Timber Land, Acf Junq 3, J.878—Nfi: ticé for J*ubliçp,tioq. SQTÏCE FO» PUBLICATÏO5L Land Ofilpe at Oregpn City, Qrpgom " ■* jupe 19, lß90i. i>t the following ig.hereby giyeu ’ of hjs inten- méd settler hg,s filed notice support jòaké ffn&l proofi----- ~----- of his Claim at' said proof will be made'before the zÇlôfkpflmm Coi ity.at Albany? Oré- United States Land Offloe, Otegöa ßlty, Oregpn, April ist. 189o! TVTOTÏCgTa hereby gjyln that in < Lil syi-tii the provisiens of the nut < of June 3,1878, entitled “An act for T, L. DUGGER, timber landein the States of Califoiii N vada and Washington S-prjätöiy ör THE CITY OF Ellis, of Seattle, copniy' of K ’■ton, has tlíié dáy filed 1 ___ «n statement Wp. 1984, f SCIO, LIÑN ÇO„ CmæCiON O) SW4 lie Soi .east: quarter óf Se To-spus'ri No. 9 ' Smiui»- "" Rai mge will offe: noof to Öbow th'i ¡arth TEBMS: fpF Its timb 'igr'o'r stói i!poses?andt bö'establißl Per annum, invariably in advanee... fore the — Rq^ ¿latef ' and E Sixmontlis, “ “ « Oregpn City, Orogo Tues< se Sôtlï dfiy oi Advertising rates at ialr, living rat§s,.tqbe He witnesses î paid mon thly, Pöptland. Ór Transient aclvertiseinonts piust be paid for P.G ofM when the order is giv0n fo.r. their iuseptiOH« Oregon Anyi Rboy^i les claims Q7R gGHOQkS. Augm- >0, 18 PUBLISHED EVERY M-TUBDAY, BY That graded schools are far su­ perior to what may be termed a com­ mon country school is admitted; by all. That 'the grading of schools even in the country, when practic- able, js urged and recommended by pur best educators, is, kno.wp by all • who take an interest in the,.educa­ tion of our children:. Thé wisdom of school authorities in the various cities, of o,qr state as. well as. iii all others in concentrating school in­ terests: and placing the whole under one. management is shown in the thoroughness and excellence oi their schools. Among the first questions asked by a prospective, citizen, if he be a man of family,, is:. What kind of schools, have you ? Or;, have you a graded school system in your city?; And the result will probably be,.if, you are compelled to answer in an -Unsatisfactory manner, that he iwill go elsewhere to find a Location; Otherwise if you could1 assqre him that you were up with the times in school matters; that your schools were so. graded and classified as to reach the best possible results he: would look- no, fartfiéç. The values of property in either çity or country to a considerable.ex­ tent are en.hancetl or depressed in the same proportion as its schools are. thorough apd efiScient, or im­ perfect and unsatisfactory•. In. our opiniou the schools of Seto would, be very muefi benefitted if the two, districts could be united in one harm.opious whole., “Among the benefits to. be derived weuld be the ability t.o employ a more efficient Corps, of teachers^ a better- classifica­ tion of the pupils, thereby tabling more advanced brancB.es to be taught, and a general: and, more sat­ isfied; condition of things;. Now it seems, to us. we should; be able to harmonize on this subject. -R could not make any material difference as to which district the school buildings were located in, because the .distance Of the most remote pupil in either : district could not . be increased but a trifle.. The whole subject then re­ solves, itself do wn to. that of prop­ erty, taxes, etc., which, should be thé one of the least consideration. Let it be known that our schools are famed., for their excellence and thoroughness then will property be in demand and with increased val­ ues. A co-operation on the part of all can only reach this result, So long as the city is divided, on school matters just so long will the efii- eiency of the schools be crippled. By all means let us consolidate. Saturday, August 9, 1890, .dams. Homestgud Ei No ofNWh í and EX of SW/ L 01 p 9 Soul th, Bi iige.4Ea'' followi itnesses AFBEB Nonce fbr FnJUlîoatiQïi Timber La id, Act June Noti« e for Publicado SToilce fo^ Land Office at Oregon City-, O b .. June 19, 1890, KTOTJCE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support qf his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Linn county, at Albany, Oregon, on Saturday, Augnst 9, 1890, viz i John Ilaloy. Pre-emption D. S. No- 6131, for the northeast quarter of section No. 8/ township p'sout-h, range 4 east.: lie names th? followipg witnesses