October 2012 NEWS The Southwest Portland Post • 3 Wilson High School principal shares plan to replace stadium turf HILLSDALE NOTEBOOK By Jillian Daley The Southwest Portland Post The new Wilson High School prin- cipal shared the plan for the school stadium with members of the Hills- dale Neighborhood Association at its Sept. 5 meeting. Principal Brian Chatard said the plan is to replace the grass in the sta- dium with synthetic, all-weather turf. Having turf instead of grass would open up the field to winter sports, be low-maintenance and conserve water, Chatard said. The turf would last 10 years. The Wilson Fields Improvement Project, a subcommittee of the Wilson Boosters, intends to meets its $1.2 million investment fundraising goal by May 2013, completing the project by August 2013. For more information on the fundraising effort, go to www. wilsonfields.org. Chatard also told Hillsdale neighbors last month that he was impressed with the large showing of volunteers who helped beautify his school during the Community Service Day in August. He said he supports partnering with the community and always is look- ing for volunteers. He added that he wouldn’t mind some help keeping an eye on 10 th and 11 th graders who eat at the food carts set up at the entrance to the school. Although underclassmen are not usually allowed to have lunch off campus, Chatard is permitting them to eat at the food carts while under supervision. Committee to prioritize sidewalk repair list Transportation Committee chairman Glenn Bridger invited the community to weigh in at a committee meeting on Sept. 18 about which sidewalks they’d like to see prioritized to be re- paired. Bridger said ex- tended shoulders might be another option where a sidewalk is not fi- nancially feasible. At this month’s committee meeting, Ninth-graders in teacher Alicia Provost's physical education class he plans to finalize played touch football in the grass at the Wilson High School the priority side- stadium on September 27. Students will be able to play on the walks list, which field year-round once artificial turf is installed. (Post photo by he will present to Jillian Daley) the neighborhood available to business and property association in November or December. owners for storefront improvements, Once the list is approved, Bridger plans $10,000 of which must be used for light- to present it to the city for consideration. ing improvements. For more information, email gbridg- There also could be an additional er@teleport.com. $30,000 grant from State Farm for Funds available for Main Street storefront improvements. For more in- improvements formation, contact Hillsdale Main Street executive director Megan Braunsten Hillsdale Main Street design commit- 503-896-9211 or meganb@hillsdale- tee co-chairman Richard Garfinkle said mainstreet.org. there is $20,000 in Main Street funding Write-In Campaign for Portland Mayor 2012 PoSt ClaSSifiedS adS Office Space Office Space For Lease Multnomah Village. 1000 square feet above 7832 SW Capitol Hwy. Lease required. $1200 per month. 503-295-7889 or 503-880-1408. Are we losing sight of Portland’s future? I’m a Portland native and have been concerned about the direction the City of Portland is taking. I entered the campaign for mayor last winter because no one was discussing EPA water issues, unsustainable City of Portland debt, or meaningful job solutions. People tell me now they have no clear choice for mayor. I am a scientist and the only mayoral candidate to advocate saving the Bull Run water system and good drinking water. As the only mayoral candidate to oppose fluoridation of our drinking water, I support a public vote. Portland needs my experience as a businessman. I am the only mayoral candidate to have actively participated in the review of Portland bureau budgets for the last decade, and understand where City of Portland money can be saved without losing jobs. My purpose is to restore trust and transparency with a democratic process and dialogue on critical issues. Portland needs someone who will immediately address these issues through proven leadership, for the many economic and scientific challenges ahead. ON YOUR MAYORAL BALLOT – MARK AND WRITE IN m Scott Fernandez Visit www.scottfernandezformayor.com Sponsored by Friends of Scott Fernandez