Z Z on another man’s back and he in turn THE SCIO PRESS TERMS: One copy, one yen- in advfv * six ¡non •ha: in ai ..lu ce in on ths. in Advertising at reasonable rates. Job printing a specialty. Address, S2 00 1 00 50 T. L. DVGGER. Scio, Oregon. GENERAL NEWS. The Western Union telegraph building of New York city burned on the 18th, creating a money loss of several hundred thousand dollars, and disarranging things in the news line at a great rate. In fact the sus­ pension of telegraph facilities had a wo?se effect than the blizzard of 1888. The fire destroyed, in addition to instruments, typewriters and fur­ niture, all the books, papers, and records,, dating from 1845, and a val­ uable reference library—an irrepara­ ble loss. All the material for the history of the growth of the press in America, contained in letters, books and files, were burned andean nevt-r be replaced. The building was sup­ posed to be fireproof. The first five floors were filled with offices, occu­ pied by some of the greatest railroad magnates in the world, among them Jay Gould, Sidney Dillon, Dr. Nor- vin Green and others, famous throughout the land. It is su pposed the fire was caused by two electric wires becoming crossed and setting fire to the floors. The population of several of the cities in Eastern Oregon, according to the new enumeration, is given as follows: Heppner, 700; Union, 600; Milton 534; Athlena, 503; Arlington, ■400. A Trademark.—-She—Who is that distinguished looking manacross the way—the one in a light suit ? He— He is a butcher, of course. Don’t you notice his mutton chop whis­ kers ? Hon. John P. Buchanan, president of the State Farmers’ Alliance, was nominated for Governor of Tennessee by the Democratic convention on the 18th, at Nashville. In northwestern and central Rus­ sia the crops are not promising, OWr ing to rain and exceedingly hot weather. There.-.-were a lot of late arrivals.at Every established local newspaper i was victimized by them. Jefferson market that day, and it was leceives subscriptions from large-; ■ tot’ll send an officer with you to the six .o’clock before the court was ready to adjourn. Mrs. Bowers and the fair cities which puzzle the publisife- to hotel,” said the judge. accou nt for. hu11h e Nt>w York Times I Must then the angel appeared. It was • widow were still there, the former stay­ the young widow whom Lawrence had. ing against her will at thè earnest solic­ -la tel.;.; th ro w 'soni'e Ugh t irpbn t his.y metrin the park up-town. She ’was;in, itation .of the.) latter. She was sadly matter: “A vvholes:iy?,groqgr in this . court with Mrs. Bowers, assisting that disturbed at having failed so signally city, who has become rich at the ' charitable lady in her work and at the to aid heFbehefactor, and waà anxious business, says his rule is that when same time keeping an eye open for ¿er to learn the result of the inquiry. Just he sells a bill of goods on credit thieving maid, who might be expected in the nick of time, as it seemed to her, Í to turn up at any time among the pris- a messenger boy crawled into the room to immediately subscribe for .the and demanded with amazing indiffer­ local paper of his debtor. So long as ence: “Is de judge here?” his customer advertised liberally he The judge relieved the boy of his dis­ rested, but as soon as. he. began to patch and addressed a remark to him contract his advertising space he which sent him out of court several took the fact as evidence that there thousand times faster than he came in. The two claimants to the name of Brane was trouble ahead and invariably were already at the bar. The judge read went for the debtor.” Said he: “The the telegram silently, coughed, road it man who is too poor to make his again and remarked: business known is too poor to do “This does not seem to help matters business. The withdrawal of an ad­ for either Of you.” Then he read the dispatch aloud: vertisement is evidence of a weak­ “T he J udge , Jefferson Market Court, ness that business men are not slow New York— If Lawrence Drane Js in to act upon. There’s nothin)» like your charge please hold him. He is un­ it.” doubtedly insane. HIS NAME WAS JONES. essential of absolutely correct evening “It does not matter,” she said. “Mv dress in Mr. Jenkins’ retreat. He also conduct must seem strange to you I had a curiosity to know how’ often,, on can hardly explain it without telling- an average, the violent lunatics in the you the story of my life. Thero is a ro­ establishment overpowered'their deep­ mance in it,” and she brightened ap­ en and slaughtered the less dern’ented preciably. “You shall hear the melan- inmates. ■ButJ’dbepest and most