4 • The Southwest Portland Post NEWS January 2017 Construction plans discussed for Neighborhood House, Spring Garden Park “Due to the recent merging with the north Portland nonprofit Peninsula Children’s Learning Center last fall,” Nitti told The Post, “we have been involved with restructuring but plan on getting our [project] planning committee together early this year. “We hope to begin construction in summer 2018.” Nitti estimates that the roughly 450 to 600 square-foot units might rent for around $600-$750. Parking could be included underneath the lower building near Southwest Moss Street. Sears fuel facility on hold According to Rick Nitti of Neighborhood House, “Attached is a rendering of what it could look like on Capitol Highway with commercial rental space on the first floor and apartments on floors 2 and 3. ” By Erik Vidstrand The Southwest Portland Post Community projects undergoing more study this year include a new headquarters and affordable housing complex for Neighborhood House, and a city of Portland fueling station at the former Sears Armory. Rick Nitti, executive director of Neighborhood House, explained that construction on a proposed two-building complex with approximately 32 affordable housing units was delayed in 2016. The building would house the organization’s main offices and emergency food box p ro g r a m p ro p o s e d a t Southwest 35th Avenue and Moss Street in Multnomah Village. In response to two budget notes from City Council, the project team is working with Portland Fire and Rescue to obtain professional services to perform a scenario planning study to assess whether the former Sears Armory site can meet the fire department’s needs and serve as a Westside emergency coordination center. According to the Portland Office of Management & Finance, the lead on this project contract was awarded last year to MCA Architects for $357,877 to prepare all necessary documents for the fueling station part of the project. Due to potential design conflicts resulting from the study, Facilities Services’ Strategic Planning and Development has suspended the design of the new fuel station at the property until comprehensive site impacts are known. At that time, MCA’s contract may be amended to incorporate any significant design impacts as well as any cost of living adjustments to the consultant’s fee schedule if necessary. “We know studies were done on the Sears site by the military before the property was handed off to the city,” stated Diane Seaton, contracts manager for the Office of Management and Finance, “but it is our understanding these are about contamination, not impacts of proposed uses.” Seaton was asked if there would be any public meetings by city budget staff. “No, we do not anticipate the need for public meetings with this phase of the process,” she replied. “The results (Continued on page 7) Ken Boltz, who lives directly across the street from Spring Garden Park points out the proposed amphitheater area set for development. Story on Page 7. (Post file photo by Erik Vidstrand) DENTAL Insurance Physicians Mutual Insurance Company A less expensive way to help get the dental care you deserve Inspiring passionate learners PreK-12 If you’re over 50, you can get coverage for about $1 a day* Join us to learn more about our schools: Keep your own dentist! NO networks to worry about Shadow Days and Family Tours offered through February No wait for preventive care and no deductibles – Learn about enrollment options and register for events on our website. exams, fi llings, crowns…even dentures you could get a checkup tomorrow Coverage for over 350 procedures – including cleanings, NO annual or lifetime cap on the cash benefi ts you can receive Non-Resident Enrollment Request Forms due Feb. 17. FREE Information Kit Teaching students to be thoughtful in their education, about each other, and for their community. 503-262-4847 • www.riverdaleschool.com Grade School • 11733 SW Breyman Ave., Portland High School • 9727 SW Terwilliger Blvd., Portland 1-800-809-5124 *Individual plan. Product not available in MN, MT, NH, RI, VT, WA. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not available in CO, NY; call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q); Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN) 6096C MB16-NM001Cc