The Southwest Portland Post. (Portland, Oregon) 2007-current, January 01, 2017, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 • The Southwest Portland Post
January 2017
Riverdale senior is political activist looking to improve education
By Jack Rubinger
The Southwest Portland Post
Riverdale High School senior Gabe
Abdellatif said he is reaching out to
elected officials, school administrators
and others to address urgent concerns
impacting all young people in Portland.
Those concerns include the results
of our recent national election, ethnic
diversity, and key Portland school
district policies currently in place.
Abdellatif is the youth liaison to
Portland city commissioner Amanda
Fritz. The two met in mid-December
to discuss youth reactions to the
outcomes of the election, and about
what they want their elected leaders
and other adults to do to support those
feeling frightened and vulnerable.
“Meeting with Gabe always leaves
me hopeful that the next generation
will keep pressing forward in positive
directions, and I am determined to
do my part to support them in their
journeys,” said Fritz.
Abdellatif and Fritz are actively
talking about the issue of making
TriMet youth passes available to all
students in Portland, year round and
for every student.
Earlier in the year Abdellatif said he
participated in Portland’s Black Male
Achievement Program.
Abdellatif said that he and several
other black youth helped the city’s
Office of Equity and Human Rights
plan a community event to spread
awareness about the reform of Measure
11, an Oregon law passed by initiative
petition in 1994 that requires mandatory
minimum sentences on certain major
Abdellatif and others have expressed
frustrations with the law as they
believe there are currently large racial
disparities amongst those convicted.
Abdellatif said he counts President
Barack Obama as one of his inspirations.
He said he also looks up to Malala
Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist for female
education and the youngest-ever Nobel
Prize laureate.
The teen said he was attracted to
Riverdale High School mostly because
of its small size and teacher support.
One drawback? The school’s lack of
racial and ethnic diversity.
Over the past year Abdellatif said
he has collaborated with faculty and
students to develop course work that
explores whiteness, privilege, and
allyship — a practice of identifying bias
in oneself paired with an active and
consistent practice of unlearning and
As a member of the Multnomah
Youth Commission (Portland’s youth
advisory board), he said he focuses on
improving local policies that directly
affect youth.
Serving on the Education/Youth
Voice Committee, Abdellatif and his
fellow youth commissioners have
pushed to decrease rates of chronic
absenteeism in local high schools.
Last year, Abdellatif and others met
with groups in alternative schools and
traditional schools struggling with
chronic absenteeism to obtain input on
their policies. The committee is currently
delaying school
start times.
Reasons cited
included the
(in regards to
adolescent health)
and societal (in
regards to decrease
auto accidents)
benefits of delaying
school start. Most
p a re n t s s e e t h e
struggles their teens
face with getting up
in the morning.
Gabe Abdellatif (center) is an active member of the Black Male
Abdellatif doesn’t
Achievement organization. (Photo courtesy of Gabe Abdellatif)
take much time off
express my feelings regarding what
in the summers either. Last summer,
is happening in the world, and stand
he participated in the SummerWorks
up for what I believe to be right. It was
program and was matched with a paid
not uncommon for my family to have
internship in the office of Multnomah
a spirited discussion about politics
County Chair Deborah Kafoury.
around the dinner table, even when I
He said he provided general office
was still very young,” said Abdellatif.
support, supported constituent
Abdellatif said he plans to study either
relations, and also attended meetings
political science or sociology in college.
about Portland’s housing crisis.
After college he said he sees himself
“Like others on the Multnomah Youth
either working for the government, a
Commission, Gabe is knowledgeable,
non-profit or a social organization to
thoughtful, engaged and constructive.
make changes specifically in the realm
He keeps me informed on the priorities
of education. He said he would also
of youth, since the youth commissioners
like to spend some time with Teach for
choose which issues to pursue,” said
America after college.
Abdellatif is a member of Riverdale’s
There’s a certain type of person that
site council. He said he participates in
gets politically active relatively early in
Model United Nations, and competes
life. Abdellatif’s parents have been on
with Riverdale’s mock trial team. For
board since he was just a child, when
fun, he said he enjoys spending time
he hosted a mock presidential election
with his friends, cooking, photography,
in kindergarten.
and reading about social justice.
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