was, noticed coming from some­ now punching tickets on on e of the ton, Archie Johnson, S. I. Shores, Frank Mack. lights to properly lightup ourstreets.' where' around S. M. Daniel’s store, Oregonian railroa d trains. Corner Oak ami Slain streets, Why not have them. - SCIO, OREGON. it was thought a sewer Was leaking Several teams are now engaged in Secret Societies, hauling straw to the Lebanon paper till Marshall Hagey located some ­ E. Goins brick recieved a new Scio, Oregon. I. O. O. F.—Diéi’doff Lodge No. 54, coat of paint this Webk, which adds thing under the walk, a board wa,s mills. Riley. Shelton, N. G. Meets Wed­ Drugs, ^©uicines .taken up and Eve Bilyeu’s dog’ was Indication are that-there Will be much to its appèrance. nesday evenings at 8 o’clock.' several weddings in dur neighbor­ ^“First-class turnouts. Horses boarded by discovered quite dead, which was or week at reasonable prices. We rnu Mr. George Johnson and wife, - A. F. & A, M.—Scio Lodge No. 39, hood.before the year gro ws much ol­ the clay hacks to connect th all trains cn the Otls9 VamnskeiS, 2?ye Stufisi, Haïr Dr. E. O. Hyde, Master. Meets each came up from Salem Monday,on a the cause of the disturbance. A rope der, Go in boys, you. can’t marry daily Oregon Pacific and Oregonian Railroads. and Töotia Brushes, Toilet Articles, was procured, and a small boy was Saturday on dr before the full moon visit to relati ves and friends, younger. jferliBinerÿ', Spouses« asatl all Va- in each month. hired tb drag the critter to the bone- Fielier of ÌJrwjjglsjts Sundries Mr. Ed, Daley Wedneday engaged ÿard. N emo . A. O. U. W.—Scio 'Lodge No. 36, ' N. Crabtree, M, W., meets on the Ist­ the hop crops of W. T. Loofbourrow anti 2d Mondays in each month. The Rferss des îles to establish, and William Tucker contracting A Practical 3$ove. J----- r'-*. ■ i correspondents in various portions of The records of Marion county, therefor at 22c. . Cisurclses. Our city cooler woke tip one mor­ the ‘’Forks” who. Will ivrite up news Or. shows the platting of many M. E. Church—Rev.. W. Hurlburt, ning thid week and found it-s'elf items for publication fi’onl.their sev­ thousand acres of land in small pastor ; services on 4th Sunday of Tn all the latest styles. School eral localities occasionally. We do each month. Cumberland Presbyte,- .movi-rig. Mr, G. W. Taylor placed tracts of from 5-to- 10 acres: capital LESSEE.. books and stationery. Man Church, Rev. N- -L. Neiv. pas­ -it on rollers and moved the site not expect every one tb be experts City Fruit Farm, of 640 acres, Sun-’ GiF, SIMPSON, with the pen nor experienced news This well known and popular ware­ tor ; . services, 3d Sunday in each of the new city hall.■. nyside, number 3, -500 acres, arid month. Missionary Baptists, Rev. gatherers. If any .thing transpires house is. now ready for handling the PRESCRIPTIONS■ CAREFULLY COM­ POUNDED. G. Sperry, pastor ; services 2(1 Sun­ Wm Bilyeu will move his Saloon in your neighborhood Voti think a number of others have been crop of .1890. We purpose running day in each month. Primitive Bap­ next week from its present quarters placed on the records by the. Ore. the house on business principles.' would be of interest to the public, tists, -Elder John Stipp, pastor ; ser­ on the south side, -to one door north just send in the fact and we will fe Land Company of Salem, Ore. This We will pay Albany prices for both vices 1st Sunday. in.each month. ; ABBOTT,. campany is also doing business in wheat a net oats, Storage at usual Christian Church—Elder Bonnell, of S. M. Daniel’s store. arrange and re-write if .necessary. pastor; services 1st Sunday in each, Mr; J. W. Compton and family, Portland and Albany, and' has for prices. Sacks