2 • The Southwest Portland Post EDITORIAL The Southwest Portland Post 4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509 Portland, OR 97206 Fax: (866) 727-5336 email: editor@multnomahpost.com Correction: Cedarwood is a Waldorf school not a Montessori school Finally, we would like to correct one small error. Cedarwood is a Waldorf school not a Montessori school. While Rudolf Steiner, the founder of the Waldorf movement, and Maria Montessori were friends and their respective educational systems have similarities, they founded quite differ- ent schools. We would appreciate your correctly identifying us. David DeMarkey Finance & Operations Officer Cedarwood Waldorf School Graffiti removal a losing battle Regarding “Slides and lecture show old South Portland’s ethnic history,” by Lee Perlman, The Post, May 2013. Thank you for reporting on the fine history lesson Prof. Arnie Panitch provided at our school in April. The turnout and interest were exciting to all of us who helped put it on. Prof. Panitch’s presentation reminded all of us here at Cedarwood of the proud place our historical building holds in Portland. We would like to add a few clarifi- cations to your otherwise fine article. National Council of Jewish Women, Portland Section opened the original Neighborhood House at 1 st & Lincoln in 1905, but soon outgrew that facility and opened the present building at 2 nd & SW Wood in 1910. In 1926 they opened the first indoor pool west of the Mississippi in their new annex. The pool and that portion of the building were abandoned de- cades ago but were just renovated by Cedarwood and reopened a year ago this past February. Regarding “CRIME PREVENTION NOTEBOOK: Citizen Involvement needed to prevent, report and remove graffiti,” by Erik Vidstrand, The Post, June 2013. Thank you for the informative back page report on removing graffiti. How- ever, it seems to be a losing battle. The graffiti on the [Multnomah] Viaduct pictured was reported using the PDX Reporter software on October 23 last year complete with photo, GPS coordinates, and a written comment. If the city or state doesn’t have the resources to combat graffiti then I would welcome the city to designate somebody in the Village so we can “of- ficially” take care of it ourselves. Bryan H. Ackler Multnomah Village Editor’s Note: Calling 503-823-4TAG is another option for reporting graffiti to the City of Portland to have it removed. For further information, call the Graffiti Abatement Program at 503-823-5860. Deeper Sedation Dentistry... Dr. Little at West Hills Family Dental Center now offers DEEP SEDATION DENTISTRY. It’s MORE EFFECTIVE than just a pill. Call and find out why West Hills Family Dental Center is different. 503-291-0000 • www.fearfreedental.com Celebrating 20 Years in Business! 4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509 Portland, OR 97206 Phone: (503) 244-6933; Fax: (866) 727-5336 general email: news@multnomahpost.com web address: www.swportlandpost.com Editor & Publisher: Reporters/Writers: Advertising Sales: Graphic Design: Printing: Don Snedecor Lee Perlman, Erik Vidstrand Don Snedecor, Harry Blythe Leslie Baird Design Oregon Lithoprint © 2013 by The Southwest Portland Post. All rights reserved. The opinions of the artists and authors contained herein are not necessarily shared by the publisher. Deadline for news and advertising is generally the 20th of the month prior to publication. Please call for current deadline information. Advertising rates are available upon request. The Post has a circulation of 7,000 in Multnomah Village and the surrounding neighborhood business districts including Burlingame, Capitol Hill, Garden Home, Glen Cullen, Hillsdale, South Portland, Raleigh Hills, West Portland and Vermont Hills. The Post is published on or about the 1st of every month. Subscriptions are $14 per year. Back issues are $2.50 each when available. All major credit cards accepted. The Post is printed on recycled newsprint using soy-based inks. July 2013 Stephens Creek Crossing accepting applications for subsidized housing EDITOR’S DESK By Don Snedecor The Southwest Portland Post You may have noticed the Stephens Creek Crossing complex under con- struction the past year at Southwest 26th Avenue and Capitol Highway. Waiting lists for one, two, three and four-bedroom subsidized apartments will be open from July 9 through July 12. According to Home Forward (former- ly the Housing Authority of Portland) applicants will be placed in order of preference and then by a random lot- tery number. There will be 109 apartments with income-based rents, and they will be ready to move in to by January 2014. “In addition to brand new homes, residents will be joining a community of opportunity and have access to a variety of programs that help them move forward in their lives,” said Steve Rudman, executive director. You can apply from any computer with Internet access at www.homefor- ward.org. If you need to use a computer, contact your local Multnomah County library branch or Home Forward. According to Home Forward materi- als, “Preference will be given for house- holds in which the head of household, co-head, or spouse is working at least 30 hours per month or is attending school or a job training program.” Additionally your total household income must be less than 60 percent of area median income. For more informa- tion about income or other eligibility requirements visit the website above or call Home Forward at 503-280-3830. For low-income folks struggling to find affordable housing, one of these state-of-the-art apartments will be liter- ally like winning the lottery! (Continued on Page 7) Massage Therapy Services Holistic฀•฀Intuitive฀•฀Professional Susan Ferreira, LMT #13618 Body and Mind Connection •฀Stress฀Reduction฀•฀Immune฀Support •฀Pain฀Management 503-246-3324 ฀ ฀ Garden฀Home Portland,฀Oregon฀97223 By฀appointment฀only