to prove his pontinqous residence >on and cultlyation of, said, land, z': Arnold Wink, M. F. Cullovan,Hen­ ry Sueseps find J, W« Brown, ail of Rock Creek, Linn county, Oregon. J. T. A ppebson , vgnfi -Register. Conni y Clerk of Linn county, at Albany, Oré- gon,on . Friday, June 6, l§90, . viz: James H. Hogan, Rrereinption D. S. No. 5480, for the NEM of Section’ 10, Township: 1 ' S, R 3 East. He names tl/e fqllqwipg yvitnesses to prove nis continuous residöhee upon, and cultivation qf, said land, viz;* . ■W. Wig^s, N. Lewis, G. Miller and Mc­ Gough, all of Rock Creek, Linn codnty, Oreg on J. T. APPERSGN, < -Register. «PRING JB s ? *s • • ® w® w. 1 Uli Is now receiving a choice stock of Spring ¿Goods! Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878—No­ tice for Publica lion. .„.EMBRACING,.,...,.......... iJnlted States L^pd Office, Oregon City, Or., April 1,-1890. ’KTOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act-for tire, sale'of tim­ And the very latest and most stylish in ber lands ’h the States of California, Oregpn, Nevada, and Washington Territory.” Walter T.- White, of Port Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878-r. Notice for land county, of Multnomah, state of DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SILK, TABLE Publication. Oregon, has this flay filed i n this office He names, as witnessed; G. H. Bennott, of United States Land Office, his sworn statement No. 1985, for the Mill City, Oregon, H. Ay. Richev, of Portland, Orégon City, Orégon, April 15-, 1890. purchase of the NEj'of section No.25, Oregon, Frank Ra'sdni^ of Tacoma, Washing­ .'LINEN, GLOVES, HOSIERY,& FANCY OTICE is liereby given that in compliance ton, James Copland, oi Tacoma, Washington. with tlie provisions of thé act of Congress in Township No. 9 8. range No. 1 E, Any and all persons claitning adversely the of June 3,1878, entitled “ An act for the salé of and will offer proof to show that the above described lands, are ' requested tp file timber lands in tlie-States of California, Ore­ tlicir claims in this office on of before the s^id gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” John land sought is more valuable for its GOODS, ETC., ETC., I8th day of sejftemberj 1890., • D. Montgomery,of Mehama, county di Marion, timber or stone than for agricultural n4-v2 ’ J. T. APPERSON, Register. State of Oregon, has. this day filed m this office, purposes, and to establish his claim liis sworn statement no . 1999, for tlie. purchase the northeast quarter of northeast quarter to said land before the Register and Timber Land, Act Jqrie 8,187fe=No- of AU at the LowesT QasH PrioE. of section NO.-27-, in township no . 9 south, range Receiver of thisofilce at Oregon City, tice for Publication. No. 4 east, and will offer proof to show that the Oregon, on Tuesday the 26th dajr of land sought is more valuable for its timber : or UN] ' ed S tates L and O ffice , stone than for agricultural purposes, and to August,1890. He names as witness­ 01 egoi City, Oregoi * that in Qnxpiia nee establish liis claim to said} land before the Reg­ es:-- P. G. Duren, of Portland, Or; C, XTOTICE is hereb with the provis lons.'of the act- o f Congi ess ister and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, H. Work, of Mill City, Or.; N. J.. of Ji irie3, 18 78, entiibled ‘>A n act; for thé sale of Oregon,on Friday, the 12tli day of September, 1890, Also, a fine stock of Boots and Simes which I am closing out at Cost, er laiids in the States of Califurn ia»Oreg Welch of Portland, Or,; T, D. Ellis of He names as witnesses»: w. H. Hiatt, of Me­ Seattle, Washington Wasl lingtqn Territoi y,n Pui ley Nev?ida, G.D O1 Portia nd, coui lty of M Ultnom ah, hama, Orégon; S. w. Reece, R. Fox, of Albany, Any and all persons ciaimipg ad­ State of.O •Ón, ha 3 this dq y filed ir this oilice Oregon; Ç. F. Swank, of Mehama, Oregon. An y and all persons • claiming adversely tlie versely the above-described lands are hiss i temen t No. 19é 6, for tli e purch asé W. r. READ, above-described-lands are requested to file their oi of th eE^ NW^- and EX of SWX of Sect ion No. J5, in To wiïshlï No. 9 kpith, R inge N o. 4 claims in this office on or before said 12th day requested to file tliolrNaims in this 11 offer proof to show th at the kmd of September/189Ô. East and office on or before