The Southwest Portland Post. (Portland, Oregon) 2007-current, April 01, 2013, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 • The Southwest Portland Post
April 2013
New plans for Regional Trail
(Continued from Page 3)
(Continued from Page 1)
portation Alliance said he agreed with
much of this. “What I see is, I don’t
want to throw bicyclists into a bad
situation,” he said.
“I understand drivers here are just
trying to get to their driveway, and
they have bicyclists shaking their fists
at them.” The proposed design “nar-
rows the roadway and makes it less
appealing to fly through. I like the idea
of being able to walk comfortably.”
Turning to the audience, Larson said,
“You guys are absolutely right: cars are
not the issue here. There’s an effort to
make it clear to bicyclists that they must
respect pedestrians.”
Resident Mike Dowd replied, “I dis-
agree with a lot of that. If you let every-
one use the whole street, everyone can
get out of the way. You should make
the place like a linear plaza.”
The proposed plan “kills the entire
character of the street,” he said.
Another resident agreed and particu-
larly lamented the loss of the walnut
“I don’t want you to think we didn’t
hear you,” McGee said. “There were
two versions of this plan, and one rose
to the top.”
Pullen later said that City agencies
Marilyn Love (right) chats with a couple of pedestrians along Miles Place in March.
(Post photo by Lee Perlman)
will continue to work with affected
property owners and “consider public
input” through the end of the year.
Macadam Avenue hillside
blasting work continues
Multnomah County crews spent the
last part of March blasting at the adja-
cent hillside to create a new right-of-
way for Southwest Macadam Avenue/
Highway 43 near the Sellwood Bridge,
and the work went well.
According to Multnomah County
spokesperson Mike Pullen, the County
tends to measure negative impact by
public complaints, “and I’m happy to
say we haven’t had any. The charges
were planted so deep that there was
very little surface noise.”
The road was closed for an hour
after each blast to allow the debris to
be cleared, he said, “but it was so late
at night that the impact was minimal.”
Crews are now working on installing
anchors in the bed rock where an old
landslide has been “so that the hillside
doesn’t move anymore,” Pullen said.
This month other crews will be
working to remove the concrete piers
on the site of the old bridge. In-water
work on the new bridge is set for July,
he said.
Steampunk Craft Workshop:
One part science fiction, another a
Victorian-era history that never was,
steampunk is a literary genre influ-
enced by a number of classic books
like Frankenstein and 20,000 Leagues
Under the Sea as well as contempo-
rary books and films. Steampunk is
inspired by the world of gears, steam
engines, and zeppelins. Artist Shawn
Bowman will show you some crafty
ways to get this sci-fi look from thrift
store finds and things you might have
at home. For teens and adults. Register
online, in the library or by calling 503-
988-5385. Capitol Hill Library, Sunday,
April 7, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Garden Home Community
Sustainability Fair: Peruse
booths on various sustainable topics
and businesses from gardening to re-
cycling to water. Recycled craft station
for kids and a free raffle drawing for
adults. Tuesday, April 30, 4:00 p.m. to
6:00 p.m. in the Garden Home Recre-
ation Center, 7475 SW Oleson Rd. Free
and open to the public. Presented
by the Garden Home Community
Library. For more information call
503-245-9932 or visit http://garden-
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Healing Heart
Advertising Representative
Vicki Strom-Medley
The Post is seeking a freelance advertising
representative to sell retail display advertising in
the Southwest Portland neighborhood business
districts. You will be contacting previous
advertisers as well as making new contacts,
networking and preparing group offers. Straight
commission. Please email resume and cover
letter to Don Snedecor at don@multnomahpost.
com. No phone calls please.
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