The Southwest Portland Post. (Portland, Oregon) 2007-current, February 01, 2012, Page 3, Image 3

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    February 2012
Nominations needed
for Multnomah officers,
committee chairs
(Continued from Page 2)
America’s manufacturing jobs, and I
applaud the President for committing
to ending these practices.
And I absolutely agree with Presi-
dent Obama that we’re not going to
be able to effectively meet these goals
if we don’t fix the broken rules in the
U.S. Senate. I have been pushing
for reform for over a year, and I will
continue to push for reforms so the
Senate can do the people’s business.
Bottom line: we have a choice to
make about what kind of country we
want to live in. The President laid
out a vision of a country that comes
together to tackle big challenges and
make sure that our economy works
not for the one percent or 10 percent
but for 100 percent of Americans.
I am proud to fight for that vision,
and hope to work together with col-
leagues from both parties to get things
done for the American people.
U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley
(Democrat, Oregon)
Washington, D.C.
PoSt ClaSSifiedS adS
Help Wanted
Cook/assistant for local B&B.
Very part-time now, more towards
summer. Mostly mornings,
esp. weekends. Resume to
Print Only is $32 per column inch
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design! Print and Online are
$64 per column inch. Frequency
discounts are available. Online
Text Only is $2 per word (15 word
E-mail (preferred):
Online Form:
Phone: 503-244-6933
Greetings from the Multnomah
neighborhood! The Multnomah
Neighborhood Association (MNA)
is at a time of change in that we
have had recent openings on both
the MNA board as well as on some
of our standing committees.
Board members Rob Gardner
and Jessica Wade had to resign
their positions on the board due
to the birth of their first child and
our Secretary Maria Cahill unfor-
tunately needed to resign due to
family commitments. All three will
be missed and their service to the
Multnomah neighborhood is greatly
These board openings have hap-
pened mid-term, as the current
terms for all board members were
to expire in October 2012. As Chair,
I am calling for a special MNA board
election in February meant to elect
new board members that will serve
the nine-month remainder of their
term until our next annual election
in October 2012.
We currently have three board
positions open (Vice Chair, Treasurer
and Secretary are open, although
the board can have more than four
members) and four committee chair
positions are open (Land Use, Safety,
Schools and SWNI).
Our board positions are elected
by the MNA membership and the
committee chairs are appointed
by the board. All of these positions
have a time commitment of three to
five hours per month and provide a
valuable service to our community.
If you live in the Multnomah
neighborhood, I encourage you to
The Southwest Portland Post • 3
“put your name in the hat” for one
of the available positions. To place
your name in nomination for one of
the open positions, please email me
at or call me
at 503-309-7985 and I’ll put you on
the ballot.
You can also place your name in
nomination up to the actual vote at
the February meeting. The special
election will be held at the February
MNA meeting on Tuesday, February
14 at 7:00PM at the Multnomah Arts
Center in room 30 so please plan to
For less than a five hour per month
time commitment, you would be
truly helping your community and
those that live within it. You can con-
tact me at or at
503-309-7985 if you have questions
about the positions or the process.
Moses Ross, Chair
Multnomah Neighborhood Association