4 • The Southwest Portland Post BUSINESS October 2013 Multnomah Arts Center Gallery receives $118,000 makeover by local businesses Construction, and Cascade Acoustics each committed generous con- tributions of funds and la- bor to make the gallery restora- tion possible. “SERA is committed to helping non- profit organi- zations that positively im- pact Portland in the fields The newly refurbished Multnomah Arts Center Gallery. (Photo courtesy of Portland Parks and Recreation) of arts, culture and education,” said Gauri Ra- SERA Architects. Additional support has been jbaidya, who led this project at “The gallery renovation for provided from Rosendin Elec- Multnomah Arts Center was tric, Fine Painting, Performance a perfect opportunity for us to Abatement Services, Temp Con- make a contribution to our com- Mechanical, Viking Auto- ® munity. The Arts Center didn’t trol matic Sprinklers, KPFF Struc- and save 74% on World-Famous Omaha Steaks have the capital for the project, tural and Civil Engineering, so we were happy to bring to- PAE Consulting Engineering, gether design and construction Solus Lighting, and Northern professionals to provide the pro Illumination Company. bono work needed to make the There will be a reception at the vision a reality, “ said Rajbaidya. Gallery for the MAC Instructor Show on Friday, Nov. 1, from from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. This will include the dedication of a per- manent gallery plaque recogniz- ing the generous supporters of the renovation. During the past 30 years, the Join us Sundays for complete Park Bureau’s MAC Gallery coverage of all NFL games. Plus You Get... has showcased the artwork 200 inch HiDef projection TV. of more than 300 regional art- 4 More 2 (5 oz.) Filet Mignons Omaha Steaks Burgers ists, arts collectives, and group 2 (5 oz.) Top Sirloins NEW - Growlers To Go! Save 4 Boneless Chicken Breasts (1 lb. pkg.) Daily Food Specials shows. In that time, more than FREE $ 114 01 4 (4 oz.) Omaha Steaks Burgers to every shipping address. Happy hour 3-6 Mon-Fri. 100,000 visitors have enjoyed 4 (3 oz.) Gourmet Jumbo Franks Full bar, 17 beers on tap. the creativity of emerging and 4 Stuffed Baked Potatoes established professional artists 3017 SW Multnomah Blvd. 48829AFJ List $154.00 from the region. Portland Or 97219 Now Only . . . . . . . . . . . . “Collaborations such as this Limit of 2 packages and 4 FREE burgers per address. Standard S&H 503-293-2100 between Portland Parks & Rec- will be applied per address. Free Burgers must ship with orders of $39 or more. Hurry! This offer expires 11/15/13. reation and our valued area ©2013 OCG | 15602 | Omaha Steaks, Inc. partners make it possible to Mention our ad in The Post and enhance Portlanders’ quality of save 20% off your bill! Call Free 1-888-449-0832 www.OmahaSteaks.com/mbfam30 life in a time of limited public resources,” said Parks and Rec- reation Commissioner Amanda Fritz. “We are proud of the steadfast support these community busi- nesses have provided. This ini- tiative has resulted in a beautiful gallery that generations of Port- landers will enjoy,” said Fritz. Call Livelinks. MAC serves over 1,500 stu- The hottest place to meet dents of all ages and abilities in the coolest people. the visual, performing, and liter- ary arts each term. “A program of the Park Bureau, its mission is to provide accessible, high- quality instruction & participa- tion in the arts to all interested persons at an affordable cost. Programs run year-round, and scholarships are available. Try it Free! For more information, call Ahora en Español 18+ MAC Director Michael Walsh at 503-823-2284 or email Michael. Walsh@PortlandOregon.gov. A major gallery renovation at Portland Parks & Recreation’s Multnomah Arts Center (7688 SW Capitol Hwy) was com- pleted in mid-September thanks to significant donated work and in-kind support from area busi- nesses and partners. After three decades of heavy traffic in the gallery, the Multnomah Arts Center Asso- ciation (MACA), an all-volun- teer nonprofit organization that supports the mission of MAC, made it a priority to renovate the popular gallery space into a beautiful state-of-the-art venue that is flexible, professional, and displays a wide variety of art in different forms. SERA Architects, Mortenson Try a Little Tenderness The Family Value Combo $ 39 99 make a real connection 503.416.7435