August 2016 CALENDAR Trail which takes you up to Fairmont Boulevard. Meet behind the bleachers, near the food carts, a t Wi l s o n H i g h School, Sunset Boulevard and Capitol Highway at 9 a.m. For more information, contact Sharon Fekety (fekety@hevanet. com). 13 F o r Yo u r Health: How can you learn about health or drug information online? A hands-on computer class Saturday, Aug. 13, 2–4 p.m. at the Hillsdale Library (1525 SW Sunset Karen Story examines pottery at the Multnomah Arts Center's Blvd.) will help you summer arts and crafts sale last August. get online to find (Post file photo by KC Cowan) resources and information on health-related issues. COMMUNITY LIFE This class is taught by a computer instructor, not a health expert. This class By KC Cowan is for beginners, but you must be The Southwest Portland Post comfortable using a keyboard and a mouse. Registration required; register National Night Out: Get to know online, in the library or by calling 503- your Hillsdale neighbors during 988-5234. National Night Out on Wednesday, Aug. 3 from 6 – 9 p.m. Come to DeWitt In a Pickle! Learn all about Park across the street from the Hillsdale fermentation to preserve your Library and bring something for the summer veggies. Get the basics of salt- potluck. Enjoy activities for young and based pickling, and go home with some old and a chance to strengthen your kraut, pickles, or other homemade neighborhood. goodies! 11 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 14, at the Mittleman Jewish Community Places You’ve Been an exhibit of Center, 6651 SW Capitol Hwy. For more acrylic on etched wood board by information: 503-244-0111. $10. Jennifer Urquhart, and “Inteks,” mixed media by Will Hathaway, will be on view at the Multnomah Arts Center Gallery, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy., beginning on First Friday. An opening reception will be held in the gallery Friday, Aug. 5, 7 – 9 p.m. The two person show continues throughout the month of August. The Southwest Portland Post • 5 18 Jaws: Portland Parks and Recreation will show the 1975 classic horror flick “Jaws” at Caruthers Park, 3508 SW Moody Ave. on Thursday, Aug 18. Bring a jacket and blanket in case it gets chilly, and arrive by 6:30 for the pre-movie live entertainment, Jellyroll Society. Free popcorn, too! 20 Arts & Crafts Sale: Peruse the work of more than 50 artists and support the Multnomah Arts Center. This summer sale is held in conjunction with the Multnomah Days festival on the front lawn of the MAC, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy, and the early bird gets the best pick of the art. Saturday, August 20 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Affordable and beautiful. 30 Giselle’s Village: Giselle Bawnik is the author of My Little French Village and will read from her book and talk about her experiences in France. This event is Tuesday, Aug. 30 at 7 p.m. at the Garden Home Community Store, 7306 SW Oleson Road, located across the street from the library. For more information, call 503-245- 9932. 26 Pirates of the Caribbean: Portland Parks and Recreation will screen “Pirates of the Caribbean – The Curse of the Black Pearl” on Friday, Aug. 26 at Hamilton Park, Southwest 45th Avenue and Hamilton Street, at 7 p.m. Pre-show entertainment will be Echoes of Yasgurs at 6:30. Free. 9663 SW Barbur Blvd Portland, OR 97219 (503) 206-7462 Our knowledgeable and helpful staff will assist you with both medicinal and recreational products. OPEN 10AM-8PM, 7 Days 10% OFF Entire Order (Expires 8/31/16) 3 14 5 Hairspray Junior: This is based on the classic musical about a social outcast who becomes a sudden star through a teen dance show. It opens at the auditorium in the Multnomah Arts Center, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy., on Friday, Aug. 5 at 7 p.m. Family friendly with toe-tapping tunes, the original “Hairspray” won eight Tony awards on Broadway. Two other performances, Aug. 6 at 7 p.m. and Aug. 7 at 3 pm. Call 503-823-2787 for more information. 503  291  0000 When your pet needs surgery… You want expert care! 9 Doc Chapeau meets the Gill Man: Oregon Shadow Theatre performs the story of the marine scientist Doctor Jack Chapeau employing submarines, diving suits, and more to make a most amazing discovery. Colorful puppets, live music and good humor create an informative and hilarious family entertainment. Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2:30–3:15 p.m. Capitol Hill Library, 10723 S.W. Capitol Hwy. You can also catch this at the Hillsdale Library on Wednesday, Aug. 10, 3–3:45 p.m. Free tickets available 30 minutes in advance. For more information, call 503-988-5385. 13 SW Trails PDX: The monthly walk for August is Saturday, Aug. 13 and will take you six miles along Southwest Terwilliger Boulevard. Then you’ll cross onto the Marquam Trail to the Flicker Trail and Warbler Comprehensive I Compassionate I Uncompromising {Orthopedic, minimally-invasive, oncological, GI, abdominal, thoracic, reconstructive, trauma and more} 7637 SW 33rd Avenue (in the heart of Multnomah Village) 503.477.7122 Schedule an appointment directly or by referral from your vet. Special friends...Specialty care, by Specialist vet – OREV