2 • The Southwest Portland Post EDITORIAL The Southwest Portland Post 4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509 Portland, OR 97206 Fax: (866) 727-5336 email: editor@multnomahpost.com Did a city planner belittle a Multnomah Village CAC? I am looking for a reference to a public meeting at least a year ago regarding the city of Portland’s planning for rea o the a New t oved in? m or just our o sell y Want t for the house sible? os most p ates im Free Est Multnomah Village. Specifically I want to cite the statement by the Planning Bureau representative that no matter what the Multnomah Village Citizens Advisory Committee recommended, the city and he were going to do what they were going to do anyway. If you can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Thanks. Gary Rydout Hillsdale Foundation invites project ideas for funding The Hillsdale Community Foundation is looking for local projects to fund. The foundation, supported largely through its annual book sale, has used its money to install and maintain plantings along Capitol Highway, to help buy computers for Wilson High School, to pay for bicycle racks and other bike amenities in the Hillsdale town center and to provide seed money for the Hillsdale Main Street Program. The foundation is looking for new ideas and proposals to enhance the community. Projects could be funded up to $5,000. Proposals may assist one or all of the following: the Hillsdale business community, Hillsdale institutions including the schools, Hillsdale organizations, and residential “clusters” within the neighborhood. Those in surrounding neighborhoods may indirectly benefit as well. If you or your organization has an idea or project to put forward, submit it in 500 words or less to Rick Seifert LAWNCARE UNLIMITED Tired of doing it yourself or simply have no time? “We specialize in curb appeal” Email: JayTheLawnGuy@gmail.com 503-643-8899 We mow, edge, rake, weed, trim, blow and go. Special Promotion: 3rd month FREE on 12-month maintenance program Happy Holidays from all of us at The Post We’re resuming our mail subscription program and we want you to benefit. Get The Southwest Portland Post delivered to your mailbox every month and save 50 percent! Makes a great gift! Mail us a check or money order or call 503-244-6933 with your credit or debit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. One year (12 monthly issues)...............................$12 (reg. $24) Two years (24 monthly issues) .............................$24 (reg. $48) Three years (36 monthly issues) ..........................$36 (reg. $72) Please send check or money order to: Subscriptions, The Southwest Portland Post, 4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509, Portland, OR 97206. Name Address City/State/Zip Phone E-mail December 2016 at wfseifert@gmail.com. You can call me at 503 245-7821 with questions. Rick Seifert Hillsdale New playground planned in conjunction with new field at Rieke School Mary Rieke Elementary School has always been a big part of the Hillsdale community. We are in the process of funding, designing and building a new p l a y g r o u n d a t t h e “Quilts to Remember” is the theme of the Multnomah Historical Association display at the Multnomah Arts Center. school. Each quilt displayed includes a story and background about Since the school is part each quilt. While all are of interest, the most unusual and of a larger community, interesting is a reversible quilt made entirely of umbrella the proposed name silks over 50 years ago by Morris Schlaifer, a retired i s “ T h e H i l l s d a l e tailor. The exhibit will be on display through January. Community Playground (Photo courtesy of Patti Waitman-Ingebretsen) at Rieke Elementary.” The plan is to be ready by September Dearth [“Open Forum: Middle housing 2017, coordinating with the new turf could provide new generation with field being installed by Portland Parks alternative to McMansions”] describe and Recreation on the old Rieke School larger homes as “monstrosities”. field. Where are these people dreaming up It would be great if The Post could this stuff? What could there possibly do a story on the playground to get the be about a house larger than the community excited about this great neighborhood average that could project. qualify it as a monstrosity? Have we really debased our language to that Paul Higgins extent? Co-chair It is both amusing and infuriating Rieke Elementary Playground that some of the very people who Committee continually hector us about accepting diversity are the same ones who object to diversity in our landscapes. Don’t hate “monstrosities” It seems we are obliged to embrace significant variance in cultures and just because they’re big and ethnicities, but we aren’t allowed to expensive accept that a neighborhood might have a broad range of home styles and sizes. Two articles in the November 2016 The fundamental question that edition of The Post, by two different arises, and it’s doubtful either writer writers, apply the same repulsively could produce a cogent answer, is derogatory term to larger than average simply this; what harm, exactly, is private residences. being done by the presence of a Both KC Cowan [“City fines property million-dollar home at one end of the owner $21,600 but allows giant cedar block and a $300,000 home at the other? trees to be cut down”] and Chris (Continued on Page 6) Celebrating 4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509, Portland, OR 97206 Years in Business! Phone: (503) 244-6933; Fax: (866) 727-5336 general email: news@multnomahpost.com web address: www.swportlandpost.com 24 Editor & Publisher .........Don Snedecor Reporters / Writers...... ....KC Cowan, Jack Rubinger, ................Erik Vidstrand Copy Editor ......................Janet Goetze Advertising Sales ...........Don Snedecor Graphic Design ..............Leslie Baird Design Printing ............................Oregon Lithoprint Circulation .......................Rick Hepper © 2016 by The Southwest Portland Post. All rights reserved. The opinions of the artists and authors contained herein are not necessarily shared by the publisher. Deadline for news and advertising is generally the 20th of the month prior to publication. Please call for current deadline information. Advertising rates are available upon request. Subscriptions are $24 per year. The Post has a circulation of 7,000 in Multnomah Village and the surrounding neighborhood business districts including Burlingame, Capitol Hill, Garden Home, Glen Cullen, Hillsdale, South Portland, Raleigh Hills, West Portland and Vermont Hills. The Post is published on or about the 1st of every month. Back issues are $2.50 each when available. All major credit cards accepted. The Post is printed on recycled newsprint using soy-based inks.