4 • The Southwest Portland Post HOLIDAY GUIDE By KC Cowan and Don Snedecor The Southwest Portland Post Arts & Crafts 1 Winter Sale Don’t miss the annual Winter Arts & Crafts sale featuring ceramics, CALENDAR jewelry, weaving, and fine art and more, all created by Multnomah Arts Center instructors and students. Sales benefit MAC programs and the artists. December 1–3 at the MAC, 7688 SW Capitol Highway. Free! For more information, go to www. MultnomahArtsCenter.org. 2 Christmas in Dairyville During the holidays, “Dairyville,” a replica of a western frontier town, transforms into a winter wonderland. Includes farm animals in Storybook Lane, vintage storefronts, local choirs singing, holiday movies at the Opera House. This event takes place Dec. 2–18, Fridays 3–6 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays 11a.m. to 6 p.m. at Alpenrose Dairy, 6149 SW Shattuck Road. Garden Home Holiday 3 Bazaar Peppermint Bear Returns Lakewood Theatre Company presents an all-new version of the annual Holiday Magic Breakfast Theatre production with “The Peppermint Bear Show 2016: The Elves That Forgot Christmas.“ Shows at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Saturdays, and 11 a.m. on Sundays, from Dec. 3–18, plus one show at 11 a.m. on Dec. 20. At Lakewood Center for the Arts, 368 S. State St. in Lake Oswego. For tickets, call the box office at 503-635-3901 or order online at https:// www.lakewood-center.org. December 2016 Join 100 local art and craft vendors on Saturday, Dec. 3, for this annual event at the Garden Home Recreation C e n t e r, 7 4 7 5 S W O l e s o n R o a d , 503-629-6341. Includes a pancake breakfast (8–11 a.m.), photos with Santa, beer & wine tasting (12– 4 p.m.) and more. If you would like to volunteer to help with this event ,please contact the recreation center ’s office. Christmas Ships Parade The combined fleet of some 60 boats from the Columbia and Willamette rivers will be on display and skippers available for a “meet and greet” following the parade to Lake Oswego. The event will take place on Saturday, Dec. 17 at 8 p.m. at the public dock in front of Three Degrees Restaurant, 1510 SW Harbor Way, near the Riverplace Marina. Visit www.christmasships.org for more information. 10, 10:30 a.m. to noon at the Hillsdale Library, 1525 SW Sunset Blvd. Free, but space is limited to first come, first served. Call 503-988-5388 for more information. Winter and Holiday 10 Ceramics Painting celebration. Cost: $10 per family. The event takes place on Sunday, Dec. 18 from 2–4 p.m. at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center, 6651 SW Capitol Highway. For more information, call 503-244-0111. Sing Your Own 19 Messiah Paint an ornament that will last for years to come. They supply the ornament, lead-free paint, colorful mats, aprons, water buckets and paint brushes. All you need is a child with an imagination! Saturday, Dec. Chanukah decorations, 18 donuts & dancing Make decorations for your home, take part in Israeli dancing, and eat some delicious sufganiot (jelly donuts) at this family-friendly Chanukah Don’t miss your chance to stand and sing the Hallelujah Chorus at the annual “Sing Your Own Messiah” concert at St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, 9750 SW Terwilliger Blvd. The event is scheduled for Monday, Dec. 19, 7–9 p.m. Many choral scores of Handel’s “Messiah” are available if you don’t have your own copy. Well-known artists from around the Portland area will add their voices on the familiar soloist pieces. A free-will offering will be taken to support the services for the poor and elderly at Neighborhood House, including the food pantry in Multnomah Village. DENTAL Insurance Physicians Mutual Insurance Company When your pet needs surgery… A less expensive way to help get the dental care you deserve ✱ You want expert care! 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Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not available in CO, NY; call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q); Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN) 6096C MB16-NM001Cc