6 • The Southwest Portland Post Dear EarthTalk: Why are wetlands so important to preserve? – Patricia Mancuso, Erie, PA Wetlands include swamps, marshes, bogs, riverbanks, mangroves, flood- plains, rice fields—and anywhere else, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Saturation with water is the dominant factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities there. Wetlands are widespread in every country and on every continent except Antarctica. If all the world’s wetlands were put together, they would take up an area one-third larger than the United States. Environmentalists, biologists and others concerned about the health of the planet and its inhabitants recognize the key role wetlands play in life on Earth. The EPA points out that, besides containing a disproportionately high FEATURES number of plant and animal species compared to other land forms, wetlands serve a variety of ecological services. Among those include feeding down- stream waters, trapping floodwaters, recharging groundwater supplies, removing pollution and providing fish and wildlife habitat. Wetlands can also be key drivers of local economies, given their importance to agriculture, recreation and fishing. According to Wetlands International, a global non-profit dedicated to the con- servation and restoration of wetlands around the world, wetlands are on the “front-line” as development pressures increase everywhere. “Wetlands are vulnerable to over- exploitation due to their abundance of fish, fuel and water,” reports the group, which works on the ground in 18 countries to educate the public and policymakers about the health of local wetlands and to advocate for better policies. “When they are viewed as unproduc- tive or marginal lands, wetlands are targeted for drainage and conversion.” “The rate of loss and deterioration of wetlands is accelerating in all regions of the world,” the group adds. “The pres- sure on wetlands is likely to intensify in the coming decades due to increased global demand for land and water, as well as climate change.” The widespread expansion of devel- opment in the U.S. in recent decades has July 2013 brought the is- sue of wetlands loss to the fore- front of debates on zoning and land use plan- ning. One of the key and under- lying issues is concern about endangered species: More than a third of species on the U . S . E n d a n - Oaks Bottom is a 141-acre floodplain wetland and wildlife refuge gered Species located along the east bank of the Willamette River. (Photo courtesy List live only in Wikipedia) wetlands and mitting and zoning processes. almost half use them at some time dur- Readers can do their part by staying ing their lifecycles. current on local zoning laws, keeping While the issue lingers on in mu- an eye on local wetlands and speaking nicipal planning meetings around the up if something looks amiss. country, the federal government does Potential problems are much easier what it can to protect wetlands. to resolve early on than after damage It does so through regulations spelled is done, so speaking up soon can often out in the Clean Water Act, which in- lead to more successful and less conten- clude providing tax incentives for sell- tious outcomes. ing or giving wetlands to land trusts or Contacts: EPA Wetlands, water.epa. other conservation groups, via coopera- gov/type/wetlands/; Wetlands Interna- tive efforts with state and local entities, tional, www.wetlands.org. and by acquiring wetlands outright to EarthTalk® is written and edited by add acreage to public lands systems. Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a reg- And several states have passed laws istered trademark of E - The Environmental to regulate activities in wetlands, and Magazine (www.emagazine.com). Send many municipalities include wetlands questions to: earthtalk@emagazine.com. conservation in their development per- POST A TO Z BUSINESS CARD DIRECTORY 503-244-6933 Your Mow & Go Service Average lawn mowing less than $25 with over 10,467 served. We offer free estimates, serve the Portland metro area & we do not require a contract. Save by signing up today & get your lawn into shape for summer fun! 503-244-6933 (503) 244-2314 info@cleancut1.com www. cleancut1.com Lic # 370189-91 Fully Insured Your Ad Here Just $69/month for a Year! YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD HANDYMAN 20 years in Multnomah Village! “Call Kenny!” Kenneth S. Morse CCB License #195820 503-939-5452 morseks@aol.com Excellent SW Portland references