furnished free to those- Tillmufoctùrcr awl Dealer In Sunday afternoon William Under» sale nlimerou's other small tracts. month. returned Tuesday from Foley Hot- storing with. us. wood got into an altercation with T. M. M unkkrs . ' Union Sunday School—In the. M. Springs, where they have been rec­ Pete Montgomery .at W. C. Cassel’s The great advantage of this plan is a “5 that it brings together in one com­ E. Church, every Sunday afternoon reating the past .month. Manager. brick yard, near Albany, where both at thret, o’clock Mr. D. Myers’ dwelling on the men were employee^. Montgomery munity the class of people who are south side - of the creek,. presents a went into a tent to lie clown. all engaged in the same business, Hops 2 7c. The elective lights are in ftinning neat appearance, having recieved Underwood got á pistol; followed viz:, fruit growing. Consequently there springs dp large drying and several new coats of paint. Order again. and shot him in the bf.eaS't, the ball c.iiining establish merits, similar to Call on T. W. Dilley to repair your The citizens of Salem are request ranging down-ward, and is thought COSER 1ULL AXÖ MAINE STS;, binder. He camfix it. ted to subscribe §30,000 of the $150, to have, lodged in his lungs. He is those in the City of Salerii, Which Mr. George Morrow has put an 000 required t-0build .the Salem Sil­ resting easy. Underwood escaped advantages make profitable market addition onto his hotel. verton railroad. Eastern capitalists and is at large, and. the police offer for the products of these fruit­ SCIO, : : OREGON. farms. Consult your interest by T. W. Dilley’s new. cottage will Will furnish the $120,000. a regard for his capture. buying of the Ore. Land Company soon be- ready for-occupancy; Special attention paitTto-repairingFuruiture; A young lady, of Spicer Or. at­ Thfe Albany -Democrat says.—Ed-, of Salem, Portland or Albany. Wagons, etc., etc., nt my shop near Scio Roller Henry Myer returned Monday; tempted to start a fire, using coal oil Mills-. win D. ’Morris, who was found by Al' work satisfactorily executed at the lew- from a weeks visit at Dallas, as a means to hasten matters. An his wife, Who is said to be old enough est- rales. Call and see me. Grain John Berfy, of Albany,has been at explosion was the result and the to be his mother; at Mehama living May 29, WILL M. ABBOTT. For the benefit of-the- farmers we Work plastering the new bank. " young lady.was badly burned. with Lena Guise, a twenty year old have made arrangements by which * Hon. Jeff Myers went to Browns­ GKO. W. WBK30Ï Gerihan g-iri, was examined at Sa­ we will recieve each week, from a g. Peckenpaugh. D. K N. BfaACKiroaiu The trotting match at Cityview ville the first of the week on a lem, and held under $500 bonds to racetrack last Saturday between Wheat- merchant in Albany,market BLACKBURN visit. Alta and Kitty Harn resulted in a await the a'ction of the grand jury, quotations that may be relied upon. & WRIGHT, John Cafey proprietor of Scio’s victory for the former, in three under the. charge of bigamy. The The following explains itself: harness shop went to Albany straight heats. Time 2.28,- 2.® arid girl was discharged. A local paper Âiiorsaeys -at I^aw. A lbany Ore, August, 26. Wednesday-; says “.the best defense Morris has is. •E d . P ress . 2.27|. . YV ill practice in . all T he courts of yt tlic State. J’romy.i attention given to a'.l Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Smith re­ Wd have inadd arrangeihent-3 by the eodnienarice Of the woniari Who Albany prices te day are; wheat business intrusted to our care. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. turned Tuesday from a triplo the which we will be enabled to give is prosee u tin g him.” Ofiicej Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. 