said 26th day of The Leading Cash Dry Goods Store. v2-nJ J. T. A pperson , Register. ht is more vali able for its timber or st òhe August-, 1890. Albany, Oregon, April, 1890, lliar for? icnltur al purposes, and oestiib ish J. T. APPERSON, his Jaim to said la pd befó. •o the Re md 3/1878—Notice for Pub­ of this offi ce at O] •egon Oil y, Oi>eg oil, Timber Land, Act June Rece a 12 Register. lication. . on United States Land Office,, Tnes day the 26 th fifty of Angust, 1.890, Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878—No­ Oregon City, Oregon, April 80, 1890. . as. wit leases ; C. H. W OLicofMill He tice for Publication.;. OTICE is hereby given that in compliance City Oreg'on ;F. J. Welch, c fPortlai id, Oreg United States Land Office, with the provisions of the act of Congress, Thos ; D. Ellis,, of Seattle, Washing ton; W . T. of June 3, 1878/ entitled “An act for the sale of Oregon City,-Or,, March 31, 1890. Whi te, of Be l-tland Oregon An d 8fil pers ons piai ili ng ad tersely the timber lands in the States of California, Ore­ gon ,nevacla and washihgtoxi Territory/’ Chris­ NTOTICE is hereby given that in abbv e-des hedían ds aré re quested loffie tl clainxain th s office op or b efore sài d 26th day tian Traxell, of iiock Creek, county of Linn,. compliance, with tne provisions .State of "Oregon, has this clay filed’ in this office of August, 1890. J. T. APPERSON , , -DEALERS IN-a- his sworn statement no, 2020, for the purchase of the act of Congress of June 3, Register apl‘21146 of. the east half wf* southeast quarter of sec--.; entitled “An act for the sale of tim­ tion 82, and west-half of soutnwest quarter of ber lands in the States of California, no. 33, in township no. 9. south, range Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878—No­ section no. 4 east, and will offer proof to show that the? Oregon, Nevada and. Washington tice of Publication. land sought is more, valuable for its timber or Territory,” Albert Cubitt, of Albany stone than- for agricultural purposes, and to United States Land Office,. establish hiselaim to said land before the Reg-. pounty of Linn, state of Oregon, has Qr$gon City, Oregon, MarclxSlsfc 1890. OTICE is hereby, given that- in compliance , istei’ and Receiver of this office at Oregon pity,' this day filed in this office his s worn . with the provisions of tile act of. .Congress Oregon, on: statement j^o. 19-78, for the purchase Friday, The 3d day of October, 1390. of June 3,1878, entitled. “An act for 'thé saie of He names as witness ; "L. Y. xvilson, S. C. of the E| NE}, and EJ SEI, bf Sec­ timber lands in Calif©rnia’i Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” Wilber ,D, Robinson, Brown, O. V. Adams, C. A. Bills, all of Rock tion No- 23, in Township No 9 S, of Roche Harbor, county of San Juan, State of Creek, Linn-county, Oregon. . . . .102 FIRST STREET, .... Any and all persona claiming adversely the range No 4 E, and wifi offer proof- Washington, has this day filed in this office bis sworn statement No. 1979, for the purchase of above-described lands are requested to file their to show that tfie land sought is more claims in this office on or before said 3d day of the SEX of Section No-14, in Township No. 9 valuable for its timber or stone than South, Range No, 4 East, and will offer proôi October, 1890.. for agricultural purposes, apd toes v2-n4 J. T.APPERSON Register. to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural tablish his claim to said land before purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register, and Receiver of this Timber Land, Act June 3, -1878—No­ the Register apd^Receiver of this of­ fice at Oregon City, Oregon, on office, at Oregon "City, Oregon, on tice for Publication. Thursday, the 21st day of August, 1890'. Thursday the 21st day of August 1890 Hé nances as witnesses : Wm» Lyon, of Alba, . United States Land Office, He naniies as witnesses: Walter H. ny, Oregon ; Garland Lanier, of Fossil, Gilliani OregQp City, Oregon, March 31st, 1890. county, Orëgo« ; N, J/Welch, of Portland, Or­ OTICE is hereby given “that in compliance Robinson,' of Roche Harbor, San | egon; W. A.. Caborn, of Portland, Oregon. with the provisions of the act of Congress Juaneounty,Washington; WilberD. | Any and all persons claiming adversely the of Juné 3., 1878,; entitled “An act for the sale oi ■ above, described lands are requested tofile their timbeiTands iñ the States, of California, Oregon, Robinson, of Roche. Harbor,San Juan ¿claimsAn this office on or before said 21st day. Nevada, "and Washington Territory,” Garland munty, tVashingfon;- N- J. Welch, of August, 1890. ' J. T. APPERSON, Lánier, of Fossil, eouuty.of Gilliam, State, of : apl2n46vl * Register. Oregon, has this day filed in this office liis Wrtland, Oregon;' W, A, Caborn, sworn statement No.