2 • The Southwest Portland Post The Southwest Portland Post 4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509 Portland, OR 97206 Fax: (866) 727-5336 email: news@multnomahpost.com Multnomah Village needs your help “Shop Local” or better yet “Shop Multnomah Village” means more this year than ever. The ramps to and from I-5 are going to be closed for 45 days for sewer line re-construction and are not expected to re-open until mid November. The ramp closures during the month leading up to the holiday shopping season are expected to re- duce the number of people frequent- ing our local shops, restaurants and bars by a significant number through this critical period. If you care about Multnomah Vil- lage, shop, dine and celebrate here. Pass the word around and let others know that they too can enjoy what we have. We want to make sure that Multnomah Village remains a vibrant and fun place to live, work and play. There are a number of other things that you can do during the freeway ramp closure to help: 1) For the morning rush hour avoid Multnomah Blvd. and Garden Home Road at SW 40 th Ave. The evening EDITORIAL rush hour shouldn’t be a problem. 2) If you can’t avoid the detour area in the morning give yourself extra time to get to where you need to be. Be careful and patient; there will be de- lays in and around Multnomah Village as commuters figure out alternative routes. 3) Alternative I-5 freeway entrance ramps at SW Barbur Blvd and Capitol Hwy at Taylors Ferry Rd. and SW Bertha at Barbur Blvd will also have extra congestion in the morning, more patience will be needed. 4) Don’t forget that Multnomah Village and surrounding businesses along Multnomah Blvd. are open for business and will be easily accessible at all other times. Construction started on Multnomah Blvd in March of 2010 and will con- tinue through June of 2012. There is also more construction planned for 2012 and 2013 that will significantly impact parking and accessibility to the Village. More than 1.5 years of an expected 3 years or more of near continuous construction on our major arterials combined with the ongoing stagnant economy has and will continue to stress our business district. In the end we know that the new infrastructure will improve the liv- ability of our neighborhood, we just need our businesses to be here to ben- efit from that work. Remember: Shop, eat, celebrate and play in Multnomah Village and make it “The place to be” the rest of this year and beyond. October 2011 Fund established at Edward Jones for Young Lee Young and John Lee have owned Gabriel Park Cleaners at 4397 SW Ver- mont St. for 17 years. I have never seen a harder working couple. They work 11 hours a day on weekdays and most of Saturday. During my five years as their neigh- bor, I have never seen them take off more than a couple of days for vacation. But, the Lees always have a smile for everyone and have become very well known in this community. On September 15 (one of the few times John wasn’t there with his wife) Young was found unconscious on the floor by a loyal customer who called 911. She suffered a massive stroke and has undergone two surgeries. Young is still paralyzed on her left side and will eventually go to a nursing home after her discharge from Oregon Health Sciences University. This is a woman who hasn’t even reached retire- ment age yet. The Lees don’t have health insurance. John can’t manage the business without Young and is afraid he will have to walk away from it. Since Young’s stroke, their income has been significantly reduced. I know many customers and friends have been asking how they can help. An account has been set up at Edward Jones at 4399 SW Vermont St. Portland 97219 for people wishing to donate and help the Lees get through this. Any con- tributions will be greatly appreciated. Laura O’Donovan Southwest Portland Editor’s Note: Laura O’Donovan is branch office administrator at Edward Jones. She can be reached at (503) 245-7063. Randy Bonella Executive Director Multnomah Village Bloc’s Initiative Deeper Sedation Dentistry... Dr. Little at West Hills Family Dental Center now offers DEEP SEDATION DENTISTRY. It’s MORE EFFECTIVE than just a pill. Residential & Intermediate Alzheimer’s Care Its about what we can do, not what we can’t. well be … and well informed Bowman’s Hillsdale Pharmacy Call and find out why West Hills Family Dental Center is different. 6256 SW Capitol Hwy. 503-291-0000 • www.fearfreedental.com 503-244-7582 • email: hdrx@pcez.com •Walk-In Adult Immunizations •Flu Shots Available 4207 SE Woodstock Blvd #509 Portland, OR 97206 Phone: (503) 244-6933; Fax: (866) 727-5336 general email: news@multnomahpost.com web address: www.swportlandpost.com Editor & Publisher: Don Snedecor Reporters/Writers: Polina Olsen, Lee Perlman, and Stephanie Lodromanean Retail Advertising Manager: Harry Blythe Graphic Design: Leslie Baird Design Printing: Oregon Lithoprint © 2011 by The Southwest Portland Post. All rights reserved. The opinions of the artists and authors contained herein are not necessarily shared by the publisher. Deadline for news and advertising is generally the 20th of the month prior to publication. Please call for current deadline information. Advertising rates are available upon request. The Post has a circulation of 7,000 in Multnomah Village and the surrounding neighborhood business districts including Burlingame, Capitol Hill, Garden Home, Glen Cullen, Hillsdale, South Portland, Raleigh Hills, West Portland and Vermont Hills. The Post is published on or about the 1st of every month. Subscriptions are $14 per year. Back issues are $2.50 each when available. All major credit cards accepted. The Post is printed on recycled newsprint using soy-based inks. (503) 292-7874 6630 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy. Portland, Oregon 97225 www.marquiscompanies.com •Experienced Compounding Pharmacists www.mygnp.com