1-2 65c, oats 36e. Portland' quotations : Sound country. the Albany pride current-for Wheat TIi.e-La- Grande Gazette publishes wheat, i.27i centel. The rise in Walter A. McGhee; of .Albany, has Farmers can rely, on our quotations this item; which- is of especial in­ freights absorb all the rise in wheat è^"0mcéin Flinn Block, over First National secured the principalship of thè its they will, be corrected every terest to surgedns: ’“Some two so that market is not as strong as ad­ Bank, Albany, Oregon. Scio pùbllc school. months ago John Mummey had his vances abroad would warradtx San 'week. ’ ' . . . A dice band Of Eastern Oregon It is currently reported that the hand sawed Of below the wrist, Francisco remains firm with good horses was driven through here young man who escaped from the Which hung only by a. shred of flesh-. undertone. OREGON. SCIO; , Tuesday,-goingJnortli. state reform school hear SàUni hist The attending physicians desired to Miss Mesher of Silverton, was week is Hal Miller; a son df cut it off, but Mummey insisted that visiting friends in Scio last week. Joaquin Miller, the .pdet df the it be replaced, and dressed as good We listened with pleasure to -a .. She returned home Monday; as possible. Now-the severed mem­ lecture Thursday night at- the M;. Sierras. : WM. BILYEU, PRORE o ....Dealer in. i Mr. O. S. May, cashier of the Scio School Superintendent Russell has ber has grown lOg’ether rind can be E, ' church,. delivered by Miss Buzzell, in the interests Of Chinese Bank, went to Portland Tuesday to made the .August apportion ment of moved slowly. ^^Thc best of Wines, LiqiiorS and Cigars purchase bank fixturds for the - new 'the school funds for Linn eoiirity. The New York Tribune says:— -missions. Miss Buzzell i3 a very constantly on. hand. Wip eliar fit’s Beer on bank. The two districts embraced in this There is a,movement on foot ■ which plerishig speaker. Her residence ’of draught. South side of brldgo, Mr. William Conner, formerly a city rëbêived, No. 8, $¿53.S3 and Nd, -if carried on, will give New Vork ail several; yeaEs at the mission of resident of the Santi, a in forks, now 95, $134.70. ’ institution Without a .rivai in this Swartchbu makes' her so familiar NUTS, N0TÍDÑS, ETC s . with Oriental manners and customs of Portland; was in Scio the first of We àfè .pleased to see Allie counify. The eëtabîishiiiënt of a that lief d'esefiptiohs of them were —0— Öregoaiau Railroad Co the week. Ewing bii tile streets again .His national university in this city with §^“fclioice brands of Cigars iind Cigareltee; Diphtheria is Said to be prevalent eyes which were injured last April an endowment at interest Of $20,000,- quite: vivid. Miss - Biizzell speaks If you want, a good smoke, call and see him. c. x. MC ott , GEh: toFr. over in and about Tangent; Several are. gradually improving,' and he 01)0 is proposed. From ri friend, of the Chinese tongue fluently,’' and Tickets for Eastside points on t.his*iine for bases are reported;'Some Of which thinks they will Soon be able- to President Rockafoiier, of the Stan­ with ease. According to her state­ sale at Union depot, foot of street) dnd at dard Oil Trust, and Rev. McArthur, ment the cause of Christianity'is the Uuited Carri&ge and Baggage Transfer Hre very serious; bear ttfé sunlight: Company’s oiliice, corner Second and Pine slowly but steadily gaining ground it Was learned that- D. McArthur’s streets. Mr. Jack Bilyeu and family re­ Foiir irieri èseapëà from the drëam of a greftt Baptist university in the Celestial Empires Stages fol’ Wilhoit Springs from Mt. Angel. turned'Sunday from a two weeks so- ■ East