2 • The Southwest Portland Post EDITORIAL The Southwest Portland Post 4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509 Portland, OR 97206 Fax: (866) 727-5336 email: editor@multnomahpost.com Barbur Concept Plan approves unmuffled jake brake noise Thanks for your involvement in the Barbur Plan as a citizen. Unfortunately Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) have chosen not to address the extreme and unnecessary noise from unmuffled jake brakes on Interstate 5 and more recently on Barbur Boulevard by con- tainer trucks. One could view this as the low- est hanging fruit for improvements conducive for private development. You may have seen the UNMUF- FLED BRAKE signs as you enter small communities throughout Or- egon. Only through the Freedom of Infor- mation Act was I provided informa- tion of the South Portland neighbor- hood signing many petitions brought to ODOT to stop. This is what I was told to do again even though ODOT refuses to put up signs in the corridor-- ignoring citizen concerns or safety. I have complained many times and had tried to voice concerns of unmiti- gated loss of over 1000 trees during the logging for the Iowa Street over- pass on Interstate 5. New trees have been planted so that ivy has a trellis to grow on since no removal of ivy or other invasives were done. Without proper remedia- tion the trees will simply be infested with ivy and need to be replanted and deferring relief. You may witness the ivy sails that still remain in the trees. I have witnessed elk, bald eagles, deer herds, coyote, cougar, vultures and chicken hawks in “The Woods”. As a resident of “The Woods” I have seen the recent loss of songbirds because of this noise and suspect the raptors and I will soon follow. I have copied the e-mail partici- pants in the Barbur Concept Plan. Interestingly only 130 citizens re- ceived e-mails, while 50 non-profits were e-mailed. Unlike a public vetting, I’m sure they were set up as an exhibit, ef- fectively removing any other public from hearing opposite view points or contention. I was one on the list that did not at- tend and could not find answers from the City as to when and where these meetings were to take place. (Any of my time and contributions were not included). If you were not in attendance, your feedback and any other observations you wish to share would be greatly appreciated. I hope that you are all outraged Deeper Sedation Dentistry... May 2013 that citizens can be bullied and manipulated by the public agencies and attended the City Hall meeting regarding the approval of this flawed process the 24th of April. Tell these agencies we deserve a little sleep. Kris Schade Southwest Portland House Republicans block bill to raise $275 million from richest Oregonians Yesterday [April 24] the House Republicans, working with special interest groups, attempted to block a vital component of our state budget: the $275 million in revenue we need in order to stabilize schools and other vital services. This money would be raised by reducing certain tax breaks for the richest 2.4 percent of Oregonians and fewer than 3 percent of corporations. Instead of giving our children the quality education they deserve, keep- ing our streets safe and our safety net intact, House Republicans decided to protect wealthy campaign donors and big business. Because of their opposition, we were only able to move ahead with a small, but vital, component of our tax plan: a provision that ends the practice of hiding money in offshore Residential & Intermediate Alzheimer’s Care Dr. Little at West Hills Family Dental Center now offers DEEP SEDATION DENTISTRY. It’s MORE EFFECTIVE than just a pill. Its about what we can do, not what we can’t. accounts in the Cayman Islands and other offshore “tax havens.” This will raise about $18 million over the next two years - not nearly enough to reverse the brutal cuts our schools and critical services have been facing. But we are not going to give in or give up. We are now about halfway through the session, and no matter how many votes it takes, I am deter- mined to find the money to fund our schools. You sent me here to fight for our children, and that is what I am going to do. I call on members of the Senate and House from both sides of the aisle to join with me and show the leadership needed to ensure that corporations and the wealthiest Oregonians are paying their fair share for schools and the services we all rely on. Because if we don’t, we are all going to pay the price in the form of bigger classes, worse roads, and fewer police officers. And I am not going to settle for a less educated, less con- nected and less safe Oregon. Our state deserves better than that, you deserve better than that. Margaret Doherty Tigard Editor’s Note: Rep. Margaret Doherty (Democrat-35) is one of three legislators representing the Multnomah neighbor- hood in the Oregon House of Represen- tatives. well be … and well informed Bowman’s Hillsdale Pharmacy Call and find out why West Hills Family Dental Center is different. 6256 SW Capitol Hwy. 503-291-0000 • www.fearfreedental.com 503-244-7582 • email: hdrx@pcez.com •Walk-In Adult Immunizations (503) 292-7874 Celebrating 20 Years in Business! 4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509 Portland, OR 97206 Phone: (503) 244-6933; Fax: (866) 727-5336 general email: news@multnomahpost.com web address: www.swportlandpost.com 6630 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy. Portland, Oregon 97225 www.marquiscompanies.com The Post has a circulation of 7,000 in Multnomah Village and the surrounding neighborhood business districts including Burlingame, Capitol Hill, Garden Home, Glen Cullen, Hillsdale, South Portland, Raleigh Hills, West Portland and Vermont Hills. The Post is published on or about the 1st of every month. Subscriptions are $14 per year. Back issues are $2.50 each when available. All major credit cards accepted. The Post is printed on recycled newsprint using soy-based inks. www.mygnp.com SUBSCRIPTION FORM Editor & Publisher: Don Snedecor Reporters/Writers: Lee Perlman, Erik Vidstrand Advertising Sales: Don Snedecor, Harry Blythe, Josephine Newport Graphic Design: Leslie Baird Design Printing: Oregon Lithoprint © 2013 by The Southwest Portland Post. All rights reserved. The opinions of the artists and authors contained herein are not necessarily shared by the publisher. 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