The Southwest Portland Post. (Portland, Oregon) 2007-current, June 01, 2016, Page 5, Image 5

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    June 2016
By KC Cowan
The Southwest Portland Post
First Friday Fun: Stroll around the
Village when businesses stay open
late and pop by the Multnomah
Village Dental Care office (7717 SW
34th Ave) on Friday, June 3, from 5 to
7 p.m. for live music and wine. Enjoy
the soulful sounds of Kelsey & The
Next Right Thing while sipping wines
from Trisaetum Winery.
Mixed Media: Jo Siddens, Sine
Morse and Theresa Weil present a joint
show of mixed media works titled:
“Intersection Paper + Art.” Opening
reception is Friday, June 3 at 7 p.m. at
the Multnomah Arts Center Gallery,
7688 SW Capitol Hwy. All three artists
use a variety of media in their art, but
each has a unique style. The show will
be up all month.
Orchestral Finale: The Jewish
Community Orchestra wraps up
its season with pieces by Glinka,
Copland, Haydn and more. The
orchestra performs on Sunday, June 5
at 5:30 p.m. at the Alpenrose Dairy
Opera House, 6149 SW Shattuck Rd.
Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for
seniors and $5 for students. Ice cream
social to follow.
Boost your brain power
naturally: Learn natural solutions
to improve your mental health. A
healthier brain means a happier you!
We will discuss the latest research on
supplements, food and lifestyle to
improve the function of your brain.
Wednesday, June 8, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. at
the Hillsdale Library, 1525 SW Sunset
Blvd. Free, but registration required;
register online, in the library or by
calling 503-988-5234.
Smell the roses: Tour nine
unique gardens in Portland’s
Garden Home neighborhood on
Saturday, June 10. Your $10
ticket gets you into nine
beautiful gardens and
gives you a chance to get
to know this unique
n e i g h b o rh o o d b e t t e r.
Advance tickets and maps
at Lamb’s Thriftway, 7410
SW Oleson Rd. Find out
w w w.
Paint your own O’Keeffe: You
don’t need her skill to create
your own masterpiece in the style of
G e o rg i a O ’ K e e ff e . I n a g u i d e d
workshop, learn how to paint with
complementary colors, rich shadows,
and dramatic perspective to create
your own version of O’Keeffe’s famous
flowers. Leave with a completed
11x14-inch canvas and introductory
painting. The event takes place
Saturday, June 18, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30
p.m. at the Capitol Hill Library, 10723
SW Capitol Hwy. Free, but registration
required; register online, in the library
or by calling 503-988-5234
Take a tour of nine unique gardens in Garden Home on June 10.
(Photo courtesy of Garden Home History Project)
Mittleman Jewish Community Center offers a variety of summer activities
By Jack Rubinger
The Southwest Portland Post
For some folks in Southwest
Portland, the Mittleman Jewish
Community Center is primarily a
destination for basketball or to go
swimming. But there’s a lot more to
the MJCC than sports.
Friends meet to nosh on bagels at
the kosher café. Culture cravers visit
the center to sit back and take in a
documentary film or hear a classical
Teens conquer rock walls. New
moms and their kids play at the Chai
Baby Indoor Playground. Old friends
enjoy games of Mah Jongg.
It’s really a place to build
connections and build community
–regardless of background, religion,
or ability to pay. By facilitating
meaningful connections, the Center
reaches multiple generations, helps
nurture friendships, and respects
Jewish traditions. MJCC has been
a vital part of the greater Portland
community for over 100 years.
Summer is a busy time – filled
with fun and stimulating activities
for kids, adults and seniors. Below
are a just a few camps, events, and
classes scheduled for June. For
up to date information, it’s best
Take a hike: The
Southwest Urban
Trails monthly walk, led
by Hans and Jette Steuch,
is through the Riverview
Natural Area. After
crossing Macadam
Avenue, they will walk
along the railroad trestle
and follow Trail 5 up to
Lewis and Clark College
and on several roads in
Dunthorpe. The hike is
about 6.3 miles long and
climbs 800 feet. Meet at 9
a.m. on Saturday, June 11,
behind the bleachers at
Wilson High School,
Southwest Capitol
Highway and Sunset
B o u l e v a rd . N o d o g s
allowed on this hike. For
more information visit or
contact fekety@hevanet.
The Southwest Portland Post • 5
9663 SW Barbur Blvd
Portland, OR 97219
(503) 206-7462
OPEN 10AM-8PM, 7 Days
Our knowledgeable and helpful staff
will assist you with both medicinal and
recreational products.
10% OFF Entire Order
(Expires 6/30/16)
to visit the MJCC
website at http://
or stop by for a visit.
The address is 6651
SW Capitol Hwy.
MJCC day camp
offers full day fun all
summer long from
7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Activities include
sports, arts, crafts,
rock wall climbing,
swimming, swim
l e s s o n s a n d m o re
for campers aged 3
to 11. Programs are Kids love summer at Mittleman Jewish Community Center
age-appropriate, fun camps. (Photo courtesy of MJCC)
and safe. Camps run
in one week, full-day or half-day
Tuv Ha’Aretz farm box pick-up:
sessions, June 13 - Aug. 26. For more
2016 marks the first season of the
information, visit www.oregonjcc.
new and improved Tuv Ha’Aretz
(Continued on Page 7)