Side. jburn at Belknap Hot Springs. They penitentiary at Fol sorb Cal., Tues­ in this City seémá about to be real­ day, they escaped by excavating a ized. report a plesant trip. TOWARD Johnson Hibbler & Co. Have re FROM: long tunriel Which iritlSt Have taken J. A. Bilyeu sent us à com­ cieyed arid are', ndw .recieving the PORTLAND. Statibns. PORTLAND. GEO. *W. MORROW, PRO s Miss Lena Mackay, of Corvallis, them many months. They have not munication , from- Belknap hot Port’d I Portl’d ’tn Cob’rg and Robt; Dorris, of Albany were yet been captured. largest and best selected stock of Silv Ac'oni Maili. AlaiD-1. ÏÏNpr’s. springs while; there but on, account 2a AR PM i A k am married last Friday at Seattle, clothing, for men, youths, boys, nv - pm T.V AM of delays of U. S; mail, Mt. Bilyeu Portland g4V’Ì'hist-tìàss accommodation's. Tables süp- Tramps went through a box car Wash., says the Corvallis Times. and children that .can be found in u itli the be$t the market affords. Board on the Sduthern Racihc somewhere arrived hoirie several days in this part Of t-fie valley;' arid at prices 0 00 8 00 (S.P.Co) 4 00 9 35 from $l*to $2 per day. lleadqu&nerd tor com­ MiSs Emmie Phillips; who has mercial men. advance of the letter. We have between Albany and Saleiri a few beéii Visiting at the home, of her dW-s ago taking sorrie revolvers and published most of the news items that defy competition. Their line ! I 45 10 25- Woödbrn 1 40 7 50 of gents furnishing goods also is pardiits; Mr. Wash Philips,, near Bowie knives from a box of frieght.. in former issries. However large, and. selected with a view to j 8 50 12. Oil Silverton 1233 6 45 this cityj returned to Silverton 9 58 2 49 West we áre much obliged for the good please their customers. • You are The car was not locked. : Scio Monday; ; intention. Mr. James Manis,is rëi cordially invited to inspect their •0 The old city hall was placed on. W. H. Rayitiond, formerly of ported to be in' about the same con­ new lot. of fine dress Overcoats; from Browns^ 7 49' 5 07 ATTORNEY AT LAW; rollers last Saturday to be moved in Farmers and Merchants insurance dition as when he left here. His ivhieh the ville. most fastidious can be 6. 10 6 50 Coburg. t-he rear of Johnson; Hibbler & Cols company of Albany, but now special appetite is sorne better though he is suited. store where in future it will, serve agent for the Guardian insurance gradually growing weaker. West Side; company of London Was a griest Ài.rixNY, ÓREGÓN’. as a ware-room. MaHäed.. TOWARD - TaUSs Í'iíííieál. FROM . ÊSF^OïÏÏèc iii St/ahân Building. At the residence of the bride’s PORTLAND. Stations.. PORTLAND. .A than by the name of A. A. Wil­ of the Scio Hotel Thursday, night. Portland Mail. bur wasfotind lying dead in the róad We are in receipt of -No. 17 The people of Stayton were greatly parents in this city Sunday, at 10 Airliio. Mali. Ait AM PM near Hillsboro. A verdict of death Volume 1 of ‘.‘The West,” a journal excited ever the probability, of the o’clock, Mr, Lee Welch and Miss LV Portland by shooting by some rin known-per- published at Florence, Lane County Salem Water Co. shutting off the Anna Goins. Only a few friends (p.*w.v) 3 9 20 15 son was rendered By the jiiry; . 