- OREGON- PAPIFIOi’4' ' SCIO, OREGON, MAY 31. 1890. • ROUTE, Viil^islied every Sa,:itri^y, by COLL. VAN CLE VE, At $2 per pnnum. til advftnçe. • 1, ... 225 MILES SHORTER! * Lots of grass on 20 : HOURS LESS TIME! the ranges east of the ’ . Accofiif^pilatiohs u n s u r pa ss eAd mountains this year, fop comfort and safety, >Fapea and freights vifi Yaquiua ap.d the Ore­ Mrs. M. A. Powell gon Development Ou m patty’s ^Steamships mucoc MW than.by any of Hillsboro, wants 5 other route between all polntis in the Wflhypette Valley and San to find her boy Grant . Francisco. The electric cars I am always ready to furnish all comers .vitlr the mas cominemced to run DAILY -■ PASSOSEE (Except Sundays) Trains Jenve Yaquina at 6:45 A. M. in Salem Tuesday, Leave Corv^lliis at 10:35 A, M. ost ashionable Arrive Qt Albany at ll:]0 A. M. The finest straw Leave Albany at 1:00 1?. M, for' any occasion, it prices that cannot be duplicated elsewhere, Carrying .a larged eiiveCoi’vnfiis at 'l;40 p, m . berries of the season L Ariye^at Yaquina at 5:30 1?. M. stock, Turn enabled to *Tit”*t le largest as well as the smallest. Will also made hr trains conneOT-at Alba- were selling in ga i'Uy OregonCalifornia and Corvallis. ' Wy. M. IIOAG, ¿ ’ O. HOGUE" lem at 5 cents a box | «generalManager. Act’g G.F.&P. Ag’t.„- order, suits or parts of suits, at fair rates.' A general invitation is. extended to par­ Yours, L,’ E. BLAIN. , Corvallis, Oregon. ' ties visiting Albany to call, see and price my goods. yesterday. OSEaOsFiDEVEIr !» The road from Til- cpaeat Company. lamooK to North Yamhill is now clear . First Class Steamsh ip Lin e, between of snow and can be SAN ’FRANCisCO, •crossed by teams. ConnegriDg at yaqtlina with the trains of the ODeson Pneiao liailroad DEALER IN- ’Wcompany reserves the right to eliang The starch factory i “idTi da - s«'L ¿UM e.II feASWKni.. JI!, <.Be,.„' Wlwe you can buy more goocfe for One Dollar than any place always have on hand -&4>55 - M( x m qu ih. ' -5 33 Aiïïfe. else in Linn county. a fresh stock of gro­ Act June 3,1878—¿K's- ceries, provisions, Tisi'oar Laai, tics for S’u'blicatjon, lïnftod States tjand^Oifiee^ notions J etc. Thank­ Oregon ®£®*.The highest market price paid for all kinds of produ cc- City, Or., March 25, 189i). . ATOTICE is liëroby g^ven that in, ing you all for your -1-» c'omplianee with th? provisions Scio, October 26, 1889. the act of Cohgfessof June 3; 1878, many acts of kind­ of entdtied “An hçt for the sale of tirti her lands in thé States of California, ness, I remain, Oregon, ' Nevada, and Washington A. Roseiikran.s, of L. MAYER. Territory,Fred Portland .County’ of’ Multnomah, 3 si S State, of Oregon, has- this day, filed in this pfHcf'his sworn statement No. 1964, for the purchase ofthrtfNlnf SIG, and SE: of SH} of Section No. 34, in -township No, lOSouth, Range No. 'L East, and will offer proof to showjh.at thd'flnnd sought is more Viiluàbléjfer itsi timber dr ‘stbjie Win for agrfcu.'tural purposes, and to’es- tablish nis claim to said Jand’before the Register and Receiver of this of­ And my prices Cftmpare with t'l* 1 irge.t house» infhe PTnited Stats?“5. fice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wed­ nesday, the 13tl\ day of August 189;*.< I HAVE THE ONLY COMPLETE He names a» witnesses : J. Kitch­ ©rockery B Fancy & Toy Store en, B. Hardenbrooki- E.-H C’arltpn, and J, M. Green, all of. Portland, Multnomah oounty, Oregon.' T>$ in the n’ity of Albany, Oregon. Any apd al) persons ulaiiuing j W”"’’!?... .ouo,...- y“ adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 13th day of August,' 189tf>!<'-. - J. T. APPER^QN, 1 Regrafer. W“Iei ®n parteJi’ra.noQjse.'1®® ®£rHer wird dditch Gasproehen."@3 \ fi^Cash paid for marketable T j GGS.“®® B I'«»K PVItfiU'A'rBO'M. ■ Ofnci^t Oregon You are invited to call ht the Golden Huie Bazaar when in Albany, t S jly27,89 ür £ S « 2 - ■"t" 1 & •O- & bss se g d 1 i M < 30 ? $ f hl’s Gash Store:::::: Scio, Or., May 24th ¡1890. - s O > ht B W H- O Q I B g zaar, IHreet Importer, BABY CARRIAGES, BOYS’ WAGONS; BIRD ' CAGES, VELOCIPEDES.-' ROGER BRO’S SILVERWARE, 1847. Jmie‘4th» ^90 iSSâBf ln.46 '■ j. J 'T’ ^^er., ....102 FIRST STREET, .... Oregan. Also, Agricultural Implements, guns and ammunition, wagons and buggies, baby carriages, iron, steelf chain, coal,wagon material, paints, oils, garden and grass seed, Loggers’ and Blacksmiths supplies, The completes! stock in the valley, to ¡be .sold at th 3 lowest rates to all comersL You are specially Invited to call and sedus when in this city. S tewart &