imjiqr- snoly narrative.” tant of all, was the question .of. .supper, “Far be it from me to intrude upon for the meal which he had’appropriated .tour confidence,” said Drane, endeavor-' in the bath had ceased to give’him sat­ isfactory support, and it might be,a long hg to get away. But she fixed him with' time before he had a chance to steal,an­ other. Jenkins was slow in coming; and Drane got more and more nervous. He had an unusually strong natural horror of lunatics. Not that their presence is particularly agreeable to .any body—ex­ cept a Jenkins at so much a head—but Drane was actually superstitious .about: it. He had a feeling that thngerms.qf mania were floating in tho air around him,and that he might break out with tho’ disease any minute. . He wondered at being left thus alone. A man who had been judicially decided to be crazy should have a keeper.. Then he perceived in the shadow of the doo.r a large, ungainly man who seemed" to be THE ROMANCE IN HER LIFE. on watch. He stood in a kind of'niche, and had thus escaped Drane’s observa­ ' hér eye and he sank back into his seat? tion when he entered. This man’s eye Then she drew a chair near to his so glared upon him out of the darkness between him and thè-door. that Drane’s nerves began to dance ina “You resemble him strongly,” manner that threatened to fit him very she. “The same noble features, quickly for permanent occupancy of the same soulful. ayes, tho same pallor, in- retreat. He felt that he must escape ■ dicative of the same sad fat-e. Are you ¡a from that man’s observation or relieve genius? Do you write noeins of tlio so;.l the oppressive silence by a howl. '■ as'he did?” He compromised the matter by step­ .Drane groaned. ping into the parlor. At this, both the “I knew it,” she went on. “Listen. ancient and unfortunate ladies assumed We were destined for each other. There’ an air of modest reserve which was was a small matter of property depend­ quite frightful to see. Presently one of ing upon our union—but never mind. them .drew out her handkerchief and be­ He seemed to avoid me at first, but at gan to weep softly, but with evident de­ length fate threw us together. Return­ termination to .do the subject full jus­ ■ ing to his room one morning very early tice before she got through, « endeavored to eriter the old-fash­ . “Madame,” said Drane, gently, “if he pay presence affects you to tears, I will ioned clock at the head of thè first flight of stairs under the impression that it withdraw.” the door of his apartment. It was “Do not do so on my account,” she was absent-mindedness of génitìs. Ah, said, “it is not your fault that you have the well! and the clock fell down the revived a sorrow that has long been stairs he locked in'each other’s arms, and buried in my breast.” . Drane regretted having been the when they picked him up one Of his; cause of such a joyless resurrection, and limbs was broken. I game to nurse him/ To bo Lonthiuéd. he ventured to murmur words to that effect. “S anford D rane .” “There is a vile conspiracy back of oners. During the examination of Law­ rence and the impostor she had been this!” cried the real Drane. “Oh, I give it up! ) I’m not Drane at busy with Mrs. Bowers in another part of the room, and so had not heard a all,’’’shouted the imposter. Th.umpity-bag! said tho judge’s gavel, word of the case. It takes an acuto ear to detect any thing that goes, on in' a angrily, and the judge himself added: “The court believes you are both de­ New York court, even when one stands beside the judge himself. The young mented, 1 shall commit you both to an lady had chanced to see Mr. Drane’s asylum for examination and treat­ iace, and in spite of the great improve­ meat.” ment effected on it by the barber and CHAPTER VII. the radical change in his garb, she rec­ JENKINS' RETREAT» ognized him. It was not immediate, Amid tho sorrows in which Drane was and she was not altogether sure. She again involved, ho had one consolation whispered excitedly to Mrs. Bowers: —life young woman with thirtoe’n mill­ “Seo! is not that the gentleman who ions evidently felt almost as badly’ as assisted me the other morning?” he. did. Ho heard her tell Mrs. Bowers Mrs. Bowers had recourse to her that the judicial blacksmith on tho glasses. bench was “simplv dreadful.” “I should think so,” she replied, But this was not the best of’it; he “frotn his clothes. I shouldn’t be likely heard Mrs. Bowers’ reply. Only two to.forget them.” words, indeed, and as irrelevant as are ' “No, no; I mean the other one. I most feminine utterances in times of must go up and see.” emergency: “Why, Bessie!” was all she Bowers disapproved of this heart­ said, or at least all that Drane heard, The great, politically, anniversary ily, Mrs. but the young widow took her own he was more than rejoiced. Her of the citizens of Japan, will hereaf­ way, and presently Mr. Drane felt a but name was Bessie! At last he had some­ ter be on July 1st, as on that day five light hand laid on his arm. It was at thing to call her in his thoughts, It millions of Japs voted, for the first the point where the imposter had asked was the first hint on the subject. In time, for members of a national leg­ to be allowed to go to his hotel. Law­ his joy at this discovery he forgot to re­ rente turn'-', and with a joyfully leap­ that he didn’t know the other half islature. The results of this new de­ in hSETt-S ih * ÄO companion of his ad­ gret of her name. Ho watohed her pour her parture in the political progress of venture t» «St- park. .Jle was never so woes into Mrs. Bowers’ ear, and was Japan will be watched with interest glad to see anybody DC* re, and forget­ satisfied. Such a spectacle is always entertain­ by Americans, at least. The Japan­ ting his situation he cried: “I am perfectly delighted to see vou ing, for when a woman has embarrassed ese islands, geographically, occupy again. ” a man by making a blunder, if she is very much the same position on the She was about to reply when the judge not too stupid to see it, nor too proud to Pacific as the British isles do in Eu­ acknowledge it, nor too nervous to know interposed. rope. The advancement made in “You must not speak to the prisoner, what she is about, Sho will sometimes civilization by the Japanese in the madam, but you may come up here and pity him divinely, if he is reasonably And if she has begun to last few years, mark them as the tell me what you know about this man. good-looking. foelalittlo tenderly toward him, she You may be able to clear , - up this mat ­ Saxon race of Asia, and it may be will often accuse herself unjustly, in ter.?’ : s that as grand a future awaits them; The young lady, blushing rosily and order that she may have the luxury of at the thought of being able to tolling herself how sorry- she is that she POLITICAI. KIEWS- Charles H. Hewitt, murdered by smiling give some assistance to her benefactor, has put him, into a difficulty. That was why Bessie now gazed at Charles Belgrade, at Sellwood, last In the contested election cases the week, came to Albany, Oregon, stepped before the judge and was sworn. Drane with such angelic sympathy’ de­ Sho gave her name, but in spite of all House cornmittee has decided in in 1876; was admitted to prac attention Lawrence missed it in the con» picted upon hor beautiful countenance. favor of Goodrich whose seat from fusion attendant upon the bringing in She said in her heart that her testimony tice in the Supreme Court the same Florida was contested by Bell; and i^ year; was elected to the Legislature of several new arrests. He began to see had somehow helped to-prove that he insane. It was a question of the favor of McGinnis, of West Virginia, in 1878; city attorney in 1881; re­ the end of his difficulties, and joy pos­ was heart, and in such cases a woman- never sessed him as the judge listened with whose 3eat was contested by Aider- moved to Portland in the fall or win­ evident belief to the young lady’s ac­ allows an appeal to the higher tribunal of the mind. So Bessie acted upon her And'evetytlïîng ih the HOUSE FURNISHING line. son. I (4:^1 pi-r thaii a t ter of the same year. Soon after his- count of the park episode. ii» Vftwr Portland. All work done with jientness and «lisp.-iu li. “And what is the gentleman’s name?” first impulse and implored Mrs. Bowers The Senate has confirmed James , arrival in Albany his wife appeared, asked the judge when she had finished to do something, no matter what it was. Russell Seeley, of Massachusetts, as breaking off a marriage he had con .With Mrs. Bowers it was a question Office and Salesvwoin, ALBANY,.- little story. sistant secretary of the návy; A. B. tracted with another woman. He her “Mr. Thomas Jones,”, replied the •neither of the heart nor of the mind, but Nettleton and O. L. Spaulding, as­ was divorced in 1881. These facts widow promptly. It was the name she of the conscience. Therefore she de­ sistant secretaries of the treasury; are collated from the Albany Demo­ had heard Lawrence give at the police cided to be merciless, but just. It was her plain duty to protect Bessie from station. M. M. Somerville, Alabama, Lewis crat. impostors, fortune hunters and lunatics; When he heard this answer .Drane Stackpole, Massachusetts, and Fer­ so she frowned at Drane in a way that groaned audibly. The impostor ’ s face The Argentine Republic is passing dinand M. Shurtleff, of Portland, L» T. BROCK, s was lighted by a triumphant smile gave him a chill to supplement the fever Oregon, general appraisers of mer­ through a great financial cricis. She and the judge frowned. The young which Bessie’s tender glances had put XLËR iSr- his blood. chandise; Chris. W. Craig, register has borrowed from England over lady saw that something had gone awry into “Where will they send him now?” $500,000,000, while her total wealth and she exclaimed hysterically: of land office at Independence, Cal. “Oh, dear! Have I done any thing asked Bessie, shuddering'. “Probably to Ward’s Island, tempo­ The amendment to the sundry is put down at $1,600,000,000 in 1880; wrong?” civil bill, repealing the withdrawal her total home and foreign debt ag­ “Nothing whatever, madam,” said rarily,” replied Mrs, Bowers. “Will they be good to him there?” gregates.at least one-half the present the judge. “You may step down. Now. act of 1888, has passed the Senate, OS’ EVESS'S »’ESCJæiPTÏON, “He will be cared for,” said Mrs. Bow­ wealth of the entire country. “ The Mr. Thomas Jones, you told me em ­ and such an overwhelming senti­ ers, sternly: “ and fed — to a certain ex ­ phatically but a few days ago that your PICTURE FRAMES, WINDOW SHADES, MIRRORS, RRA CK~ ment against the Scheme has been republic seems to be hopelessly debt- name was Jones. Have — you any thing tent.” RTS, ETC., ETC , “Oh, my!” cried Bessie, tearfully. created that it is believed the House ridden; her public works are at a more to say?" standstill and thousands of laborers “ Can ’ t we take him home with us? You “Your honor,” and Lawrence’s voice will be compelled to accept the : s s 2auXsS^L3KT-Sr, OÏLSJO-Oii have been so Hind to'me that I look amendment or the bill will fail. are out of employment. As a last was ragged with emotion as he spoke: upon your house as home now, you RECHI V EUretd ft*r safe» rfi the “I see that 1 have been continually be­ One Hundred Choice Oil Paintings JUST Senator Dolph made a strong speech resort the government is trying to set lowest í ratest with my own blunders. I blundered know.” sell 50,000 squaie leagues of land in “ 1 couldn ’ t think of such a thing, ” showing that the withdrawal of two- in lying about my name, which is really thirds of the State of Oregon from Europe at $1 25 an acre.” Drane; since then I have blundered at Mrs. Bowers said, firmly. “I can not every step until I committed the last in have a lunatic in my house. It is all settlement was a great injustice. He Mrs. Charles Gould is in jail in ! that I can do to look out for you.” asserted that the withdrawal of the Murphy, N. C., charged with mur­ declining to explain myself. I will At the thought that Drane would be gladly pay the expense of telegraphing lands was simply and wholly in the dering her husband. She says the to Kansas City. My friends there will sent, partly on her account, to-an island where thero might be neither pudding interest of the railroads traversing murder was unintentional; that her reply to your satisfaction.”, “We will let you do that, Jones,” said nor tea, Bessie developed symptoms of the lands so withdrawn, and they husband was a loving husband when hysteria whish touched Mrs. Bowers’ now hold all the available lands sober; when arunk a beast. He the judge, “but meantime I shall hold heart. you, and if a reply does not corhe before —----- -——WITH ITS- which the inteding settler could ac­ came home from a hunt drunk, be­ we adjoqrn you will have to remain.” “Perhaps 1 could get him committed quire, In the course of his speech gan to abuse his wife and struck her There was nothing for Lawrence to do to Jenkins’ Retreat,” she said, relenting. “Where is that?” asked Bessie, catch­ he defied any man to point to a sin­ with a riding whip; in the struggle but acquiesce and write his telegram as at a straw. (IN THE StATÈ INSURANCE BUILDING,) gle act of his which could be con­ which ensued sire drew a dagger fast as possible. This, after some judi­ ing “It is a private asylum up-town,” said cial editing, read as follows: strued to be in the interest of corpo­ from her. belt and stabbed him S anford D rank —I am held in court Mrs. Bowers, “where they care for mild rations and against the settler or blindly and furiously until she killed on suspicion of stealing my own clothes but hopeless lunatics. I will speak to HAS FOR SALEA LARGE LIST OF GRAIN, STOCK AND general government. Senator Allen, ihim. Heart-broken she lies in jail and my name. Please wire the court at the judge about it.” “■Is it better than that awful island?” once a full