-1980, for the purchase of Portland Oregon. Any and all per­ the RX N WX and WX NEX of-Section. Ro. 23, sons claim-ing adversely .the above­ in TównshipNo. 9 South, Range No, 4 East, and Timber Land, Act June 3,1878—«No­ will offer proof to show that the land sought is described kinds are requested to file more valuable for its.;timber or stone than lor their claims tn this office on or be­ tice for Publication. agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim United States Land -Office^ to ‘said land-bemre the Register and Receiver fore said 21st day of August 1890. Oregon City, Oregon, May 5,1890. of this offtce Ot Qregon City, Oregon, on ; T. J, APPERSON, OTICE , is hereby given that in compliance Register. ' ■ al2 Friday, the 22d day of August, 1890. with tile provisions of The act of Congress of June 3,1878, entitled, yAn act for. the sale of He names as Witnesses: W. D. Robinson and Timber X.arA, Ac^ June 3, 1378, No­ timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, H. Robinson, of Roche Harbor, San Juan Nevada, and Washington Territory,” Robert W. tice of publication-,; countyj Washington; N. J, Welch and W. A. Ô. Thompson, of Mill City, county of Marion, Caborn, Of P0rtla.ncT, Oregon. United Stales Land Office, State of Oregon, has this day . filed in this Any and all persons claiming adversely the office -his sworn statement No. 2-021,‘ for the above" described lands are.requested to file their Oregon City, Or-., April 1-5, 1890. purchase of the north half of the northwest claims in this office oñ or before said 22d day 'M'OTICE is hereby given that in quarter, southeast quarter of the northwest of-August, 1890. J. T. APPERSON, tewart compliance with the provisions X and. noftljeast X °f northeast X section 20, v apl2n46 . Register. in townsnip 9 south, range no . 4 east, and of the act of Congress Of June 3,1878, will offer proof to show that the land.sought, is. entitled “An act for the sale of tim­ more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim Timber Land., Act June 3,1878—No­ ber lauds in the States of California, to said land before" the Register and Receiver of tice of Publication. Oregon, Nevada, and: Washington this office at Oregon City, Orégon, on Territory,” Joseph Stish, <‘>f Salem, the 5th day of September, 1890. United States Land Office,. B light in the potatoe crop' in He Friday, names as witnesses : W. w. Hepburn,.L. is Oregon City, Or., March 31,1890. county of Marioi.i, State of Oregon, Berry,< F. Bejl and. w. Sims, all of Mills City, some portions of Ireland will cause, E. has this day filed in tins office his 0 Marion countyj Oregon. jt is feared, great suffering- on .the Any and all persons claiming adversely the ^"OTICE is hereby given that in sworn statement. No. 2000, for the- above-described lands are requested to file their compliance with the provisions pm chase of 'he ’SEj of Section No. part of lush farmers, claims in this office on or before said 5th day of I’ropritor, j,*. œ. jBRoeKj of the act of Congress of June 3,1878, .24, in Township No. 9 South, Range September,. 1890. J. T. APPERSON, entitled “Au act for the sale of tim­ No. 4 East, and will offer proof to K itty -H am and Alta, two of the' v2«n4 Register. ber lands in the States of California, show, that the land sought is more Dealer in fastest trotting animals of the rival, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington valuable for its timberor stone than June 3,1878--Notice for Pub breeds of horses,\ viz; Hambleton- Timber- Land, Act lication. Territory,” Walter H. Robinson, of for agricultural purposes, and to Ian and Altamont, are matched to Roche Harbor, county of San juan,, establish his claim to said land before United States Land Office, Oregon City, Orégonj April 11,1890. stateof Washington,has this day filed the Register and Receiver of