of making parachute jumps from great heights. Persons who thus needlessly hazard their lives, are IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY certainly not sane, and should he re­ strained by law. It does not only T. L. DUGGER, lead to the fatal termination ef their I n the city of valuless lives, but stimulates that SCIO, MW t,1890: J. T. APPERSON,- statement No. 1978, for the purchase apl2n46 Register. of the E|.NEf, and EJ SE|, of Sec­ tion No. 23, in Township No 9 S, Timber Land,- Act June 3, 1878— range No 4 E, and will offer proof Notice for Publication. to show that the land sought is more United States Lahti Office, Oregon feity, Oregon, Sltty 17,1890. ■ valuable for its timber or stone than OTICE is hereby given that, in' c'Onjplianeo for agricultural purposes, and to es -cvith tliC provisions of the act. of Congress tablish his' claim to said land before of Juno 3d, 1878, entitled '.‘An act tor tlie sale of timber lands iñ t he Stiites of California, Oregon, the .Register and Receiver of this of­ Nevada, and Washington Territory,” Jolm fice at- Oregon City, Oregon, on Copiah, of Tacoma, county of Pierce, State of -Washington, lias this day filed in this office his Thursday the21st day. of August 1890 sworn statement No. 2051, for the purchase of He names as witnesses: Walter H. tiie East half of the Northwest quarter and Robinson, of Roche Harbor, San lots 3 and -1, of Section No. 18, in Township No. 10 s., Lange No. 3 East, and will offer proof Juan county, Washington; Wilber D. to show that the land sought is more valuable Robinson, of Roche'Harbor,San Juan for its timber-or stone, than for agricultural purposes,-and to- establish his claim to said county, Washington; N. J,-Welch, land before the Register and Receiver ef this Portland, Oregon; W. A. Caborn, office at. Oregon-.City, on Portland Oregon. Any and all per­ Thursday, tile 18th' day of September, 1390, He names- as witnesses: <5. H. Bennett, of sons claim-ing adversely the above­ ■Hill City, Oregon, H. W. Riehov, of Portland, described lands are requested to file Oregon, Erank Rasoiii, of Tacoma, Washing­ ton, James Copland, of T scoumi , Washington. their claims in this office op or be­ Any and all persons claiming ad versely the fore said 2fst day of August 1896. above describen lands, are: requested to file T. J. APPERSON, their claims iii t,iris office.on.or before 'the said al2' Register. I8th day of septémpef, 1890. Establish^ GILL & SMITH, Mills. ¡370. -—-Dealer in----- ALL KINDS OF T he cencus of fb£ ,T ., , „. , , . j United States nave so far , . , . ,, Li counted that the superintend ."ent announces our pop- ulation as being; 64,000,000. The OREGON’S LAW MAKERS. Lit has been made by means of SENATORS. electric machines. Women have *Blackman, Henry, Heppner, succeeded better than ;men in ma­ row. nipulating these machines, or in Carsonj J. G. Portland, I Cameron, Theo. Uni other words have proven the more mtown, Jâck- rapid counters. son. ^Cogswell, C. A , Lakeview, Lake. Crosno, C. B. Tits river and harbor bill has pass­ Cross, H • > , Toledo, Benton. u,rvey E., Oregon City, ed the senate. The bill carries an ..arnas. appropriation of $26,000,000,of which ..son, O. M., Baker City, Baker. Oregon rivers and harbors receive Eakin, S. Bi, Eugene, igener L«ane. Lane. Eastham, E. L., Oregon City, Clack- nearly $1,500,000. Yaquina receives aiiias. $185,000. Ftfllerto-n, J, C., ¿Roseburg, Douglas. EultOn, O. W., Astoria, Clatsop. I t is thought that the fur seal will Gates, PeterP.,LaFayette, Yamhill. be extermanated in our north^ri Hatch, E. T., McCoy, Polk. Hilton, Chas., Crown Rock, Gilliam. waters, unless Behring sea be closed. Hirsch, Edward, Salem, Marion-. The indiscriminate taking of these Looney, J. B., Jefferson, Marion. afeimals is having its result. Mackay, Donald, Portland, Mult. Matlock, W. F., Pendleton.Umaiilla. Mocre,.F. A., St. Helens, Columbia. G eorge B. Hartmus was nomina­ *Meyers, J., Scio, Lirin, ted for postmaster