description of my appearance of Washington, made astrong speech awaiting trial. FRUIT FARMS; ALSO CITY AND SUR UÊR AN . “It is a shade more cheerful,” Mrs. and history. L. D. in favor of the repeal of the with­ Bowers admitted, snuttmg nor lips to ­ Then his own statement of his ad­ PROPERTY. drawal act. In fact all .the Senators The Myrtle Creek Consolidated ventures was taken down. If this gether firmly. from the newly admitted States Gold Mining Company, of Eugene, should correspond to the account to be “Then make the judge send him worked in harmony in favor of the now has a large force of men at work telegraphed he would be free. Con­ there,” cried Bessie. “Tell him that I will give him-ten thousand doHars if he repeal. on their new ditch, which they ex­ fident of the .result he followed an of- will.” Senator Pierce, of North Dakota, pect to complete this fall. The ditch ' fleer to the prison, leaving the pretty “My dear!” exclaimed Mrs. Bowers, was especially organized for the purpose of buying.and subdividing large traets’of land) widow sitting on a front seat tearfully has prepared an amendment to the will be twenty four miles long, carry listening to a whispered lecture from shocked at the girl’s ignorance, “there and lias, during the pa-t two years, bought anti subdivided over 3.200 acres of land tariff bill, which provides that after 3,000 inches of water, and give them that expert character reader, Mrs. are only a certain number of judges in from five to twenty-acre tracts. l’he success in the undertaking is’¡shown in'the New York, and you don’t want them that out of two hundred and1 eighty tracts placed on the market. 225 have been solifi one year from the passage of the bill, ja piping head of over 300 feet. The Bowers. The impostor, anxious to establish all.” the President may, in his discretion, •company has located and purchased, We clahn that ten acres of choice land in fruit, will yield a larger itiqpo>e thaii' Drane had observed this conversation, case before a reply to Mr. Drane’s direct that the duties imposed on 2,000 acres of pay dirt, and expect to his telegram should arrive, hurried from though he could not hear any of it. One hundred and sixty acres in wheat in the Mississippi valley. sugar by the laws now in force, be be able to clean up very targe profits the court accompanied by an officer. can not hear any thing in a New York We also make valuable improvements iit the way nf roads, fences: etc. We'Cati sell ar re-imposed as against any nation or , when they get to running. ■ They went to a Broadway hotel and police court. The testimony of tear­ small traet of land for the same price per acre* you would have to pay tor a.hu-ge tarm/ ful innocence given in such placesis marched straight up to the pompous country failing to enter into ade­ heard only in Heaven; which is Just as 8^* Send for pamphlet,,maps and price list. quate. recrorocal relations with the About two years ago, at Buffalo, clerk. “Do you know this man?” asked the well, perhaps, for it. may get some at­ United States regarding her agricul­ Ma Belle Hamlen trotted a half-mile, policeman. tention up there. However, Drane tural products, and the president is over the Buffalo track; in 1:2 J, or at “Know him?” returned the clerk, knew that Bessie had been pleading for him; and when Mrs. Bowers approached directed and empowered to secure, the rate of 2:4j for the'mile. On the scornfully, “I should hope not!” the judge, the prisoner realized that “ But you remember, ” cried the im ­ by treaty or otherwise, the unre­ 12th she trotted an eighth of a mile postor, “that I came here this morning some amelioratiou.of liiS condition might stricted entry of the agricultural pro­ in 14| seconds, which was at the rate and took a room, don’t you? I am Law­ bo expected. Mrs. Bowers talked earnestly with the ducts of the United States into any of 1:58 for one mile. Her driver rence Drane, of Kansas City. You’ll magistrate, and with such good effeot O x> e g o n P aci H c Rai Iroad» such country. gave her her head and allowed her find my name on the register.” * that Drane was consigned to Jenkins’ The clerk examined the big book. Senator. Aldrich, of the finance to go as fast as she wanted to, with­ COJS STEAMERS.I “There’s a Mi. Drane here,” he said; Retreat till his friends from Kansas OREGON DEVELOPMENT O’—2—o committee, has prepared a similar out the least urging or touch of whip. “I remember him.’ He was a. well- City should arrive. As for the tramp, amendment to the above, only it has This has never been equaled by a dressed man, and you—why, he wouldn’t he went to be fed—to-a certain oxtent. Short Line to California. Mr. Jenkins called his asylum a “re­ let you in at the door if you didn’t come a wider reach, as it were, as it relates trottiDg horse. Freight anrd Fares the Lowest treat,” advisedly, because it certainly with a policeman. Besides, this Mr not only to sugar but toother articles was not an advance upon any thing Drane came from New Haven. ” Accommodations tmsnrpassed for comfort and safety. Faies and' freights via Taqnina and DID YOU KNOW THAT1 placed upon the free list by the Mc­ “Oh, Lord! I forgot that!” exclaimed •looked out at. Drane with a cold severity, he Oregon Development Co,’s steamships mvtihless than- bj any other route between all points in- . he Willamette Valley and San Francisco. that made his hair curl. Kinley bill, and articles placed upon the impostor; “ you see, ’ I came down Coffee boiled longer than one min­ He had come there in charge of a from New Haven on an early train. the free list by former acts, covering ute is coffee spoiled. Daily Passenger Trains (Except Sundays), Why, I was married in New Haven yes­ court officer, and had not been allowed : .eave Itaqhina at 6:45 A. M. Leave Corvallis at 10:3-V 4. M. Arrive at Albany fit 11:10 tea, coffee, hides and other products Bessie, whom to exchange a word with Boil clothespins in clean water terday!” . ueav.e Alliany at T j OO P. M. Leave Corvallis at 1:40 P. M.: Arrive atYaquina at 5:3<>p. ■ now admitted free. It will impower f Mrs. Bowers had dragged away as soon Oregon & CaJilornia trains connect at Allniny and Corvallis. O. C. HOGUE; The dork turned away with a sniff of once a month, and they will be much W m . M s HOAG, General Manager. 1 Aet ’ g G. F. &P. Agt, Corvallis, Ogri. - as the question of commitment had been the president to impose a certain per j disgust. < “Come now, whatever your name is,” ►’ settled. He felt deserted and friend- Oregon Development Company. cent, of the duties or the whole more durable. Warm dishes for the table by said the officer, “don’t waste any more , less, and despite the fact that it was a Firs Class Steamship Line between YAQUINA and SAN FRANCISCO, connecting at Yaqvina duties now imposed. The intention very warm evening, he- shivered as he with the trains et.tlieOregon Pacific Railroad Company. The Company reserves’this riglu tov March back to court.” is to prevent other countries from emersing them in hot water, not by time. change sail days. C. H. HASWELL, Gen. F, & P. Agt., Montgomery-Sti, San¡ Francisco, Cal. So back he went, regretting at every , stood in the hail waiting for Jenkins, discriminating against American standing them in a hot stove. of whom the officer had gone in search. step that his sudden prosperity had so will leave Portland;'south bound; A large number of entertaining and Open canned fruit an hour or two < enlivened his respect for cleanliness products by allowing the President Moliday. Wednesday and Evi'day, atd A: M.; arr*e at Corvallis Tuesday, Thursday and Stititr- cheerful reflections crowded upon Drane on -lay at. 3:30 P. M...........Leave,Corvallis,north bound. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at SA. M. to use retaliatory measures where before it is needed for use. - It is far that be had ventured to take a bath. Arrive at Portland Tuesday, Thursday aud'-Saturday, at 3:30 P. M......... .On Monday, Wednesday “FirstTve taken for years,” he müt- as he stood in the dimly-lighted hall. and foreign countries attempt to keep richer when the oxygen is restored Friday, both north and southbound-boats lie over night at Salem, leaving there at 6 Ai.M. • tered, “and it selves me right. Got on He wondered, for instance, whether a lnt - " 0. C. HOGUE, A\ G.F.'&r. Ageat. out Amer ican gooF to it, well enough without before.” jgjSKsc.;.. straight-jacket would be regarded as. an The bitter feeling between Eng­ land and France engendered by the Newfoundland question, threatens to at least unsettle the Anglo-German agreement. If France really can get her back up stiff enough she will unite with Russia in calling the le­ gality of Anglo-German agreement into question and demand its Refer­ ence to a court of European powers holding colonial possessions. Spain, which dreads England in Morocco, Denmark, which is deeply stirred over the Germanization of itsanciei t possession, Heligolad, and Belgium, which dislikes the prospect of being neighbor with Germany on the Con­ go frontier, are expected to stand in with France and Russia in" support of their demand. Albany Furniture Company, FUR N I TU Moldings foe Pictiws ’a"a- OREGON LAND HOME - OFFICE - AT : SALEM, : OREGON And. Branch. Offices in Portland., Astoria and Alh^ny The Oregon 1 Steamboats