The Southwest Portland Post. (Portland, Oregon) 2007-current, April 01, 2013, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 • The Southwest Portland Post
The Southwest Portland Post
4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509
Portland, OR 97206
Fax: (866) 727-5336
South Waterfront
condominiums primarily
housing for the wealthy
Regarding “South Waterfront finally gets
affordable housing at six-story Gray’s Land-
ing,” by Lee Perlman, The Post, March 2013.
Lee Perlman’s article about so-called
“affordable housing” finally coming to
the South Waterfront is a perfect example
of how warped and out of touch the
thinking is at City Hall.
Anyone who thinks affordable hous-
ing involves building 206 apartments
for $50 million is so far out of touch with
reality that they shouldn’t be allowed to
hold public office!
The Portland city fathers have long
been drooling at the lip over the prospect
of developing the South Waterfront,
even though the development which
has so far occurred has all but ruined
the historic Lair Hill neighborhood as
well as John’s Landing, as a result of the
increase in traffic along the Macadam
[Avenue] corridor.
To say nothing of the absurd property
tax valuations that have resulted from
having $400-per- square-foot condo-
miniums built right down the street and
which are now used as comparables
when the tax assessor does their “trend-
ing” analysis.
For the uninitiated, residential hous-
ing in a high-rise or mid-rise structure is
a bad idea from the start as these types of
buildings are easily the most expensive
form of housing to build or maintain.
The only benefactor is the local gov-
ernment treasury, which just loves to
cram as many over-priced condos onto
the smallest parcel of land possible. For
the rest of us, all this type of develop-
ment has done is ruin many of the most
livable, human-scale neighborhoods in
the city.
When all is said and done the entire
inner city district is going to house noth-
ing but the wealthy in their sequestered,
over-priced high-rise condominiums,
with a token smattering of poor folks
who are on display in “affordable hous-
ing” projects such as the project being
developed by REACH Community
Development at the South Waterfront
Carson Horton
No smoking rule ignored
by management at Grays
It appears that the No Smoking Ad-
dendum at Grays Landing (property)
has been re-written by the management,
who along with many if not most of the
employees are smokers.
I am one of several people who are
allergic to smoke and we are being
subjected to second-hand smoke every
time upon entering the building.
New policy, now posted on [the]
bulletin board, says no smoking inside
[the] building. Sidewalk smoking is
being allowed.
Many tenants are smoking on Grays
Landing property, in violation of smok-
ing policy, and this is being overlooked
by management.
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April 2013
There is no place [smoking is al-
On the sidewalks, the 10 feet from
doors and windows allowance applies,
with balconies or open windows on
the second floor [vulnerable to second-
hand smoke].
On the REACH side of the build-
ing, signs are posted by all doors, “No
Smoking Within 10 Feet.”
As a walker, I have noticed that there
are no other apartments or condos in
South Waterfront that have residents
smoking on the sidewalks around their
I realize that lack of education (thus
low income) plays a part in this situa-
tion at Grays Landing.
[Managers] have made a point of stat-
ing that they do not want Grays Land-
ing to look like a low-rent building, but
that is exactly what they are creating: a
six-story trailer park atmosphere.
P.S. Yes, I know that there are some
very nice respectful people living in
mobile home parks.
Jack Devine
South Waterfront
Thirty-five dollar arts tax
stupid and frustrating
To all who voted to give elementary
kids special art classes, what were you
thinking? We already pay enough taxes
and to think that you voted for each of
us to pay $35 per year (or more if we
don’t pay on time or if we pay online).
This [is] a lot of money out of our
household budget and it is easy to see
why people are upset. When most of
us were in school, we did art with our
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Its about what we can do,
not what we can’t.
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elementary school teachers and we did
just fine so why can’t little kids [do] the
same today?
This tax is one of the most stupid and
frustrating things that Portland voters
have done in a long time. What were
[they] thinking?
Patti Waitman-Ingebretsen
Multnomah Village
Victim of theft urges thief to
donate time to charity
I’ve never written a letter to a news-
paper, but I had a situation occur in
Multnomah that is bothersome. I grew
up nearby walking through the Village
on my way to school for years.
I still go back regularly with my
sisters and make purchases from local
merchants to support them. About
a month ago I took my sister and her
grandchildren to the new yogurt shop.
I had just purchased an expensive
bottle of spices from Indigo Traders. I
set this bottle down in order to pay for
their yogurt and when I turned around
to pick it up it was gone!
I looked all over and it was just gone.
One, this is upsetting, because it took
me about two hours of work to pay for
this spice. Second, it happened in little
Multnomah Village, where locals trust
each other.
I am shocked, hurt and hope that
whoever took this uses it well and
considers giving two hours of their
time to someone else. Give two hours
to the Neighborhood House or seniors
who need it.
Anonymous via email
and well informed
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4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509
Portland, OR 97206
Phone: (503) 244-6933; Fax: (866) 727-5336
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Editor & Publisher: Don Snedecor
Reporters/Writers: Lee Perlman, Erik Vidstrand
Retail Advertising Manager: Harry Blythe
Graphic Design: Leslie Baird Design
Printing: Oregon Lithoprint
© 2013 by The Southwest Portland Post. All rights reserved. The opinions of the artists
and authors contained herein are not necessarily shared by the publisher.
Deadline for news and advertising is generally the 20th of the month prior to
publication. Please call for current deadline information. Advertising rates are available
upon request.
The Post has a circulation of 7,000 in Multnomah Village and the surrounding
neighborhood business districts including Burlingame, Capitol Hill, Garden Home,
Glen Cullen, Hillsdale, South Portland, Raleigh Hills, West Portland and Vermont
Hills. The Post is published on or about the 1st of every month. Subscriptions are $14
per year. Back issues are $2.50 each when available. All major credit cards accepted.
The Post is printed on recycled
newsprint using soy-based inks.
6630 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy.
Portland, Oregon 97225
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