July 2015 CALENDAR COMMUNITY LIFE By KC Cowan and Don Snedecor The Southwest Portland Post Get in the swim: Wilson High School’s outdoor pool is open seven days a week for swim lessons, open swim, lifeguard training and more. Two-week session of lessons run through the end of August. Pool party rentals available, too. Wilson Pool is located at 1151 SW Vermont. For more information, call 503-823-3680. 9 Loud, Louder, Loudest! Youth Japanese Taiko Drum Ensemble will perform Thursday, July 9, at noon at the Hillsdale Library, 1525 SW Sunset Blvd. Members carry on a centuries-old musical tradition from Japan and play not only Japanese traditional style Taiko, but also share the exploration of a new art forms such as collaborative music creation with Taiko and marimba. Free tickets for seating will be available 30 minutes before the program. Call 503-988-5388 for more information. 18 Comic Con for Kids: Become a superhero or super villain. Meet other super artists and take a snap shot as you soar through a cityscape photo. Design your own superhero mask, cuffs and cape in this workshop with Puppet-kabob. Tuesday, July 7, noon – 2 p.m. and 3 – 5 p.m. at the Hillsdale Li bra ry, 1 5 2 5 S W S un s e t Blv d. Registration required; call 503-988- 5388. Terwilliger Parkway Ivy Pull: Join Portland Parks & Recreation, the Friends of Terwilliger, and the West Willamette Restoration Partnership in removing invasive non-native species, including English ivy, Himalayan blackberry, and clematis. Work party is Saturday, July 18, from 9 am to noon. Meet at the restrooms on Southwest Terwilliger Boulevard and Hamilton Street. For more information, contact Mary Verrilli via email at mary. verrilli@portlandoregon.gov or call 503-823-9423. 8 20 7 Concerts in the Park: Enjoy live m u s i c a t Wi l l a m e t t e P a r k , Southwest Macadam Avenue and Nebraska Street. Four concerts are slated for Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. this month: July 8, Darrell Grant with Bluesy Swing. On July 15, the Stolen Sweets sing 30’s swing jazz. Bon Ton Roulet performs Cajun and Zydeco on July 22, and The Strange Tones play sonic blues on July 29. Bring your blankets, pack a dinner and enjoy. Free. The Southwest Portland Post • 5 Become your own publisher: This one-hour community workshop provides authors with some of the tools and guidance necessary to self-publish. The workshop takes place on Monday, July 20, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Capitol Hill Library, 10723 SW Capitol Hwy., 503- 988-5385. Including aspects of professional editing and design, logistics and distribution, and publicity and marketing, this workshop is purely informational, including a Bicycle track racers return to the Alpenrose Velodrome (6149 SW Shattuck Road) for the 2015 Alpenrose Challenge, July 18-19. Races start at 9 a.m. Saturday and end at 6 p.m. Sunday. Visit www.alpenrosechallenge.com for a complete schedule of events. (photo by Charlie Warner, 2014) half-hour presentation on the ins and outs of contemporary publishing, followed by Q&A. Free. 21 Celebrating a strong woman in your life: There is strength in the past that can inspire the future. Join freelance writers Leah Klass from Portland and Aliza Zeff from Israel, for an evening of exploration, discussion and written expression. Create a written memory and pass it forward. Tuesday, July 21, 7– 9 p.m. at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center. $10, MJCC member: $8. RSVP at www. oregonjcc.org/registration. 29 The Emperor’s New Groove will be shown on Wednesday, July 29 at Jackson Middle School (10625 SW 35th Ave) as part of the Movies in the Park series, with pre-show entertainment by the Terry Robb Trio and the Portland Teen Idols. Show starts at dusk. Bring a picnic, jackets and blankets for chill, but leave the dogs at home. Free. 30 Movies in the Park: It’s “inconceivable” that you would want to miss a showing of The Princess Bride at Caruthers Park, 3508 SW Moody St. Join your friends on Thursday, July 30 at 6:30 p.m. for the pre-show entertainment, The Jellyroll Society. Show starts at dusk. Bring picnic, jackets and extra blankets for the evening chill, but leave your dogs at home. Free. Who says there’s no free lunch? Get your children involved in organized sports, games, and craft activities this summer at Stephens Creek Crossing, 6715 SW 26th Ave. Not only will your child have guided fun, they’ll get a free healthy lunch, too! 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. now through Aug. 21. Contact Whitney Ellersick at 503-916-3276 for more information. We thank the clients that have supported us for 26 years! 26 years went by in the blink of an eye. We are here to serve you in the next 26! 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