The Southwest Portland Post. (Portland, Oregon) 2007-current, December 01, 2012, Page 7, Image 7

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    December 2012
Ghost Hunting
(Continued from Page1)
to the Future.”
Apparently the idea is to invite any
ghosts that may be trapped in the Fat
City Café building to go for a ride in the
Golden Box in the back of the hearse
to an unnamed graveyard in the West
Hills, where the box would be opened
and spirits set free. And of course all
of this is set to take place during a live
All of this is a little too much for me
to handle (and besides I haven’t eaten
all day) so I head to a safe haven a few
blocks away to get some food and clear
my head. A half hour later I am back at
Fat City where I find the Scooby Doo
Gang downstairs in the basement doing
their ghost capturing thing.
Apparently one of the paranormal
investigators caught something on
video that looked like a fog machine
mist that they were convinced was
some kind of vortex.
But better yet was a recent photo-
graph of some kind of naked female
apparition captured by Anne Bocci (or
her son), who owns the boutique next
door. The photo was taken in the base-
ment of the boutique. Was the naked
lady the ghost of Mayo Methot? Your
guess is as good as mine.
Mayo Methot was the dazzling Hol-
lywood femme fatale who was married to
Humphrey Bogart before he left her for
Lauren Bacall. Bogart and Methot loved to
go out drinking. In Portland their favorite
bar was Jake’s downtown.
They were notorious for their drunken
brawls, and were known as the Battling
Bogarts. Methot, who grew up in Port-
land, returned here after she broke up
with her husband around 1945. She is
said to have died of alcohol poisoning in a
boarding house room upstairs in the same
Multnomah Village building in 1951. Her
decomposed body was found more than a
week later.
It’s around 9:30 or 10:00 p.m. I’m in
my pickup truck driving home, but of
course glued to the radio.
Clyde Lewis is describing the scene.
Dr. Jonathon Burgess is giving the
blessing over the Golden Box at Mt.
Calvary Cemetery, somewhere in the
The Southwest Portland Post • 7
West Hills, in some unrecognizable
tongue, wearing a special shaman’s
“Don’t look at it,” one of Lewis’
cohorts exclaims, reminding us of the
famous scene in “Raiders of the Lost
Ark.” But of course they do and even
take video to mark the event.
Did somebody see a ghost that night?
Did Clyde Lewis and company really
give some ghosts a lift to the cemetery?
Can it get any weirder than this? You
be the judge. You can check out the
photography and video and listen to
the October 26 podcast at www.groun-
Sellwood Bridge scheduled to close for up
to a week in January
For Southwest
Portland, Sellwood
and Clackamas
County residents,
January 10 may be a
mini-version of the
Bay Area’s Carma-
geddon. On that day
the Sellwood Bridge
will close for “up to
a week,” according to
Multnomah County
spokesperson Mike
The purpose is to
move the deck of
the existing bridge
to a set of piers now
under construction Construction continues on the Sellwood Bridge as
about 40 yards to the workers add deck panels to the west approach of
the detour bridge. (Photo courtesy of Mike Pullen,
When the transfer Multnomah County)
is complete, the relo-
cated bridge will serve as a temporary normal traffic on Southwest Macadam
detour route until a new bridge is con- Avenue as well, he said.
At this time also crews are construct-
structed in the old location, hopefully
ing new retaining walls and taking
by late 2015.
For the critical week, traffic will be other measures to stabilize the hill-
diverted to the city’s seven other Wil- sides along Macadam Avenue north
lamette River bridges, with the impact of the bridge.
Plans for the new bridge call for
most likely to fall most heavily on the
reconfiguration of the approach roads
Marquam and Hawthorne spans.
“The biggest traffic impact is likely that will necessitate cutting into the
to be on the east side,” Pullen told The hillside.
–Lee Perlman
Post, but there may be heavier than
Framed photographs of Vivian Robinson (left) and Mayo Methot were placed
with candles on an altar as part of the paranormal investigation in the basement
of Fat City Cafe, October 26. Both women died in the same building at different
times. (Post photo by Don Snedecor)
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