2 • The Southwest Portland Post COMMUNITY LIFE By Don Snedecor The Southwest Portland Post Multnomah Neighborhood Associa- 9 tion meets again on Tuesday, Octo- ber 9, at 7:00 p.m. at the Multnomah Center, Room 30, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy. Find out the low-down about the upcoming Multnomah Boulevard sidewalk and bike lane project. For more information, please contact Moses Ross, chair, 503-309-7985 or email mnachair@ gmail.com. Small Grants are 10 Neighborhood available once again. Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc.’s share this year is $10,020. The funds, distributed to the seven district coalitions by the Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement, are available to community organiza- tions for special projects. SWNI will hold a workshop for potential grant applicants on Wednesday, October 10 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Multnomah Center, 7688 SW Capitol Highway. Ap- plications are due November 5. For more information, visit www.swni. org/grants. Candidates Debate will 16 SWNI be held on Tuesday, October 16 at 7:00 p.m. in the Multnomah Center EDITORIAL Auditorium, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy. The debate will feature candidates Jeffferson Smith and Charlie Hales, who are in the runoff for Portland Mayor. Candidates Amanda Fritz (incumbent) and Mary Nolan are in the runoff for Portland City Commissioner. For more information call 503-823-4592 or visit www.swni.org. of Portland Awards will be 29 Spirit presented by members of the Port- land City Council in a ceremony begin- ning at 7 p.m. October 29 at the Double Tree Hotel, 1000 NE Multnomah St. Ashcreek Neighborhood Association (Neighborhood Of The Year) is being recognized for devising a formula ac- ceptable to all parties for providing traffic calming on Southwest Garden Home Road; for working with the Crest- wood neighborhood on improvements to Woods Park and the intersection of Southwest Taylors Ferry Road and Capitol Highway; for creating a Good Neighbor Agreement with a new sports bar; for creating a memorial fund in honor of the late Patty Lee; and other accomplishments. Southwest resident Bruce Murray (Community Stewardship) is another winner. He has served as board chair of CASH Oregon, which works with AARP and others to help low income individuals secure federal tax refunds they are entitled to. He has also vol- unteered with Friends of Marquam October 2012 Park, and helped secure funding for the Southwest Trails Committee’s 4T Trail. Annual Halloween in the 31 Sixth Village is Wednesday, October 31 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Last year more than 1200 little goblins raided the Vil- lage, so this year Portland Police will be directing traffic. Start at Starbucks (SW 34 th and Capitol Hwy) to pick up your walking map. Finish across the street for a special treat from Dr. Jensen’s Multnomah Village Dental Care. Parents are encouraged to dress up. Costume contest with prizes, $5 photos to benefit Neighborhood House on the Harvest Stage. Visit www.multnomahvillage. org for more information. Lee Perlman contributed to this calendar LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Remember the Golden Rule when driving along neighborhood streets I see that the city is going ahead to change the speed signs and reduce the speeds in many Portland neigh- borhoods. Many neighborhoods have asked for and received traffic calming techniques already. Some southwest streets have elec- tronic signs that tell you what the posted speed is and how fast you are going. Our neighborhood street happens to be a main arterial and therefore cannot have traffic calming due to the needs of emergency vehicles. A large percentage of cars blow right through the stop sign near my home and almost all speed on this neighborhood street. I requested one of those electronic speed signs but was told that there are no funds. Furthermore, the police told me that they couldn’t enforce the speed on my street because there is no place to hide! So, I am asking all the residents of neighborhoods who have benefit of speed calming options to stop speeding on ALL streets! You want me to drive slowly past your house and residents of my neigh- borhood street would like the same courtesy. Think about it! Patti Waitman-Ingebretsen Multnomah Deeper Sedation Dentistry... Dr. Little at West Hills Family Dental Center now offers DEEP SEDATION DENTISTRY. It’s MORE EFFECTIVE than just a pill. Call and find out why West Hills Family Dental Center is different. 503-291-0000 • www.fearfreedental.com Residential & Intermediate Alzheimer’s Care Its about what we can do, not what we can’t. Celebrating 20 Years in Business! 4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509 Portland, OR 97206 Phone: (503) 244-6933; Fax: (866) 727-5336 general email: news@multnomahpost.com web address: www.swportlandpost.com Editor & Publisher: Don Snedecor Reporters/Writers: Jillian Daley, Stephanie Lodromanean, Lee Perlman Retail Advertising Manager: Harry Blythe Graphic Design: Leslie Baird Design Printing: Oregon Lithoprint © 2012 by The Southwest Portland Post. All rights reserved. The opinions of the artists and authors contained herein are not necessarily shared by the publisher. Deadline for news and advertising is generally the 20th of the month prior to publication. Please call for current deadline information. Advertising rates are available upon request. The Post has a circulation of 7,000 in Multnomah Village and the surrounding neighborhood business districts including Burlingame, Capitol Hill, Garden Home, Glen Cullen, Hillsdale, South Portland, Raleigh Hills, West Portland and Vermont Hills. The Post is published on or about the 1st of every month. Subscriptions are $14 per year. Back issues are $2.50 each when available. All major credit cards accepted. The Post is printed on recycled newsprint using soy-based inks. (503) 292-7874 6630 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy. Portland, Oregon 97225 www.marquiscompanies.com