The Southwest Portland Post. (Portland, Oregon) 2007-current, August 01, 2012, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 • The Southwest Portland Post
August 2012
Southwest Corridor planners seek
input on 99W between Portland
and Sherwood
By Lee Perlman
The Southwest Portland Post
The Southwest Corridor team is
seeking your input on what the future
of this part of the Metro area should
be, and what kind of transportation
should serve it. This last includes a
study of a potential new light rail line.
The multi-jurisdictional study is
being led by Metro, and includes both
Highway 99W (Barbur Boulevard)
and the land around it out as far as
It is working in cooperation with
local efforts such as Portland’s Barbur
Concept Plan, which is considering
land uses, but the Corridor study is
concerned primarily with transporta-
tion issues.
The project anticipates major
growth in several designated “con-
cept centers” between now and
2035, including Hillsdale and West
Portland Park.
Currently, planners found, there
is a lack of “a balance of housing
choices” for students, families and
the elderly.
“Challenges” include limited ac-
cessibility, lack of transportation op-
tions (including safe places to walk),
traffic congestion, limited options for
roadway expansion, air pollution and
“environmental considerations.”
To gain public input, staff has held
presentations at local community
groups, held facilitated discussions,
held two open houses, and had a
mail and e-mail comment period for
a month last year.
In “dot” exercises at public events,
asked what areas of concern were
most important in terms of objectives,
the highest recorded level of concern
was for parks, trails and natural ar-
eas, followed by safety and security
and water quality.
Other concerns, in descending
order of importance, were jobs and
economic development, commercial
development, housing choices and
public health.
Metro staff found that three quarters
of the responses they received sup-
ported improved public transit, and
two-thirds called for “high-capacity”
transit. This is a key, since part of
staff’s assignment is whether to move
forward on more detailed study of
mass transit options.
These options, Metro planners say,
include light rail, bus rapid transit,
improved bus service, commuter
rail and rapid streetcar, not neces-
sarily on Barbur Boulevard. There
was virtually unanimous support for
improved pedestrian facilities along
the corridor.
Metro staff said they were planning
to do additional outreach at public
events this month, including Sunday
Parkways. For more information,
Deeper Sedation Dentistry...
Dr. Little at West Hills Family Dental Center now offers
It’s MORE EFFECTIVE than just a pill.
my 30 years of practice.
I have looked long and hard for
my replacement, and am pleased
to announce that Lisa K. Jensen, DMD,
will take over my practice, effective
The Southwest Portland Post
4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509
Portland, OR 97206
Fax: (866) 727-5336
Multnomah Village dentist
announces his retirement
after 30 years
To my valued patients:
It has been an honor and a privi-
lege to serve you; we have laughed
and cried together through the
years. It is with a mix of joy and dif-
ficulty that I inform you today about
my retirement from the practice of
dentistry. I have always wanted to
end my career when I am at the top
of my game and when I am still
healthy enough to enjoy my retire-
I believe that time is now. I look
forward to spending time with
family and friends and enjoying
the many interests I have had to
This, however, requires that I give
up what I have valued the most
about my profession—the many
individual relationships that I have
been privileged to be part of during
Residential & Intermediate
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Call and find out why West Hills Family Dental Center is different.
503-291-0000 •
4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509
Portland, OR 97206
Phone: (503) 244-6933; Fax: (866) 727-5336
general email:
web address:
Editor & Publisher: Don Snedecor
Reporters/Writers: Jillian Daley, Stephanie
Lodromanean, Lee Perlman
Retail Advertising Manager: Harry Blythe
Graphic Design: Leslie Baird Design
Printing: Oregon Lithoprint
© 2012 by The Southwest Portland Post. All rights reserved. The opinions of the artists
and authors contained herein are not necessarily shared by the publisher.
Deadline for news and advertising is generally the 20th of the month prior to
publication. Please call for current deadline information. Advertising rates are available
upon request.
The Post has a circulation of 7,000 in Multnomah Village and the surrounding
neighborhood business districts including Burlingame, Capitol Hill, Garden Home,
Glen Cullen, Hillsdale, South Portland, Raleigh Hills, West Portland and Vermont
Hills. The Post is published on or about the 1st of every month. Subscriptions are $14
per year. Back issues are $2.50 each when available. All major credit cards accepted.
The Post is printed on recycled
newsprint using soy-based inks.
(503) 292-7874
6630 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy.
Portland, Oregon 97225
After interviewing other potential
dentists, I happily met Dr. Jensen,
who is friendly and funny and yet
able to be serious about the practice
of dentistry.
I believe she holds the high stan-
dards of ethics, honesty and excel-
lence that I have always strived for.
I urge all of you to begin your new
patient-dentist relationships with
Dr. Jensen, as I am confident she
will continue to provide the high-
est standard of dental care possible.
To those of you who have been in
recently, I want you to know that I
have been unable to share my excit-
ing news with you due to the nature
of the sale of a dental practice. It
is my pleasure to announce the
transfer of my practice to Dr. Lisa
K. Jensen.
John P. Shaw, DMD
Death Notice
Sherman Hess, longtime Multnomah
and Hillsdale pharmacist, died in July
at the age of 83. A funeral service will
be held on Saturday, August 18, 2012 at
Riverview Cemetery.