at Mehama, Mar­ Norval, J. W-, Summerville, Union.' ♦Raley, J. H., Pendleton, Umatilla,- ian county, Wednesday., Simon, Soseph, Portland, Mult, Sinclair, W., Coquille, Cops. Tongue, Thos. Hillboso-,, Wash-- THE CHY 6F MILLIONS! ♦Veatch, R. M.,Cottage Grove,Lane: OH, 7HSV BJtGKl Wait, J. K., East Portlnrid, Mult. S top I t now , Watkins, Geo., The Dalles, Wasco. ♦Weatherford^ J. K., Albany, Linn. so <5 n it wiil be too late . Willis,. P. I/, Portland, Mult,. I have been troubled many years with disease of the .kidneys ana have tried representatives . many different remedies and have sought aid from different physicians Armstrong,, Wm.., Salem, Marion-. without relief. About the 15th ofApr.il I was suffering from a very violent Baker, J. A., Salem, Marion. attack that almost prostrated me in Barret, W. N., Hillsboro, Wash. such a manner -that I was bent over. ♦’Barries; E. W.r Wallowa, Wallowa. When I sat. down it was almost impossible for me get up alone, or to put on my clothes, when Blundell, J. .E-, Canyonville, Doug; kind Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the Botkin, O.' F,, East Portland, Mult. ^KEGON KIDNEY TEA, to my Mtel. I immediately commenced ♦Butler, N. L., Dallas, Polk. "using the tea. It had ah almost Crook, A. IL, Ellensburg, Coos, ,rmraculous effect, and to the aston­ ♦OolemaiL E-. P.-, Coburg, Lane; ishment of all the guests At thA hotel, Durham, S. A., Tualatin, Wash. in a few days,I am happy to state,, ♦Dustany C. Si, Long Creek, Grant. •- that I Was a new man. I recommend the tea to Alt afflic Fox, Johh, Astoria, Clatsop. ♦Furry, Sarisuel, Phoenix, Jackson. as I have been. G. A. T.Ui^^R., ♦Garfield, J. U. r Marshfield, Coos. ♦Gambpe; E, B.^Alba^ Umatilla. . . Proprietor Occidental Hetel, . n-l-v2 J.T. APPERSON, Register. Santa Rosa, Car. Geer, T. T.y Macleay,• Marion, ♦Hardy, Edwin-,. Baker City, Baker, Tirifber Land, Act’JurieX 1878 —Notice for Timber L&ai j Act June 3, 1S78, No­ Hartman,. E»-M.f Marquara-, Clacka­ Pñblicatíon. ties of Publication. Timber &âDâ, Act June 3, 1878-^-No- mas, United States Land Office, United States Land Office, t-lce for Publication. Oregon City,'Oregon, April 15/1890.- ♦Hänsard, F. G<-, Lebanon, Linn. Oregon City, Or., April 15; 1890. ,U nited S tates L and Q feice , OTICE is Ííereby given that in compliance Hall, John H., East .Portland,. Mult. Orégon City, Oreg on,,April i, 1890.- with the provisions of the act of Congress XTOTICE is hereby given that in - ♦Henry, J. F., Brownsville, Linn. NOTICE is'hereby given that, in* compliance of June 3,1878, entitled “An act for the salé of -L’ compliance with the provisions with the provisions of thé act Of Congres? timber ♦Holmes, W. H. Salem, Marion.- rinds in the States of California, Ore­ of June Jj 1878, entitled “An étet for the sale 01 gon, Nevada and Washington Terriiorj’,” John of the act of Congress of June 3,1878, Jennings, A. C., Irving, Lane, timber lands in f h’êSfâïeS'ôf California. Oregon. D. Montgomery,of Mehama, county ot Marion, entitled ”An act for the sale of 'tim­ Johnston, Geo. W., Dufnr, Wasco,. Nevada,' arid Washingtcii Territory,” Purley State of Oregon, Iris this day filed m this office ber lands in the States of California, Duren, of Portland-, county of .Multnomah, ,his "sworn statenient no . 1999, for the purchase ♦Killttri-n-, Ji L., Vansycle, Umaiflla.. G. State of Oregon, lias this day filed in this office, the northeast quarter of northcast quarter Ofegony Nevada, and Washington Lamson, H. W., Willamina, Yam­ his sworn stateinent No. 1986,• for" the purchase of ; section no . 27, in township no . 