September 2013 NEWS The Southwest Portland Post • 3 Hit-and-run driver surrenders after tip leads to identity in Barbur Boulevard auto/bike crash 56, was arrested and charged with driving with a revoked driver’s li- cense and lodged at the Multnomah County Detention Center. News reports said police named him a habitual offender. A Ford F-150 pickup, driven by Witt, had rear-ended a small Chev- rolet coupe. This vehicle then rear- ended an Audi that was in front of the second vehicle. According to the Portland Tri- bune, Witt’s pickup was travel- ing south on Interstate 5 when he crashed into a car stuck in traffic in front of him. POLICE BLOTTER By Don Snedecor The Southwest Portland Post On August 16, at approximately 12:50 a.m., Central Precinct officers responded to Southwest Barbur Boulevard, just north of the Capitol Highway ramp on the report of a bi- cyclist that had been hit by a vehicle which left the scene. After being discovered by a Tri- Met bus driver, Portland Police officers and medical personnel arrived and contacted the victim, 20-year-old Henry Schmidt, who was suffering from serious but not life-threatening injuries. Schmidt did not know what hap- pened and was unable to provide of- ficers with any vehicle information. An anonymous tip to Crime Stop- pers of Oregon led investigators to the suspect vehicle, a black 2011 Subaru Legacy, at a body shop in Wilsonville. Additional investiga- tion identified the driver. On August 22, Traffic Division officers arrested the driver respon- sible for the hit and run. 29-year- old Miriam Ann Clinton of Lake Oswego turned herself in to officers at Central Precinct. Clinton has been booked into jail on two counts of Felony Hit and Run. She was arraigned in Multnomah County Court on Au- gust 23. The charges come as a result of the hit and run crash that left the victim Barbur Boulevard Project (Continued from Page 1) The purpose of the demonstra- tion project is to increase safety and improve non-auto access to transit, schools, jobs, and essential services along Southwest Barbur Boulevard. This section is an emerging area for growth from the City Council- approved Barbur Concept Plan along the Southwest Corridor. It would also help complete the “last mile” for people walking, bik- ing, and accessing transit. The average daily traffic on Bar- bur Boulevard, which is a desig- nated High Crash Corridor, ranges from 26,700 to 31,200 vehicles near the project area. According to the Oregon Depart- ment of Transportation, within city limits alone there were 19 pedes- trian crashes and 23 bike crashes on Barbur Boulevard from 2000-2009. Speed was a factor, but turning type and rear-end collisions were the most common. Sidewalks exist in a piece-meal fashion. Approximately 50 percent of the Barbur Boulevard corridor lacks sidewalks on both sides of the street. Poorly defined driveways, skewed intersection geometries, and continuous center left turn lane pose conflicts for both bicyclists and motorists. That car was reportedly driven by 52-year-old courier Thomas Swift, of Vancouver, Washington, who crashed into the car in front of him. Emergency crews were unable to revive Swift, who died at the scene. According to Portland Police reports, for investigative reasons, southbound I-5 was shut down at the peak of the evening commute. The Major Crash Team was called out to conduct the investigation. The investigation of this fatal crash is ongoing. No other updates or information were available at press time. Miriam Ann Clinton injured on the side of the road on Southwest Barbur Boulevard near the Capitol Highway ramp. Schmidt was taken to Oregon Health Sciences University with two broken legs among his injuries. After a stay in the hospital he is cur- rently recovering at home. Schmidt was on his way home from work at the Southeast Portland restaurant Pok Pok when the accident oc- curred. Fatal traffic crash occurs southbound Interstate 5 near Barbur Boulevard On August 9 at 4:20 pm, Central Precinct officers responded to a three vehicle crash on southbound I-5 near milepost 296, the Barbur Blvd exit. On August 14, Ronald David Witt, This project will seek to fill miss- ing gaps, build concrete sidewalk segments, establish curbs, define driveways, address Americans with Disabilities Act barriers, and possibly improve landscaped bar- riers where feasible. Enhanced crossing rapid flash- ing beacons would be constructed at Southwest 22nd Avenue and connections to 26th Way. Bus stop relocations, pull-outs, and stop improvements would help improve roadway operations. This project report draft recom- mended both the Barbur Concept Plan and Southwest Corridor Plan. In July 2009, Metro Council selected the Barbur Corridor as a priority for investment in High Capacity Transit (rapid transit bus or light rail). According to Metro, an addi- tional 21,000 households are ex- pected by 2035. The retail market is expected to double and 16,000 more jobs are expected over the same period. The Barbur Boulevard Streetscape Plan identified the “demonstration project” as a first phase for implementation. There is a lot more informa- tion to peruse by going to http:// Southwest%20in%20Motion%20 SWIM.pdf. PoSt ClaSSifiedS adS Advertise in Post Classifieds! Just $2 per word or $39 per column inch. Email your ad to Don Snedecor at don@ or call 503- 244-6933. All major credit and debit cards accepted. Deadline is the 20th of the month prior to publication. There is more info at www.SWPortland- Help Wanted Freelance Reporter The Post is seeking a freelance writer/ photographer to cover Southwest neighborhood meetings, happenings, etc. E-mail cover letter, up to three clips, and current resume to: Don Snedecor, Publisher, The Southwest Portland Post, Snail mail or fax OK. No phone calls, please. Massage Office for Lease Office Space For Lease Multnomah Village. 1000 square feet above 7832 SW Capitol Hwy. 503-295-7889 or 503-880-1408. SPORTS MASSAGE $4 Off with this ad Get relief from chronic pain, reduce stress, & sleep better Adv ance d rapy 27 #39 Massage The David Klick LMT • Experienced Treatments 503.977.3454