this trot a race soon. Admirers of the OTICE is hereby-given that in compliance in. this office his sworn Statement No. office at Oregon City, Oregon, on rival strains are manifesting consid­ with thé provisions óf the act of Congress 1981, for thé purchase of the SWj, Friday., thé 12111 day of September, of June 3,1878, entitled “An act-fo.f the sale of erable interest in the race. timber lands' in Àthe States of California, Ore­ NWL Nl SWi and SE], SWj of sec­ 4890. gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” tion No. 14, in Township No. 9 S, He names as witnesses: N. J. of Mill. City, county of T he Northern Pacific Railroad Cd. William-Hepburn, Marion, State of Oregon, has this clay filed in range No, 4 E, and will offer proof t.o Welch, P. G. Duren, and W. A. Ca­ this office his.sworn statement No ..1995, for the' have purchased a majority of the show that the land sought is more born, of Portland, Multnomah'coun­ purchase of the Northeast quártér of Norths stock of the Seattle, Lake Shore & east quarter of Section 20, Noi’th half .of North­ valuable for its timber or stone than ty,- Oregon, -and John Haly, of Rock quarter and Southeast quarter of North­ for agricultural purposes, and to es­ creek, Linn county, Oregon, Eastern railroad and have leased the west west auartér of-Section No. 21, in Township tablish his claim to said land before Any and - all. persons ... claiming No. 9 South, Range No. 4 East, and will offer • road upon a basis of a guaranty of proof to show that the land sought is more the Register and Receiver of this of­ adversely the above'described lands for its timber or stone than for agri­ fice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Fri­ are requested to-ffie their claims in 6j per cent, interest on the outstand«- Valuable cultural purposes and to establish his claim to this office on or before said-12th. day ing bonds, and a futher issue of said land before the Register and Receiver of day,the 22d day of August, 1890. office at Oregon City, Oregon, on He names as witnesses: Garland of September, 1890. bonds necessary to complete the this Wednesday, the 10th clay of September, 189-0. Lanier, of Fossil, Gilliam county,Or. ; J. T. APPERSON, He names as witnesses: wm. Sims, F. A. road to the'international boundary. Bell, Geo. A. Bennett, J. L. Berry, ali of Mill Wm. Lyons, of Albany, Linn county, vinal Register. City, Marion county, Oregon. Oregon, N.. J. Welch, of Portland, T he .Oregon Press Association ‘ Any and all persons claiming adversely the Oregon; W. A. Caborn, of Portland, Notice for F-oblicotion. < above-described lands are requested to file meets in Portland next month, and tlieir claims, in this office on or before said 10th Oregon. Land Office at Oreg-on City, Or. of September, 1890. June 6, 1890. . Any and all persons claiming ad­ arrangements for the meeting are day n4-v2 J. T. APPERSON, Register. Vr otice is- hereby given that the versely the above-described lands are now being made. It is hoped to IN following-named settler has filed 3,1878—Notice for Pub" requested to file their claims in this make this by far the most interest­ ■Timber Land, Act June office on or before said 22d day of notice or his intention to make final lication. proof in support of his claim, and ing convention the Oregon editors United States Land Office, August, 1890. City, Oregon, May 28,1890. that said proof will be made before' J. T. APPERSON, have had. An excursion to Astoria TV'OTICEis Oregon hereby^given that in compliance the Comity Clerk of Linn .county, at Register. or the Sound will probably be given Li with the provisions of the act of Congress al2 Albany, Oregon, on of June 3,1878, entitled “ An act tor the sale of FINE COMMERCIAL SAMPLE ROOMS. at the conclusion of the meeting. timber lands in the States of California, Ore­ Tuesday, July 22,1890.. gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” viz : Frank M. Bender,-Pre-emption M. Bilyeu, of Scio, county of Linn, Tiaiber Land., Act June 3, 1878—Nt- NEW'HOUSE. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. ELECTRIÇ5LIGHTS, T he Oregonian of Thursday gives George D. S. No. 0418 for t he 8W} of Section State of Oregon, has this, day filed in this office tice of Publication. sworn statement no ; 2067, for thé purchase . to its readers the account of theof- liis 15, Township 9 South, Range 4 East. of the east half of the northwest quarter .and United. States Land Office, Fie names the; following- witnesses . ficial correspondence between the northwest qu arter .of northwest quarter of sec­ Oregon City, Or.,- March 25,1890'. no . 