9 south, range Territory,” Joseph Stish, of Salem, Of the E’^ of NW% and of SW34 of Section of hill-, , No. east, and will- Offer proof to show that, the 25, in Township No. 9. South, Range No. 4 land 4 sought is moreiyalúAble for its timber or county of Marion, State of Oregon, Leeper, W. H., Oakferid-,. Douglas, . No. East, and. Will offer proof.to*show that the land. Stone than for ag-ririjltlrial purposes, anti to has this day filed in this office his Littig, Thos. B., Malheur City, Mal- Aoug’ht is more valuable'for its tinrbot or stone establish his claim td^sai’d/iarid before the .Reg­ sworn- statement No. 2000, for the than for agricmtmal purposes, and'to establish ister and Receiver of phis office at Oregon City, lieur- bis claim to said land befof'é‘t®e Register and Oregon, on purchase of the SEj- of Section No. Manning, S. A., MeMinriville, Yam­ Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Orégon, 24, in Township No. 9 South, Range . on . /Friday, the 12th day of September f 1890. hill. j Tvresday the 26th- day of August, 1890. He names.as witnesses: w. H. Hiatt, of Me­ No. 4 East, and . will offer proof to McCall, J. M,, Ashland, Jackson. ?^Lfe names as witnesses : C. ÏÎ. Work, of Mill hama, Oregon; S. w. Reece, R. Eo±, of Albany, show that the land sou'ght is more ■ ^McAllister, John, La Grande,. Un­ City, Oregon ; N. J. Welch, of Portland-, Orégon/ ■Oregon; C. F. Swank, of Mehama, Oregon. Thos. D. .Silis;- of.Seattle, Washington; W.T. Any and all persons claiming adversely the valuable for its timberor stonb than ion. "White, of Portrindj Oregon . above-described lands are requested t-oii|c their for ag-r.ieu?ltural purposes,- and- to McCoy, E. 0„ Grant, Sherman, Any aiid all persons claiming adversely thè claims in this office, on or before4ááitl rJth’ day establish his claim to said land before McCracken, John, Port-Landy Mult. above-de^ribéct lan ds are requested t o file their of . September, 1890. : the Register .and. Receiver of this I this Office on or before Said ‘26th Jay v2-n4 LT. A pperso N,-Kégíster. Meussdorffer, C. H., East Portland,. . claims-in of August, 1890. . J; T. APPERSON, office at Oregoii City, Oregon, on Mult. apl2n46 Register Timber Land-, Act June 3, 1878—Notice for Pub- ; : Friday,, the 12th day of September, lication. Merritt, J, W.> Central Pointy Jack- 1890. -United States Land Office,- son-. rplMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. —NO Oregon City, Oregon, April BQ, 1890. He nanies aswituesses: N. J. JL/ tiee for publication. 'United States Land Moore,- C. E., Cpr-ralMs,-Bentön.- OTICE is hereby, -given that in. coÄ¥[jliahce Welch, P. G. Dueren, and W/ A. Ca­ .Oregon City, Oregon.j Jupe’ II, 1890. No-. M-oore, J. C., Greenville, Washing- O^iee, with the’provKfions of the act of Congress born, of Portland, Mulfnomah coun­ tied is "hereby given’ that iff compliance with of Juñé 3; 1878, entitled “An act. for the sale of. tlie provisions of the act ôf Congress of June 3, . ton, ’.87«s" on titled. “An act fol5’the sale of timber dmber lands in the " States . of California Dro­ ty, Oregon,- and John Haly^.of Rock Montgomery., J. B. Portland, Mult. lands in the States of California, Oregon, Ne­ gan ,nevada and Washington Territory,Chris-“ creek', Linn countyj Oregon. Morey, P. F., Portland, Mult. vada, aiïd Washington Territory, Nancy M tian' Traxcll, of nock Creek, county of Linn, Auy and all pefedns cl-ai-miwg M-ili^.City, county of Mation, state State of Oregon, hag this day filed in this office Miller, H. B., Grant’s Pass, Jose­ Hepburn,'.of ol Oregon, lias this day filed in this office her his sworn statement ño'. 2020, for the purchase ; 'adversely the'above described lands phine,-'. sworn statement..No.' 2111, for the purchase of of tile, east half -.»f southeast quarter of sec­ the WH of SE W and SX of SW X of Sec. No.: 32, tion 32, and west half Of •southwest quarter of are requested to file their claims in ♦Myery G. W.,:i>ailas, Polk. in Towfish-ip NO.- 9 South,, range No. 4 East, section no. 33, in township no. 9 south, range this'office on or before said 12th day Minto, John, Salem,- Mafipn-.- arid will offer proof, to' show that, thé land no. 4 east,-and will offer proof to show that the ♦Muikey, W. J., Olex, Gilliam.