The Southwest Portland Post. (Portland, Oregon) 2007-current, November 01, 2012, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 • The Southwest Portland Post
November 2012
Barbur Concept Plan subject of November 29 open house
By Lee Perlman
The Southwest Portland Post
The Bureau of Planning and Sustain-
ability has prepared preliminary rec-
ommendations for the Barbur Concept
Plan, which will provide a direction for
future development along Southwest
Barbur Boulevard and official action to
help make it happen.
They will be available for public
viewing and comment at a public open
house from 5:45 to 8 p.m. November
29 at the Multnomah Center, 7688 SW
Capitol Hwy.
According to project manager Jay
Sugnet, the biggest issue the Plan airs
is whether the Barbur Crossroads area,
at the intersection of Barbur Boulevard
and Southwest Capitol Highway,
should retain its “Town Center” des-
ignation calling for high intensity resi-
dential and commercial development.
“Not much has happened there,”
Sugnet told The Post, and not much is
likely to unless the area can be made
more pedestrian-friendly. To that end,
Sugnet says, “There’s no easy solu-
tion no matter how much money you
Elsewhere the Concept Plan calls
for mixed use development at several
points along the corridor at higher den-
sity than it currently has but not the
highest possible. The only major signifi-
cant zone changes are on the northern
end at Southwest Kelley Avenue; else-
where there are “overlays” to facilitate
and guide development.
The Plan also recommends a vari-
ety of transportation improvements,
including new traffic signals, and a
new Interstate 5 access at Southwest
26th Avenue. Whether there will be a
future light rail line, and other major
transportation project, on Barbur will
be decided by another project, Metro’s
Southwest Corridor Project.
Barbur Demonstration Project “in
the cue” for sidewalks
The Barbur Demonstration Project,
which would add sidewalks and bike
paths to Barbur Boulevard between
Southwest 19 th and 26 th avenues, moved
forward last month toward potential
The Oregon Department of Trans-
portation, which will select projects
for funding, has “invited” Portland to
apply for a grant for the project, one of
three transportation projects in this city
so favored.
This does not guarantee funding –
ODOT has “invited” applications for
80 such projects statewide – but it does
mean the Barbur Boulevard project
is “in the cue,” Southwest Neighbor-
hoods, Inc. president Marianne Fitzger-
ald told The Post. A decision should be
forthcoming in early 2013, she said.
A revised plan calls for a new side-
walk and bike path on the south side
of Barbur Boulevard, west of the
Original Pancake House and adjacent
to the Interstate 5 ramp, Fitzgerald said.
However, the revised plan may cut a
proposed reconfiguration of Barbur’s
intersection with Southwest Spring
Garden Road, she said. It will include
“at least two new marked crosswalks,”
she said. The demonstration project’s
estimated cost is between $800,000 and
$1.2 million.
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BEFORE AND AFTER: A current view, plus a futuristic view, of Southwest 13th
Avenue facing east toward Barbur Boulevard. (Photos courtesy of Jay Sugnet,
Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability)
Multnomah Boulevard sidewalk
project will include pedestrian
crossing at 25 th Avenue
The Multnomah Sidewalk Project will
soon install new walkways on South-
west Multnomah Boulevard between
22 nd and 34 th avenues.
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According to Moses Ross of the
Multnomah Neighborhood Associa-
tion, the project will feature a sidewalk
on the north side of the street.
On the south side there will be a
“multi-use” path shared by pedestrians
and bicyclists, and separated from the
road way a 3.5 inch swale. At Southwest
(Continued on Page 4)
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Editor & Publisher: Don Snedecor
Reporters/Writers: Jillian Daley, Lee Perlman
Retail Advertising Manager: Harry Blythe
Graphic Design: Leslie Baird Design
Printing: Oregon Lithoprint
© 2012 by The Southwest Portland Post. All rights reserved. The opinions of the artists
and authors contained herein are not necessarily shared by the publisher.
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The Post has a circulation of 7,000 in Multnomah Village and the surrounding
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