'Oregon. The West is .a lively-en­ supply of water which rims Hie witnessed the fceremoiiey, which Dundee mills and other machinery at that j unction -05 12 was conducted by Rev. -N. L. New. 12-25 Mr. Mathew -Gill is .building a ergetic newspaper, and devoted to place. They investigated the mat­ The newly wedded eoiiple went to the interests of the . Skislaw country. hew fence in front of his residence Sheridan 9 00 3 40 ter and found that they h:;d the I am selling the best luriibéf of - on Main street. There are several, Mr. J. A. Bilyeu; our cjty marshal. right of way theriiselves, and noti­ Salem the following day, where in all kinds that cart fie found in thè: Dallas 8 22 ■-4 J.6 other fences in town that needs to Polk Thomas, Hub. Biiyeti, - W'id fied; th e Salem company -accordingly , future their home will be. Mr. valley; also cedar .posts, shingles, lath, doors mj'd windows, mouldings; be T.emedied.iii the same manner. Bilyeu, Ira -and. Henry Bilyeu, fill who turned in aria began clearing Welch is a carpenter of Salem, and a jrton- 38 7 4 o5 etc. Yard at Lawsoiifon the Nai> The steamer. Willamette. Valley started for Qùartzville , Monday, out the old ehaimel rif Mill Creek for most estimable young man. The i nou th. row Gauge, but, will deliver carload P ress wtelies them the choicest Airlie. 6 45 5 55 r Will sail frolli Yaqtìinafór ..Sari frail- with the intention of .locating fear the tables .woúí'd be turned, Arid tots at any .point ofi. the tailroad blessings, of whidli tiiey arc in every frorii Lebanon junction to Silverton cisco ris follows: August 6th, 16th claim’s. They expect to be gone they Wphld be without watei’. It respect deserving. at vei'v loiv prices. Market Report. ail'd 26th. From Sail Francisco to about ten clays. it will be remembered that the Hee W. W. CRAWFORD; Scio Q uotations , Yaijuiua: Angnst 1st; lith’, 21st and Died Add ress-^-TA llman , OR’. Manager . Koehler, . says the ■which taps the San tinrn above Wheat............................ ................ 65b per bu- . ... ..... ••••• Bist. Oregon’m, has fully decided to dis­ Staytbri arid furnishes the writer pow­ At the home of her br'other-in- Oats... bbl- Flour............................. ...............$4 20 ? • ton. .............. ....... ............... . The .photograph gallery of .Mr. continue the rufining of local trains er for, Sàïçni lias been the cause law .Albert Cotepton; three foiles Bran Middlings....................... ........... 120 * * 4'.:: 25 * * Harnish is fast- nearing completion. from Salem to the state fair grounds of a stiuidihg law-suit fora number s'd'dt-h west of S'CiO', on Til'e?;day, Chop............................. ........ 20c ‘ ‘ doz. ........................ He expects- ifi get the sky-tights in during fair Wëëk; because seveii^l or years’ but last year it was decided August 19, 1890. Mrs. Mamie g V is - Eggs lb. Butter.. ............ 11c ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ..... this week. And in the rigar future years’ trial has proven that, such iy favor of tiie Saleiri company ham, of consumption. She leaves i Harns ALBANY, ORE. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Shoulders.......:........r..... ............. He ‘ ‘ * ‘ ........... 9c Will be able to take first', class service is not rénumèratiŸe to, the Hence the shutting off of the wátei hnariy relatives and friends to Bacon...........;................ ............. 6 50 ‘ ‘ doz.. Chickens, old............... EARL RACE: PROPRlETOt*’. mourn her loss. bÿ the Salerri eompariyi * ‘ ‘ ; young.......... .... ....... .... 1.75 hotripany. HfiÓtóS; J. ¿.CARET Soie, Ó^egoa. Maltby Saddles ! ED. GOINS, LIVERY FEED • and SALE STABLE. The best brands of flour and feed con­ stantly on hand. Highest marKet price paid for grain. Farmers will find it to their interest to call and see us. Bilyeu Bros., Proprs. XS.MÔBBES WARE - HOUSE 1 Prop. WALL F AFEE, WILL M. T , Etc I have now for sale at my kiln near the Scio RollerMills,50,- 000 first quality bricK vhich I will sell at $7 per thousand. Call and see me. J. K. Weatherford, Plïysician & Surgeon^ A. W. HAGEY, Fine Candiesj Choice Confectionery S@io, ©regona / L. H. MONTANTE; COBURG LUMBER k St; Charles Motel*