- sought is more valuabléfor its timber or stone land sought .is-níoi’é valuable for its timber or of September, 1890. than for agricultural purposes, and to _ • . J. T. APPERSON,-; Paquet, .Peter, Otegon1 City, Clack­ than for agricult oral .purposes, and to estab­ stone lish her claim to ssridlftrid before the Register establish his claim tó said land before the Reg­ Vin51 Register. amas. and -Receiver of. .this' office at Oregon City, ister and Receiver oi this office at Oregon Chy-, Oregon, on Thursday, the 9th day of October, Oregon,on Reed, R, \V., Gardiner,-Douglas^ 1,890. She ntaés âs witnésses: W. Hesman ♦Rich-y,-J, Robinson,' imber land , act june 3, 1878.-No­ Story, Geo. L., Portland, Mult. of Roche Harbor, county of Sah Juan,’State of tice for publication. United States Land T ^Stephenson,-T. J./Liberty Crook. Office, Oregon City, Oregon, May 26tb, 1890. Timber LancL Aét June 3,-1878—Np- Washington, has this day filed in this office his, sworn statement No. 1979, for the purchase pi’ ♦Thompson,-J. C., Lexington, Mor- -Notice is' hereby given that in compìiance with tì'eè' fói* Publication. the SEJ4 of Section No 14, in Township No.'-9* tjie provisions of tlie’actof Cohgress of June row. South, Range No. 4 East, and Will. offer prbot 3, 1878, entitled wAn act. for tTie sale of timber United. States Lpoid Office, to show that the lan d so light is .more valuable, lands iff the States of California, Oregon, Ne­ $homaa,- W. Er, Portland ,-MplL QregOn City, Oregon, Marcii 31st, 1800. . for its timber Or stone tirin' toi’ .agricultural ! vada, and Washington' Territory.5’' L. W, Bal- Tracy, James- A., Logan, Cllickriiiias,. Jard OTICE is hereby given that in compliance puLposes, and’to. establish his4, clâinr .tq said of Slaughter, county of King,' state, ol with the provisions of the act. of Congress “ land .before the .Regist er apd Rpee.i’vêr of this Welch,-Jas. W., Astoria, Clatsop. Washington, lias this day fijed in this office his of June 3,1878, entitled “An actfor the sale oi sworn statement. No;. 2071y for the purchase timber Jan ds in the States of California, Oregon, - office at Orégôu City, Oregon, on '•. ■Weed, Jüason y Verhonia,»Ctri u m bia, of Tiiui’S'dfiy, tlie 21fc day of Aïigùsi, 189Ô. the SW % of Sep. No. '2.0 in Township No. 10 S, Nevada, and- Washington. Terri! ory,” Garland Wilkins, Jasper, CobiiTg, Lane. ; Jhuige No. 2 E, arid1 ivill offer proof to show Lanier, of Fossil, eQuuly,.of Gilliam, State of 1 He iri'ifids â’ê fitnesses : Win. Lfoh/ot Aili^ tlrit the larid sought is mòre valuable for its Oregon, has tliis-day tfì'éd in rhih office his Any and all persons claiming adversely the -in this office- his sworn statement No. ft cultivates'and stimalat'es'the'same above described lands ; th'q requested to file their claims in this office Oil or before said 23d 1981/for the purchase-of the SW}, éiements.of human nature that de-. dav of September, 1890. NWK-NJ SWi and SEJ, SWJ of sec­ j. T. APPERSON, Register., Sighted; Roman audiences' of old in ? 114-V2 tion. No. 1'4, in Township No. 9 S, neeii SU i I kbìng . N gladiatorial-cotnbàts ;• that witnesses range' No..4 E-,- arid'vZifl offer proof to TÍñíber Land, -Act June 3, 18781—No­ shovv that thp land' sob'ght is more Spanish-bull fights with placid satis­ tice for Publication.* valuable for its timbei’m s'tohe tiflm faction'/ and gloats with pleasure in , United States Ln^cl Office/.,. Oregon.City,. Oregon, May-24,1890. . for agi-iculturai purposes, a'h'd' to'.es-' fhe giving an® takftig punishment in OTICE i^nbreiiy given that in compliance tablish his clnim to said- lanct before ; with the provisions of the act Of Congress the Register and Receiver of this of­ the prize ring'. of Juné 3-, 1878, entitled “An a et-for-the sale.of fice'at: O: regon'City, OregfOn, on Fri- Human life iSf ab' i-i Sli'ofild be, timber lands in the States ot California, Ore-' .day,-the 22'd day of August,'1890. gon, Nevada and ^Washington Territory,” Oliver P. Lawson, oLTQ-pOnri, conn tj T of Pierce,' prized above price. And'1 the pro-: . He names as witnesses: Garland State of Washington, lias.this.day filed, in this faction thrown around it by our laws, i-Office liis sworn stateiimh I, No. 2-068,- for the pur­ 'L/ni'ef, of Fos’sil, Gilliam.county,Or.; chase of the northeast qrifpter Of .section' no . Wfe. liyons, of Albany, Linn'epuhty, is being1 continually iiìbréa.sed as -3;Q, in township no . 