July 2015 NEWS / COMMENTARY The Southwest Portland Post • 3 OnPoint Community Credit Union opens new branch in Hillsdale By Erik Vidstrand The Southwest Portland Post Hillsdale is no longer a credit union desert. Located next to Oak & Olive Ristorante, the newest branch of Oregon’s OnPoint Community Credit Union will open its doors on July 8. What once was a gas station and spring now sprouts a thriving building two-thirds occupied. When the gas station and ice cream shop closed and were demolished an empty lot stood for years. Perhaps the property owner was waiting for the right business to occupy the space. At one time, JPMorgan Chase & Co. wanted to build a bank on the property but at the leadership of journalist and neighborhood activist Rick Seifert, over 600 local signatures were gathered from local residents opposing the bank’s proposal. Mike Roach, co-chair of the Hillsdale Business and Professional Association, said it was four years in the making but the right fit came in the form of OnPoint. Roach introduced the new manager of the new branch, Colette Young, at a recent Hillsdale business meeting. Young has 17 years of financial services experience and is the former manager of the Murrayhill branch. Young hopes of partnering with Let’s promote development that helps the Village stay the Village OPEN FORUM By Michael Banks There has been much debate, both pro and con, on the new proposed development in Multnomah Village. I live about four houses from the site, and understand that “development happens” in life, and that for the most part, growth is a sign of healthy economy. However, and I would remind all you who are fairly blasé about the proposal, you shouldn’t forget that growth brings change, often unwanted and very often unplanned and unforeseen effects. …Back in the early 90’s, my wife and I lived off Northwest 23rd Avenue and Johnson Street. We saw first-hand how growth in that area created huge parking and transportation problems for the residents of that area. Eventually those long term residents, who could not either pay the increased rents that accompanied development of the neighborhood or who simply had not ability to even park close by to their homes, were forced out. More than one of the supporters of the development in the Village have simply stated to those of us who are in relative close proximity to the proposed development that we always have the option to sell our home and move somewhere else. Such a response is not only shockingly (at least to me) cold-hearted and fails to even try to extend empathy to those of who will be drastically affected, but displays the true colors of those who simply do not care about their neighbors. For those of who are supporters of the proposed development, I respect your rights to support such growth, and invite you take part in the discussions in a way that respects those in the Village who will be directly impacted by this development. At the last meeting, [developer] Tim O’Brien admitted that the ingress/ egress point for the limited amount of parking to the building will likely be on 33rd Ave. This means that at that intersection there will be regular and sustained traffic turning at the intersection of 33rd (Continued on Page 6) local businesses to encourage OnPoint’s 9,000 members who live within five miles of Hillsdale to patronize the local businesses on a regular basis. “Our goal is to build lasting partnerships and help Hillsdale continue to thrive,” Young said in front of two dozen business association members.” OnPoint is the largest credit union in Oregon, serving more than 283,000 members with assets of $3.6 billion. Credit unions are no longer the austere storefronts that once served low-income workers and middle-class families. Many don’t know the difference between a bank and a credit union. Credit unions received tax breaks beginning in 1934 Mike Roach, co-chair of the Hillsdale Business and when Congress decided to Professional Association introduces OnPoint’s branch subsidize working-class manager, Colette Young. (Post photo by Erik Vidstrand) Americans. Credit unions do pay payroll and property taxes. They unions focus on providing a safe place just don’t pay corporate income taxes, to save and borrow at reasonable rates. specifically because of their not-for- Unlike banks, credit unions return profit structure. surplus income to their members in the Historically, the large banks would form of dividends. not serve these workers. The idea, Today, OnPoint serves 276,000 according to the National Credit Union members in 10 Oregon and two Administration, was to “serve the Washington counties. Anybody can productive and provident credit needs join. of individuals of modest means.” A grand opening event will be held Formed in 1932, OnPoint originally on Saturday, July 18 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. was Portland Teachers Credit Union, Refreshments will be served. Enter serving the clientele its name implied. a prize drawing for a neighborhood As member-owned institutions, credit shopping spree valued at $500. HOT WEATHER WILL BE HERE SOON! Air Conditioning Service $54.95 System Test, Evacuate Recharge Refrigerant Extra Most vehicles • Not valid with other offers Only 1 in 5 teens tell an adult they are being bullied. School Psychology Review RALEIGH HILLS AUTOMOTIVE 4515 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy. • Portland, OR 97221 503-292-4904 LUBE, OIL & FILTER CHANGE Only $24.95 reg. $34.95 we’re here. When teenagers face problems, they often turn to their peers for advice. Many teens believe that parents would not understand, and worry that their friend might abandon or laugh at them. 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