4 • The Southwest Portland Post COMMUNITY LIFE By KC Cowan The Southwest Portland Post 6 New Art Exhibit: The Multnomah Arts Center is presenting the annual Youth Art Show, titled “Landscapes of the Mind.” This multi-media show opens Friday, May 6 with a reception from 5 –7 p.m. and runs all month. Art students ages 18 months to 17 years will display their creative works. For more information, call 503-823-2787 or go to www.MultnomahArtsCenter.org. Free. 7 World in Motion: Learn more about the Middle East and its culture. The Capitol Hill Library, 10723 SW Capitol Hwy., will showcase different cultural aspects of the Middle East that include CALENDAR May 2016 literature, history, food, music and more. Saturday, May 7 from 1 – 5:45 p.m. Free. For more information, call 503-988- 5385. 9 Historic Talk: The Garden Home Thriftway store has a long and interesting history. Come hear all about it when Colin Lamb presents a slide show and discussion of the store and other merchants of early Garden Home. Monday, May 9, 6:30–7 p.m. at the Garden Home Recreation Center, 7475 SW Oleson Road. Free. For more information contact Elaine Shreve at 503-246-5879 or GardenHomeHistory@ gmail.com. 12 Granny Flat 101: Learn the ins and outs to building an accessory dwelling unit on your property in Portland for your family or a renter. Local accessory dwelling unit expert Kol Peterson will provide a brief overview of ADU information, including zoning, costs, financing, current events and resources. Thursday, May 12, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Hillsdale Library, 1525 SW Sunset Blvd. Registration required; register online, in the library or by These hand made baskets are a sample of the student art at this calling 503-988- year's show. (Photo courtesy Multnomah Arts Center) 5234. Lamb's Garden Home Thriftway as seen in 1957 on its grand opening. (Photo courtesy Garden Home History Project) 14 Explore the Portland Heights: This month’s Southwest Urban Trails walk will be six miles and explore the west side of Portland Heights. Meet behind the bleachers at Wilson High School (Capitol Highway at Sunset Boulevard) on Saturday, May 14 at 9 a.m. For more information or to volunteer to lead a future walk in your neighborhood, contact Sharon Fekety (fekety@hevanet.com) or visit www. swtrails.org. Free Health Check: Come to Wilson High School, 1151 SW Vermont, on Saturday, May 14 and get a checkup. The Compassion Clinic will offer free medical and dental services, including podiatry, massage, vision checks and more. Access to social services and a free lunch will also be provided. It’s all free. The clinic operates from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. 15 OHSU FAMILY MEDICINE Through Indian Eyes: Native American Cinema The series runs May 1-22 at the Northwest Film Center, but one film in particular looks inviting. Naturally Native is about three American Indian sisters who begin a line of organic cosmetics in a journey of self-betterment and triumph. Sunday, May 15 at 4:30 p.m. at the Northwest Film Center ’s Whitsell Auditorium, Portland Art Museum, 1219 SW Park Ave. Admission: $9 General; $8 Students, Seniors; $6 Child. Advanced tickets: https://nwfilm.org/ film-series/through-indian-eyes/ 16 Young Dancers: Oregon Ballet Theatre presents OBT2, the new junior performing wing of the dance company. The performance will be at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center, 6651 SW Capitol Hwy. on Monday, May 16 from 7–8 p.m. Free and open to the public. See the dance stars of tomorrow, today! For more information, call 503-244-0111. 18 Seniors Act Up: Northwest Senior Theatre presents a show celebrating 25 years of musical theatre from Broadway to Vaudeville. Come tap your toes May 18–21 at Alpenrose Dairy Opera House, 6149 SW Shattuck Rd. Performances are at 2 p.m. and admission is only $5.00. For more information: (503) 227-2003 or bettymer@comcast.net. 21 Classical Performances: The Portland Chamber Orchestra holds its final concerts of the season on Saturday, May 21 at 7:30 p.m. at Nordia House, 8800 SW Oleson Road, and on Sunday, May 22, at 3 p.m. at Lewis & Clark College, Agnes Flanagan Chapel, 0615 SW Palatine Hill Road. The orchestra, under the baton of Yaacov Bergman, will perform works by P r o k o f i e v, M e n d e l s s o h n a n d Beethoven. Tickets are available at the door, or call the box office: 503-771- 3250. Cal Scott Band: Matt Miner presents singer-songwriter Cal Scott with a supporting cast of some of Portland’s finest musicians. Musical director of the Trail Band, Scott has performed on numerous compact discs and has composed for film and television, including more than 50 documentaries and specials for PBS. Don’t miss this talented performer Saturday, May 21, 7 p.m. at O’Connor’s Vault, 7850 SW Capitol Hwy. Tickets at csband. brownpapertickets.com. 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