October 2015 NEWS The Southwest Portland Post • 3 Cofferdam being removed; bikes and peds detoured to trolley line being added on Spans 3 and 5. Erection of falsework (a structure or frame that supports something that is being built) for two belvedere lookouts By Erik Vidstrand on Span 4 continues. The Southwest Portland Post “These belvederes will offer a place to view the river without impeding Six more months of construction are sidewalk traffic,” commented left for the Sellwood bridge project Multnomah County spokesman Mike according to latest county updates. Pullen. The big news on the river is the Bicyclists and pedestrians are now removal of the cofferdam, (a temporary using a detour path along the trolley en cl osu re c re a ti n g a dr y w or k corridor between the bridge and the environment for major work to proceed) Macadam Bay driveway during work that enclosed the west river pier. on the east shoulder of Highway 43 The dam was recently flooded and (Macadam Avenue). divers are helping to remove the dam’s On work days, flaggers are positioned steel plates. at each end of the trail and where the By the end of October, the dam will trail passes near construction vehicles. be fully removed and the concrete Trail users should remain alert when river pier will be visible. Thousands riding through the busy project area. of steel studs for the Span 3 deck will During work on the east shoulder, be installed and deck rebar continues only three traffic lanes are open between the bridge and the Macadam Bay driveway. Two lanes are open in the peak travel direction and one lane is open in the off-peak direction. Work continues on the new two-level i n t e rc h a n g e w i t h Highway 43. “ M o t o r i s t s traveling directly south towards Lake Oswego,” Pullen said, “will not be caught up in bridge traffic. Temporary path between the Sellwood Bridge and Macadam Bay. The contractor is (Photo courtesy of Mike Pullen, Multnomah County) building a shared SELLWOOD BRIDGE Falsework for Span 3 deck on the new Sellwood Bridge. (Photo courtesy of Mike Pullen, Multnomah County) driveway from Highway 43 to Macadam Bay and Freeman Motors. The driveway will pass over the Stephens Creek culvert to the Macadam Bay parking lot. Excavation work and slope finishing should be all completed by now. The contractor is also installing logs for fish habitat. Rocks will be installed at the creek’s outfall to the river and the area will be seeded. Open House Tour our newly remodeled hospital! Saturday, Oct. 17 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. • • • • Meet our doctors and staff Tour our newly remodeled hospital Prize drawings and giveaways Appetizers catered locally by Barbur World Foods Pet food drive: Donate dry or canned dog or cat food to help local pet charities feed needy pets! (Donors will receive a certificate for a FREE nail trim.) We will donate $1 to the Humane Society of Oregon for every visitor to our open house. www.barburvet.com Phone: 503-246-4226