6 • The Southwest Portland Post NEWS/BUSINESS June 2011 Sewer work will close Multnomah Blvd / Interstate 5 access By Lee Perlman The Southwest Portland Post The City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) will be back at work on Southwest Multnomah Boulevard this fall, and this time their work will cut the neighborhood off from Interstate 5. According to bureau spokesperson Stephen Sykes, they are about to replace the existing 30-inch Burlingame Trunk Sewer with a 48-inch replacement on Multnomah Boulevard between South- west 31 st Avenue and the freeway. For this they will dig a trench as deep as 30 feet on the north side of the bou- levard, he said. However, BES hopes to keep a lane open in each direction, eliminating the need for flaggers or detours, he said. The biggest impact will be on the Multnomah / I-5 access ramps, Sykes said. The work, and the staging area associated with it, will require these THE COUNTRY STORE By Don Snedecor The Southwest Portland Post Key Bank’s Skayhan named to manage Raleigh Hills branch Susan Skayhan has been selected to manage KeyBank’s new branch in the Raleigh Hills area of Portland. The branch opened May 16 and is lo- cated at 6620 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway. Skayhan joined Key as a relation- ship manager at the Greenway branch in 2004, later becoming assistant vice to be closed from the beginning of the project (probably early October) until November 18. Out of consideration for local mer- chants, the contract specifies that the closures not continue through the holi- day season. In addition, Sykes said, the contractor will be working 24 hours a day during part of this period, and they have se- cured a noise variance for this period. “It will just be for a few days, but there may be times when we’ll exceed the City’s standards for night-time noise generation,” Sykes said. The project will remove several trees, Sykes said. They will be replaced by tupelo, maples, and “a variety of pines.” Sykes said the City plans to designate the Capitol Highway exit as an alternate access to I-5, a route that would require considerable out of direction travel for northbound Multnomah Village motorists. At a meeting in late April Hillsdale activist Don Baack said he feared mo- president and branch man- ager for Key’s Multnomah branch in Portland and the Farming- ton branch in Aloha, Or- egon. She brings to her new as- signment 20 years of banking and insurance exper- tise, serving both consumer and small business clients. Active in the com- munity, Skayhan is a member of the Raleigh Hills Business Association and is involved in launching RHBA’s first torists instead would take Southwest Bertha Boulevard and overload it. Meanwhile, to the west, BES will soon begin the repaving of Southwest Multnomah Boulevard between 31 st and 45 th avenues following completion of an earlier sewer project. This work should begin in late June or early July, he said. During a review of the project at a community meeting, Southwest Neigh- borhoods, Inc. Transportation chair Marianne Fitzgerald was unhappy that BES did not plan to improve the sidewalks along Multnomah, even though they are only five feet wide and substandard. Sykes replied that the City is not obliged to do such work except where construction work has damaged the sidewalk and it must be replaced. annual Community Fair on June 12. Her team, representing 40 years of combined banking experience, include relationship manager Airto Zamorano, business relationship manager Derek Kirma, and customer service manager Caralie Wright. Medicine in 1997, and completed her resi- dency at St. John Detroit Riverview Hospital in 2000. McHar- ris is bilin- gual; speak- ing Spanish with a Bach- elor of Arts in Latin American Studies, 1991. Her practice is accepting new patients and most major insurance plans. Fanno Creek Clinic is located at 2400 SW Vermont St. Dr. HcHarris joins Fanno Creek Clinic Dr. Louise McHarris, DO recently became associated with Fanno Creek Clinic. McHarris is a Board Certified Physician with special interests in Internal Medicine, Primary Care and Preventive Medicine. McHarris graduated from Michigan State University College of Osteopathic PoSt a to Z BuSineSS CaRd diReCtoRy 503-244-6933