The Southwest Portland Post. (Portland, Oregon) 2007-current, December 01, 2016, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 • The Southwest Portland Post
(Continued from Page 1)
that encompasses transit, roadway,
bicycle, and pedestrian solutions.
“The scoping period ended in early
October,” Metro project director
Chris Ford said as he briefed the
committee. “My staff proposes
m a j o r re c o m m e n d a t i o n s w h i c h
include Marquam Hill and [Portland
Community College Sylvania]
connections, light rail alignment, and
station options.”
A c c o rd i n g t o F o rd , a f t e r t h e
steering committee takes action on
the recommendations in December,
Metro, TriMet, and the Federal Transit
Administration will then begin assessing
the impacts and benefits of the proposed
On Marquam Hill, one option of an
elevator and bridge concept with on-
grade walkways to connect Oregon
Health & Science University with
light rail, was recommended. Erin
Kehe, project communication specialist
explained this would be the least
complex option.
“This would involve a possible trench
(Continued from Page 2)
The logical answer, of course, is
“none”. But this is clearly not a matter
of logic; it is a matter of emotion. And
it’s one of the most useless, self-
destructive emotions that humans can
The completely illusory harm that
seems to be at work here is that the
person in the $300,000 house feels
injured by the presence of a million-
dollar home on the block.
This persistent modern desire for a
general leveling has some underlying
drivers that its encouragers and
enablers would prefer not be discussed.
Changes to quiet Southwest 53rd Avenue from Barbur Boulevard, across Capitol Highway
and up to PCC Sylvania are being discussed in relation to a proposed light rail line and
connections to the college. (Post photo by Erik Vidstrand)
[instead of a tunnel],” Kehe explained.
“It would also be the most cost efficient
and least intrusive.”
PCC Sylvania’s connection is to
provide convenient, fast, and reliable
access between the campus and the light
rail alignment. The most basic element
of this goal is to provide safe and cost
effective means of transportation.
Mechanized options, such as rapid
Which is all the more reason that
such discussions should be on the
We have allowed ourselves to be
steadily and increasingly bullied
by a growing cadre of people who
apparently cannot stand the idea that
some people might have more, or do
better, than others.
They seem willing to trample
all over others’ basic liberties in
order to enforce their sick idea of
“sameness”, or whatever they
w o u l d c a l l i t , i n t h e c i t i z e n r y.
“Monstrosities,” indeed.
W. Brewster Gillett
Southwest Portland
transit, aerial tram, and gondola options
are off the table. Instead, bicycle and
pedestrian improvements via a transfer
at the Southwest 53rd Avenue station
are preferred, as well as TriMet bus
shuttles and possible smaller shuttles.
Kathleen McMullen, manager of
transportation and parking services at
Portland Community College, spoke
about sustainability and affordability.
Presidential election prompts
local student protests, possibly
An undetermined number of Wilson
High school students, along with other
school students throughout the area, left
class on Monday, Nov. 14 to protest the
presidential election.
Wilson Principal Brian Chatard wrote
on the school’s website that is was his first
obligation as a school principal to defend
everyone’s rights, regardless of their
views on tax policy, trade agreements, or
environmental regulations.
“[Everyone will] be treated with dignity
and respect in my school,” Chatard wrote.
“So while we may debate and
respectfully disagree on many elements
December 2016
“Our main issue,” McMullen said,
“is the administrations concerns about
reliability and students’ time. Many
of students travel over an hour from
downtown alone to get to class.
“We are looking at consolidating class
schedules so students don’t need to
come to campus five days a week,” she
said. “We’d eventually like light rail to
come up to the campus.”
Metro is forming a community
advisory committee made up of
neighbors, business owners, and
commuters. Applications went out
last month and are currently being
The advisory committee will advise
the steering committee in the selection
of the light rail route, station areas, park-
and-ride size and location, and related
bike, walk and roadway projects.
Members of the advisory committee
will be asked to serve for 12 to 16
months beginning in January.
The steering committee will meet
next on Monday, Dec. 12, from 9–11
a.m. at the Tigard City Hall, 13125
SW Hall Blvd. The public is invited to
provide testimony at the beginning of
the meeting.
of our nation’s policies, when it comes to
hate speech, discrimination, and a stated
agenda that is harmful to youth, there can
be no debate, as these are issues that as
a principal I cannot and will not accept
or ignore.”
According to Beth Madison, principal
of Robert Gray Middle School, seven
windows and a door identification card
reader were broken at the campus by
vandals. It wasn’t clear who was involved
or if it was related to the election protests.
“This further demonstrates that is not
a safe time for students to choose to leave
campus to engage in protests,” Madison
wrote to parents. “You will know best
how to handle this conversation in your
own home and your help is appreciated.”
– Erik Vidstrand
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