21, m township no . 10 southj îahge no . to prove his continuous residence governments of the United States tion 1 west, and will offer proof to show that the sought is more valuable for its- timber or 'NTOTTCE is hereby given that in upon- and ■ cultivation' of said land, and Great Britain that hasjust been land stone than for agricultural purposes/and to. es­ compliance With the provisions viz.: A. B. Woodin and vV. H. B. tablish claim to said land before the Regis­ Stewart, of Rock Croelr, C. C. Kelly transmitted by Secretary Blaine to ter, and his Receiver of this' office at Oregon City., of thè act of Con gress of June 3,1878, on entitled “An act for the; sale of tim­ and S. S. Train, of Albany, all of congress on the Behring Sea mud­ Oregon, ONLY FmST ©LASS HOOSE TO THE CITY, Tuesday, the, 23d day of September, 1890. ber lands in thè States of'California, Linn county, Oi-cgpn. dle. Secretary Blaine does not at He names as witnesses: Q. E. Crûmes, Thos. Oregon, C’ornei’ 1st an ter and Receiver of this: office at viz ;■ William H. Bonder, Pre­ of Washington, lias this day filed in this cities reported so far have gained State office liis sworn statement no * 2068, for the pur­ Oregon'.City, Oregon, on Wednesday emption D. S. No. 6419 for the WJ of 200 per cent.,-some of the estimates chase SE|,/>E}of EiE'fOf Section 15, and of the northeabt.quarter, of section no * the 13th day of August, 1890. given by the supervisor are remark­ 30, in township no . 10 south, range no . 3 east, SW j of SWj oi section 14, Township He names as witnesses: J. Kitch ­ will offer proof to show that the land sought able. Salem remains the second and more valuable for its timber and stone than en, R. Hardenbrook, F. A. Rosen- 9 South, Range 4 East. city in the state, but falls sadly short is for agricultural purposes, and to establish his krans and J. A. Buckley, all of Port­ . He names the following witnesses of the 10,000 claimed. Albany ex­ claim to said land before the Register and Re­ land, Multnomah county, Oregon. to prove- his continuous residence Sash, Doors, Bexs, and everything in the house finishing of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on ceeds the expectation of its people ceiver Any and all persons claiming adverse­ upon and cultivation of, said land, Tuesday,'tlie 23d day of September, 1890. line. Goods, sold CHEAPER, than at Portland. and comes within 200 of Salem, with He names as witnesses *, J. West, G. A. Ben­ ly the above-described lands, are re­ viz: A. B. Woodin and W. H. B. All work done with neatness and of Mill City, Oregon; F. Raisoni, J. Cop- 7000 people; Grant’s Pass shows the nett, quested to file.their claims in this of­ Stewart, of Rock creek, and 8. S. of Tacoma, Washington. dispatch. Send in your orders. greatest growth, 300 per cent, since lan, Any and ail persons claiming adversely the fice on of before said 13th day of Aug-« Train and C. C. Kelly, of Albany, all above-describeOjlandsare requested to file tlieir 1880.. Roseburg, Eugene, Ashland Office and Salesroom at ALBANY, OR of Linn colintv, Oregon.. in this office on or before said 23d day ust, 1890. and Oregon City show about the claims - J. T. APPERSON, of September, 1890. J; T. APPERSON normal urban gain, 200 per cent. V2-P4 J. j. APPERSON, Receiver. n48 Register. V2n8 Register, Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, N N N : Albany, Oregon. Also, Agricultural Implements, guns and ammunition, wagons and buggies, baby carriages, iron, steel, chain, coal,wagon material, paints, oils, garden and grass seed, Loggers’ and Blacksmiths supplies, The completes! stock in the valley, to be sold at ths lowest rates to all comers. You are specially invited to call and see us when in this city, S & Sox N N N OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Picture frames, window shades, mirrors, brackets, etc.,, etc,. loo Fine Oil Paintings, just received rnd for sale at the very low­ est rates. Molding for picture frames. ALBANY Oregon N N SUGAR FIND DOOR & I.U1XEBRR CO. Manufacturers of