June 2013 FEATURES The Southwest Portland Post • 5 Wilson High School choir wins first state championship; Cleveland takes second Southwest Portland’s Wilson High School “Wilsingers/WAVE” concert choir reached new heights by winning the 5A OSAA Choir State Champion- ships at George Fox University in Newberg on May 11. Under the guidance of choir direc- tor Margaret Murer, and with student accompanist Gillian Bergman, the Wilsingers/WAVE choir performed five pieces: “Cantate Domino,” “The Seal Lullaby,” “Cantiam la bella Clo- rie,” “I Love My Love,” and finishing with “Elijah Rock.” Carla Nilsen, a three-time Wilsinger parent and an experienced choral performer, attended the state com- petition and commented “One of the things I was so impressed with was the changes in dynamics the choir performed, especially on `I Love My Love’”. “It was amazing that a choir of that size could sing so well so quietly,” said Nilsen. “Their blend on all the songs was exquisite.” Following the performance, the students were tested on sight read- ing and received one of the highest marks out of 11 other very qualified 5A choirs. Many of these students have been singing together for four years now at Wilson, some since middle school at Jackson or Robert Gray. Many dedi- cate their time outside of school to participate in other choirs throughout the metro area. The state championship was won by 57 Wilsinger choir students including: Si- erra Ambrosio- Wood, Colby Anderson, Evan Ander- son, Shayda Ansari, Ariel Black, Alyssa Bell-Padgett, Gillian Berg- mann, Serenna Cady, Joe Char- lone, Ethan Conroy, Sarah Corvi, Camille Cote, Courtney Wilson High School's concert choir won their first state championship on May 11 at George Fox University. Cowan, Jenni- (Photo by Chantal Wright) fer Dana, Alex guez, Amy Schenk, Samantha Seibt, event - founded in 1987,” said Steve Diaz-Hui, and Nick Diaz-Hui. Lindsay Spear, Christina Strahm, Peter, a former choral director at Singers included Sam Donily, Fran- James Trotter, Andrew Turel, Jacob both schools. “It’s a thrill to see both cesca Fontana, Connor French, Vin- Weber, Joseph Weissig, Alyssa Welty, schools being recognized for their cent Hand, Sarah Hall-Dolezal, Erin Olivia Whittaker, Sahara Wright, and excellence in the choral art.” Healy, Emma Iverson, Raven Jewell, Saba Zewdie. Director Margaret Murer is excited Aiden Koll, Lauren Lamont, Claire This was a first for Wilson choir. about how winning the competition Lemley, Veronica Lindquist, Ian Ma- Cleveland High School “A” Concert may impact her students’ futures. gill, Austin Mahar, Gerhett Moser, Choir placed second under the direc- “Many of them will feel confident Dana Nathanson, Sage Nicholson, tion of Diana Rowey. It was also a first and inspired to continue singing be- Ryan Nilsen, Emily O’Loughlin, Jes- for two PPS high schools to earn the yond high school and remain invested sica O’Loughlin, and Olivia Patton. top finishes in one year. in keeping the arts in their lives.” Other singers were Calvin Porter- “This is the first time that two Port- Murer said. “Who knows, maybe one field, Maddie Price, Ameilia Rathbun, land high schools have placed in the of them will return to Wilson as our Sam Reed, Kenzie Richter, Alberto top five of this prestigious annual next choral director?” Rincon, Aaron Ristau, Firenze Rodri- Introducing Simply good burgers cooked to order Try our “Bleu Pig” signature sandwich. (A double hamburger with bacon, blue cheese, and the works.) Fries • Tots • Onion Rings World Famous Milkshakes Family owned and operated 8981 SW Barbur Blvd (at 30th Ave.) • (503) 245-5597 Hillsdale Special Section July 2013 To Advertise Call Harry at 503-244-4442 or e-mail: ads@multnomahpost.com Deadline is June 20