VOL.2 . NO. 3. M PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY GOLL. VAN GLEVE & SON’; •nr yhb citfr or •CIO, LINN OREGON. CO., TERMS: for mnm, invariably in advance,.,,$2 00 ■txmonths, “ “ “ loo Advertising rates at talr, living rätfls, to be paid quarterly. Transient advertisements must be bttld for when the order 1 b given fol- their ihsettitm. THE CITY OFFICIALS : ... jeff , M yers . BATOR......... ^CORDER.. ffiRKASURER MARSHAT.... i COUKCtLlttN ...... ;.;O. s. MAY. GEO. DEVANEY. ..JACK HtLYEU. ...L JOHNSON. ..T. W. DILLEY. ..EDWIN GOINS. ■ T. J. MUN KERS. ....II. SHELTON. ;;.W. HRENNER. ;;A. J. JOHNSON. ©Ity Council meets on the first Thursday in «■Mi month. Melo Fire Department, Chief Engineer.;...O, S. May. Assistant Engineer....riFratik Mack. H ook * L adder Co. No. 1. President............ ,.;..JEL A. Johnson. (Secretary.............. ..¿Will M. Abbott. Treasurer;......... Foreman..............;;<:Geo. Shelton. Assistant,mi. Delegates—J. K. Thomas, M. E. Bil­ yeu, Geo. W; Morrow, CL S. May, Will M. Abbott« H ose CÖ mpän Y N o . 1. President..i...Jake Bilyeu. Secretary.:;;.;.,.ii;m.-...i;:.;Frank Gill. Treasurer,i...;;.;;;;:.T. W. Dilley. Foreman'.;;;;i.;;..;;:;;;;;.Sfltni Shores. Assistant...........;...... Allie . E wing. Delegate«—Will Brenner; R. Shel­ ton, Archie Johnson, S. 1; Shores, Frank Mack. -------- cafe-------- . Secret Societies; I. O. F.—-Dlercioff Lodge No. 54, A O. Johnson, N. Gi, Meets Wed nesday evenings ät & ö’clöclt. A. F. & A. M.- a S ci O Lodge No. 39, Dr. E. Ö. Hyde, Master. Meets each Saturday on of befOfd the full moon io each röonth. A. O. U. Scio Lödge No. 36, N. Crabtree; M. W., riiefets On the 1st and 2d Mondays in each mctath. I. O. G. T.—Santiam, Lodge' No. 75, Dr, E. O'. H^de, G. T., meets every Tuesday OvO'nihtg. All the abovfl societies töe'Pf in the Masonic hall. Chur cites. M. E. Chufch—TteV; W. pastor; services on 4fh Stifiday of each' month. Cumberland f’r'esbyte- iian Clittrch'i Bey, B; F. Modify,' pas­ ter. ;i services, 8d Stitxday, in each month. Missionary Baptists; Bev.