February 2016 NEWS The Southwest Portland Post • 3 Crowd of 500 attends Wilson meeting on West Side school boundaries Hillsdale Business and Professional Association president Mike Roach spoke against changes for Rieke School. The wet, miserable weather didn’t “This boundary change would push appear to discourage anyone from customers away from Hillsdale,” said attending the West Side Boundaries Roach. “And traffic—oh, my goodness. Community Meeting at Wilson High The proposed boundary change School the evening of Jan. 19. would produce ‘Carmageddon.’” With an estimated attendance of A c c o rd i n g t o R o a c h , “ E v e r y almost 500, dozens had to stand as morning, Monday through Friday, residents packed into every available frustrated parents driving from the seat in Wilson’s cafeteria. north would flood every side street Also in attendance were several in Hillsdale, trying to avoid the P o r t l a n d P u b l i c S c h o o l s b o a rd already choked Sunset Boulevard and members, and superintendent Carole Capitol Highway intersection, making Smith. Smith will make her final Hillsdale streets unsafe for walking by recommendations to the PPS board students or customers, who in turn, by the end of January. would have to drive, creating still The meeting was an opportunity to more traffic chaos.” give feedback on the latest proposal To relieve overcrowding at Lincoln by the District-wide Boundary Review High School, the boundary committee Advisory Committee. recommends moving the Spanish It’s been a year-long process to Immersion program from Ainsworth create what the school district calls to East Sylvan. And instead of “right sized schools,” to address Ainsworth students going to West overcrowding at Chapman and Sylvan Middle and Lincoln High, they Hayhurst elementary schools and would now go to Robert Gray Middle Lincoln High School. and Wilson High. A video played at the start of Jordan Hornlick, a seventh grader the meeting warned another 5,000 at West Sylvan Middle School was students will come into the Portland looking forward to being with his school district within the next decade. longtime friends at Lincoln High Making a school “right sized” means School. But the border change will ensuring enrollment at each school is force him to attend Wilson. high enough to pay for a complete “I immediately grew really sad and range of core curriculum classes as angry at the prospect of losing the well as plenty of elective classes, while friends I made and being forced to not overloading classrooms with too start over again,” he testified. many students. His friend, Evan Nyhus, who Schools with lower attendance risk studies Chinese at West Sylvan asked, missing out on the extra electives “What will happen to my Mandarin because there isn’t the money to pay studies at Wilson, where Mandarin is for them. not offered?” Chapman, for instance, is already While most parents would agree overcrowded and expected to become overcrowded and under-enrolled more so. The current recommendations schools are a problem, they also call for redrawing boundaries to send dislike changes for their own children. some of the Chapman students to Despite assurances that the school Ainsworth elementary. board will likely keep students where Hayhurst elementary is currently they are by making boundary changes overcrowded. But if the Odyssey K-8 effective for incoming students program, now housed in Hayhurst, only, and “grandfathering” current moves to another school, such as students to keep them where there East Sylvan, Jackson Middle School are, there no guarantees. or the currently vacant Smith School, This prompted more than one Hayhurst would then risk becoming parent to beg the boundary committee under enrolled. to maintain status quo for those So students from Bridlemile and students in affected schools. Rieke would be shifted to Hayhurst. “We couldn’t agree with you more—changes need to be made to address overcrowding at PPS schools,” said Karen Silva Manning. “Opening Smith is a consideration that makes sense. But uprooting established students in the midst of their education does not make sense. Please keep current students where they are and do not make an exception to the grandfather clause.” More than one parent brought up the vacant Smith School as a solution. Stephanie Condor, who has children at Maplewood, said their school is very small, overcrowded and projected to become even more so by 2020. Ainsworth parents came out in force and wore matching t-shirts “So what we’d like as a sign of unity. (Post photo by KC Cowan) to support is the idea By KC Cowan The Southwest Portland Post Judy Brennan, enrollment director of the Portland school district, goes over some numbers for the crowd at Wilson. (Post photo by KC Cowan) of the Smith Elementary School being reopened in 2017. We see this as Hillsdale Business and Professional Association president Mike Roach testified against changes affecting Rieke Elementary School. (Post photo by KC Cowan) alleviating not only the overcrowding at Maplewood, but also at Capitol Hill. So we see that as a very viable solution,” she said to cheers from the audience. Despite the negative feelings about many of the proposed changes, the meeting’s tone was polite and respectful. Many thanked the members of the boundary committee for a “thankless job.” And Hayhurst parent Tina Oliver said if Odyssey moves out, they are ready to welcome new families. “Hayhurst is a warm, generous, and welcoming community,” she said. “We have great empathy for communities that are going through anxiety and stress of having to leave their beloved school. Change is difficult and we recognize this. “We want you to know we will work hard to help families that are shifted to Hayhurst adjust and thrive. If your family might come to Hayhurst, we invite you to get to know us a bit, and we want you to know that we welcome you.” • Winter Music Series - Live • Newly remodeled with more seating and over 13 TVs for all the sports games • 24 taps with 21 craft beers and ciders • Big screen TV giveaway on Superbowl Sunday • Chicago fans welcome $2 off Lunch 7827 SW 35th Ave. in Multnomah Village (503) 244-7345 Open daily 10am – 2:30am on food purchases of $6 or more, with coupon. 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