The Southwest Portland Post. (Portland, Oregon) 2007-current, August 01, 2012, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 • The Southwest Portland Post
August 2012
Drug conviction by co-owner of Skippy’s could affect liquor license
By Jillian Daley
The Southwest Portland Post
The Crestwood Neighborhood As-
sociation at its July 11 meeting dis-
cussed issues surrounding a business’
efforts to get a liquor license to serve
beer, wine and hard liquor – but the
issue since then has taken a turn.
The liquor license for Skippy’s,
5435 SW Taylors Ferry Rd, was to be
discussed during an Oregon Liquor
Control Commission board meeting
this August, according to the Crest-
wood meeting minutes. The OLCC
will not be reviewing the issue before
the public this summer because of an
Skippy’s owner Carrie Goudge’s
husband, Jim Murphy, recently was
added to the application for the li-
cense allowing the business to serve
beer, wine and hard liquor because he
is involved in the business.
David William Feuz
David William Feuz, 75, lifelong resi-
dent of the Multnomah neighborhood,
passed away July 12, 2012. He was born
January 19, 1937, in Portland, Oregon
to John and Anna Feuz.
David went to Multnomah Grade
School and Lincoln High School,
where he played trumpet in the band.
During his later high school years he
joined the 104th Division Army Band
where he was very proud to be the
drum major.
The OLCC began investigating
Murphy, and turned up a drug de-
livery conviction, according to a July
19 email from Oregon Rep. Margaret
Doherty (D-Tigard) to Crestwood
chairman John Prouty.
The conviction could affect whether
the OLCC will grant the license, said
the email, in which Doherty said she
was relaying information from the
OLCC. She said because of the ongo-
ing investigation no OLCC meeting
on this application would take place
before October, if at all.
OLCC staff could deny a license in
this case if they decide there is a legal
basis to do so, said Christie Scott, pub-
lic affairs specialist for the OLCC. If
the staff does not deny the license, the
case could go before the board as early
as October, and the commissioners
take public input during meetings.
Murphy said the OLCC knew about
his conviction from the start, and
he just got an email from the OLCC
saying the convic-
tion is about to be
expunged from his
Murphy said the
conviction stems
from an incident
in 2008, when he
brought marijuana
plants to his friends
at a place he was
renting to them in
He had gotten a
medical marijuana
caretaker card, so
he could help out
a friend who was The owners of this building have applied for a liquor li-
d y i n g o f c a n c e r, cense for their new cafe & bar on SW Taylors Ferry Road,
Murphy said, add- called Skippy's. (Post file photo by Jillian Daley)
ing that he had not
realized his card had expired and one
I got a black mark,” Murphy said.
of his tenants did not have a medical
According to the Columbia County
marijuana card.
District Attorney Office, a Leo James
“I was trying to help somebody, and
(Continued on Page 7)
He was married in 1963 to Shirley,
his childhood sweetheart, whom he met
over the meat counter at the original
John’s Market in Multnomah Village.
David grew up working with his
parents and brother at John’s Market,
where he became a butcher. He learned
the trade from his Swiss-born father.
The building that is now John’s Market
was built in 1958, where David was the
owner/manager for 26 years before
selling the business.
David had many hobbies that he
loved throughout the years. He liked
to walk down to Gabriel Park, prop-
erty that once belonged to his parents
and later was sold to the city, on a sun-
ny afternoon to fly his planes, where
he could al-
ways draw
a crowd. He
loved build-
ing and fly-
ing his model
midget racing
also became
one of his fa-
vorite hob-
bies, as well
as working on
modified racecars with his brother
David was an avid beekeeper for
many years, a hobby that he was in-
troduced to by his father. He took care
of his bees like they were his many
children. He was very proud and pro-
tective of his honey harvest.
David was very proud of his Swiss
heritage. He loved to listen to Swiss
music and make Swiss Brätzle cookies
at Christmastime for all of the family.
David is survived by his wife Shir-
ley; son Donald and daughter-in-law
Monica; son Daniel; granddaughters
Alyssa and Savannah; and brother John.
He was predeceased by granddaugh-
ter Samantha.
The services for David were held
on July 20, at Riverview Cemetery.
Donations may be made to St. Vincent
Medical Center.
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