The Southwest Portland Post. (Portland, Oregon) 2007-current, November 01, 2012, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 • The Southwest Portland Post
By Don Snedecor
The Southwest Portland Post
Want your children to develop or
improve swimming and water-safety
skills? Portland Parks & Recreation
offers swimming lessons year-round
at six indoor pools. Lessons are
available for swimmers of all skill
levels from age 6 months to adult.
Group, semi-private and private
lessons are available.
For rates, registration information,
and a fall lesson schedule call the
PP&R Aquatic Division at (503) 823-
5130. You can also register for swim
lessons on-line at www.PortlandParks.
org or in person at Southwest Commu-
nity Center Pool, 6820 SW 45th Ave.,
(503) 823-2840.
Community Recycling for non-
curbside items will be held on Sat-
urday, November 3, from 9:00 a.m. to
12 noon at St. Luke Church, Southwest
Vermont Street and 46 th Avenue. In-
cludes rigid plastics, light bulbs, small
appliances and electronics, and more.
for details.
Hillsdale Neighborhood Associa-
tion meets again on Wednesday,
November 7, at 7:00 pm at St. Barnabus
Episcopal Church, 2201 SW Vermont
St. For agenda information contact
chair Mikal Apenes, 503-705-9777, or visit www.
Southwest Fall Cleanup is be-
ing held on Saturday, November
10 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Port-
land Christian Center parking lot, 5700
SW Dosch Rd. Wood, yard debris, large
appliances, old furniture, scrap metal
and donations for charity are among
the items being collected. Volunteers are
still needed. Assistance is available for
the elderly and disabled. Call 503-823-
4592 or visit for more
Free Hillsdale Community Supper
at St. Barnabas Church on Saturday,
November 10 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
The church is located at 2201 SW
Vermont St. The community dinner is
the second Saturday of every month.
Come by to meet your neighbors and
to have an excellent meal.
Urban Weed Control Work-
shop will be held on Tuesday,
November 13, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
at the Southwest Community Center,
6820 SW 45 th Ave. Mary Logalbo of
November 2012
the West Multnomah Soil and Water
Conservation District will be discuss-
ing how to deal with invasive species
in the back yard like English ivy and
Himalayan blackberry. Call 503-823-
2862 to reserve space.
Multnomah Neighborhood As-
sociation will be electing new officers
(chair, vice chair, secretary, and trea-
surer) at their next meeting, Tuesday,
November 13, at 7:00 p.m. at the
Multnomah Center, 7688 SW Capitol
Hwy. Requirements include neigh-
borhood residency and three to five
hours per month. For more informa-
tion contact Moses Ross, 503-309-7985,
Maplewood Neighborhood
Association meets again on
Wednesday, November 14, at 6:45 p.m.
at Maplewood School (library), 7452
SW 52nd Ave. Contact chair Jill Gaddis,
jillg@pacifier or call (503) 823-4592 for
agenda information. You can also visit
Portland Gingerbread Bridge
Competition. Several Portland
engineers and architects will gather
from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. on Friday, No-
vember 30, at the Old Market Pub (6959
SW Multnomah Blvd) to raise funds
for the Family Bridge Day Shelter in
Hillsboro and to show off their gin-
Shasta Kearns Moore, officially releas-
es her children's book, "Dark & Light:
A Love Story in Black and White,"
with a booksigning and reading at
Annie Bloom's Books in Multnomah
Village on Sunday, Nov. 11 at 2 p.m.
The book is part of an effort to pay for
expensive treatments for her son's dis-
ability. Moore is former editor of the
Southwest Community Connection
newspaper. Additional information
is available on her website, www.Dar- (Photo courtesy
of Shasta Kearns Moore)
gerbread bridge building skills. Each
firm/school will enter a 24-inch bridge.
Engineering, architecture and edibility
are all factors. A panel of qualified
judges will critique the entries prior
to the main event: the bridge breaking!
Pictures and information can be found
PoSt a to Z BuSineSS CaRd diReCtoRy 503-244-6933
Your Fall Leaf and Yard Cleanup Service
Average lawn mowing less than $20 per week.
Fertilization and aeration less than $20 per week.
Anywhere in the Portland metro area. Free estimates.
No contracts required.
(503) 244-2314
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