The Southwest Portland Post. (Portland, Oregon) 2007-current, November 01, 2011, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 • The Southwest Portland Post
November 2011
Multnomah NA responds to planned Safeway redevelopment
The Southwest Portland Post
4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509
Portland, OR 97206
Fax: (866) 727-5336
The Multnomah Neighborhood
Association, at a regularly scheduled
monthly meeting, discussed the Bar-
bur Blvd. Safeway redevelopment
and with unanimous vote, we are
responding to the planned redevel-
We are very appreciative to Safe-
way for choosing a final site design
complementary to our neighborhood
and for their receptiveness to our
community input. We are excited to
see the inclusion of this new retail
development in our community.
We are also very pleased to see that
the selection of truck routes is aligned
with our neighborhoods desires. The
selection of the primary route con-
necting Safeway trucks to Olesen
Road via Multnomah Blvd. was our
preference as well.
We would also like to commend
Safeway for their work on incorpo-
rating safer bus transit stops and
sidewalks in and around their site. It
is very important to our community
that we have the safe options of walk-
ing, biking and taking mass transit to
do our shopping.
We do have some concerns that we
would like to be on record as part of
the redevelopment plans.
First, we are concerned about the
increased traffic along SW Capitol
Hill Road and of the planned increase
of traffic from Barbur Boulevard and
from the residential neighborhood
leading to the Safeway. We are not
aware of any new traffic surveys
being done to track the residential
Also, we feel the residential traffic
needs better/adequate notification of
the change of the traffic pattern, es-
pecially because Safeway trucks will
be turning into the store near a blind
curve near SW Falcon.
A solution we propose is an alterna-
tive loading dock truck traffic pattern.
The change would reverse the loading
docks and enter the loading dock off
of the Multnomah Blvd. fly ramp.
This would allow Safeway trucks to
exit the property on Capitol Hill Road
via a right hand turn and then proceed
either north or south on Barbur Boule-
vard. This would virtually eliminate
most of our traffic safety concerns.
Second, we have concerns about
pedestrian and cyclist safety at that
particular intersection of SW Falcon
and Capitol Hill Road. That section of
road had at one time been designated
as a city walkway, but still is in need
of sidewalk and bike lane improve-
ments. These improvements would
make this road much more conducive
for local residents to safely access
Third, we ask for clarification of
the ODOT decision to not mark the
pedestrian crosswalk with “crossing
stripes” at the Barbur Boulevard slip
lane to Multnomah Boulevard. We
feel that marking the walkway clearly
would help to slow traffic and make
for a safer walking environment for
We are very appreciative of Safeway
for their receptiveness and open-
ness with the neighborhood in re-
gards to the planned improvements.
Safeway has been a valued part of
the Multnomah neighborhood for
decades and has always been a good
Thank you for the opportunity to
provide our input to this project and
look forward to a new store in our
Moses J. Ross, Chair
Multnomah Neighborhood Association
Additional letters on Page 7
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Editor & Publisher: Don Snedecor
Reporters/Writers: Polina Olsen, Lee Perlman,
and Stephanie Lodromanean
Retail Advertising Manager: Harry Blythe
Graphic Design: Leslie Baird Design
Printing: Oregon Lithoprint
© 2011 by The Southwest Portland Post. All rights reserved. The opinions of the artists
and authors contained herein are not necessarily shared by the publisher.
Deadline for news and advertising is generally the 20th of the month prior to
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upon request.
The Post has a circulation of 7,000 in Multnomah Village and the surrounding
neighborhood business districts including Burlingame, Capitol Hill, Garden Home,
Glen Cullen, Hillsdale, South Portland, Raleigh Hills, West Portland and Vermont
Hills. The Post is published on or about the 1st of every month. Subscriptions are $14
per year. Back issues are $2.50 each when available. All major credit cards accepted.
The Post is printed on recycled
newsprint using soy-based inks.
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