10 ,_souíh,,.rang.e. 3 east. will Offer proof to show that the land sought Or/gon, N. J. ’Weitl), of Portland, Civilization' progresses. Self des-' i and is- more valuable for its timber and stone than Oregon; W. A. Caborn, of PoftTand-j ftiictioir Is guarded against7 by our for agrieplkural purposes, and tp, establish his Orejjoi/ :said .land before .the Register.: rind Re­ few mahérs" tb as’great a degree as -•clainr'.to ceiver 0T this office at Oregon City^Oingou, bn Any k.ii'd all persons claimih'g aj* Tberidav^tlie 23d dair of Sepleiiibev, 1890. possible.*- shbùltT ftfey not add to Hè hrimes* as. Avitnesses -, J. West; G. A. Ben- versely ch b abdvc-descri beci lhnlls are Die liht of puniShible offences', such ’'ñctt, ^f Mili.City? Oregon; F. RaisoiIifJ. Cop­ requeste'd-tq file their claims in jhis ian , ôf ^Tacorim', Wash ington. tóbl» hardy éx^ploits as leaping' from Ayÿ ànd all. persons.. chi iming adversely-the office-on of before stiid 22d day of ..... abdve-deseribed lands lire requested t o filé t'ñeir August,. 1890... high bridges into fife '.Vater,- of claims in this, office on oi’ before said 2-3 towiifihip 9 south, rangé No. 4 cast/ah will offer proof to show thrit th’e land sought is - more valyuible forJts timber of ¿tone tluui for agricultural purposes, and to establish hispiaim to said land before thd'RegiStcr and Receiver ol this office a/t Oregon City, Oregon, on . Friday, the 5tli day of September, 1890.' . He names aa witnesses : W. w. Hepburn, L. E. Berry, F. Bell and W. Sims, all of Mills City, Marion county; Oregop. Auy fOid all persons dlaiiifing adversely the ahoye-cicscrjbed lands ai;e requested to tile their claims in this office oh or before said 5th day of Staffeniber, 1890Z ' < >. J. T. APPERSON, vi-ni Register. Timber Land, Act, June 3,1878'’—Notice for Pnb lication. .... . United StutesLand Office, ¡■i. I Oreg,on City,.Oregon, April 11, 1890. ■tóOTlCE is hereby given tliat in compliance X5 with tho pro.visions of thé act of Congress of June 3,1S78, entitled “An act for the“ sale of tiniber lands in the States of California, Ore­ gon, Nevada .and Washington Territory,” ’William HepbuiW/.of Mill City, county of Marion, State of,Oregon, lias this dav filed in this office his swor.li,statement, No. 1995, for the purchase of the', Mortheast quarter of Nor-th- eàst.quarter of Section 20, North half of North­ west quarter anil Southeast quarter of North- iv.èst quarter of Section No. in Township No. 9-Sôïith, Range. No.. 4 East, and will offer prpgf to sliow .that, the land sought is more valuable for Its-timber or stone, ’han for agri- cpltpralpurposes and to establish"hiselaini to saidland.lcfore tlie Register and Receiver of this office at O.regpu Citv, pregôn, on Wednesday, the 10th (lay OÏ-.September, 189Q. lie'names as-witnesses: wm. Sims, P. A. .13(111, Ceo..A. BennqtL J. L. Berry all of Mill City, Marion coujïtÿ, Orogon.. : ’ -Any and all perJo'ns’claiming adversely the above-described Jauds arc requested to filo t-neir claims in this tiffice'on or before sail! totb ’day of Septcnibor, 18tìo. _ni-v2- . . : H 't'.'APPEES-oNl'iti-seiste-v',' PRÏNGf JANftOtlftCEÏÆEft o' a 6 Ô o ö , » _»•- ■ © » 9 i > Û F. Is now iWèivirig a choice stòck of Spring G&otfsl- .......Lr Dry Goods, notions^ Furrtishirig ...................... embrauí IÍG.. And the very latest and most- stylish in 1 DREèS GOODS, TRIMMINGS,- SÄK, TABLE LINES, GLOVES, IÍOSÍERY, FANCY GOOBS? ETC./ETC., All at thé LowêsT öasH PiièE/ -- - r i — Also.'a’fine stock of Bboft arid'Siloes which I afri closing out lit ®o3f w." F. B?. Tb'fc DettJln,'? G-tisii'Tfi'j’ Gtifelj. Sfo??/ Albany,■'Oregon^ AprilflS^’