8 • The Southwest Portland Post NEWS February 2017 Thousands protest Trump inauguration in peaceful Women’s March on Portland Additionally, I want to try to limit acts of vandalism and disruptions to transit. By these measures, the weekend was highly successful. In Thousands of people met at Gov. the end, no one entered the freeways. Tom McCall Waterfront Park, and There were five arrests and no serious then marched in the rain through injuries were reported.” the downtown streets on Jan. 21 for Some reported slow going through the Women’s March on Portland, a downtown streets and some degree celebration of inclusivity, diversity of disorganization amidst the pink and positive action. pussycat hat-wearing marchers. Participants overcame the Portland Many were confused about the route weather and added a bit of Trump and not all wound up marching the bashing. This march of a magnitude whole route. to beat most huge Portland events The streets were filled with signs, was a spectacular success of good some of which read “Love Trumps will supporting the “love wins” Hate,” “You Can’t Comb Over attitude currently churning through Sexism” and “Make America Kind our neighborhoods, our nation and Again.” the world. That said, the overall vibe was “Over the weekend, tens of cheerful, uplifting, and eclectic thousands of people–perhaps more — filled with drummers keeping than 100,000–exercised their right to the beat, colorful and clever signs, assembly and expression in our city,” friends reuniting with friends and said Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler. an overwhelming sense of making “My top priority is always to protect history and being part of something the safety of everyone involved. huge and important. “Women, men, children and even some of their pets and the police were in attendance. All had the entire city thrumming with energy and goodwill,” said Nadine Lefkowitz, a volunteer peace keeper and the owner of Topanien Global Gifts in Multnomah Village. Lefkowitz said being a peace keeper for the march was a way for her and her husband to both participate in and be pro-active. Lefkowitz was joined by another Multnomah Village business owner — Joan Steinbach from Thinker Toys. Lefkowitz said she and many others have been feeling crushed and powerless. She This was just one of hundreds of people carrying said that the march was a signs protesting the words and actions of President way to begin the process of Donald Trump. (Post photo by Don Snedecor) discovering a new voice and By Jack Rubinger The Southwest Portland Post Thousands line up along Southwest Naito Parkway and the Morrison Bridge during the Women's March on Portland, Jan. 21. (Post photo by Don Snedecor) of empowering herself through group action. Lefkowitz said that she’s been feeling heavy with sadness about Trump’s attitude toward women and disbelief that anyone can be so cavalier towards other human beings. “This was a huge coming together of people believing in each other and in sharing, helping and taking care of each other on a local, national and global level. This march is just the beginning of what we can do if we move together,” said Lefkowitz. Lefkowitz said she did not observe any violence or vandalism throughout the afternoon, unlike other Trump- related protests. Her job, she said, was to keep participants moving forward and to be available if any problems arose which would stop and/or hinder the march’s forward movement, including injuries, illness, altercations, and confusion. Despite the size of the event and how quickly it grew, most of the marchers helped each other, apologizing for accidentally knocking into each other, raising umbrellas way above their heads and just generally bending over backward to make sure the march was peaceful. Lefkowtiz said it was all about people moving together in a steady stream of happiness, diversity, rain (lots of rain) and a flowing celebration of women and, of humanity. She has observed that groups are popping up all over the city, the state, the country and the world that have missions of kindness, diversity, helpfulness and inclusivity. At the end of the day, once marchers (and reporters) were home, many shed their sopping wet coats, placed shoes next to heating grates and indulged in hot baths — weary, but grateful to have been a part of a far- reaching movement. DISCOVER THE WARMTH OF WINTER SAVE BIG with up to $1400 back on qualifying natural gas fireplaces through March 31st Save an Additional $500 through March 5th Visit our showroom to find out how you can save even more when you convert to natural gas! NW Natural Appliance Center 2610 SE 8th Ave. • Portland, Oregon 97202 503-220-2362 nwnaturalappliances.com C7-3702533_003