4 • The Southwest Portland Post CA LEN DA R A pril 2011 dancers, bicycle taxis, a composting demonstration, the arts fair, music and promotion specials in several Hillsdale stores. The celebration will last from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., but, if you haven’t had your fill, a post-celebration wine tasting and live music are also in the works. “We want it to be a day when every- one is out,” said Linda Doyle, a Main Street Board member. “And we want them to come back,” said Doyle. COMMUNITY LIFE By Don Snedecor The Southwest Portland Post Historical Associa- 4 Multnomah tion’s board of directors meets on the first Monday of the month (April 4) at 7:00 p.m. History Center open hours are Thursdays 2- 4 pm and by appointment. The History Center is located at 2929 SW Multnomah Blvd, Room 107 and includes local southwest Portland neighborhood history, photos, maps and memorabilia. Donations and new members are always welcome. If you have an interest in your neigh- borhood history, we encourage your involvement. For further information go to www.multnomahhistorical.com or call 503-893-5549. Bond Forum. Southwest 15 School Neighborhoods, Inc. (SWNI) is holding a forum on the Portland Pub- lic Schools bond and levy measures on Friday, April 15, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Multnomah Center, 7688 SW Capitol Highway at 31st Ave. in Multnomah Village The forum will feature detailed infor- mation on the measures and a panel of speakers for and against them. There will also be time for audience questions, comments and discussion. This is a great opportunity to hear and be heard about these important measures, with enough time before the May election to consider them carefully and cast an informed vote. For more information contact Will Fuller, chair of the SWNI Schools Committee, at 503- 246-2328. E-mail wwfuller@teleport. com. Or visit http://swni.org/schools. Electronic Recycling 15-16 OPB Drive sponsored by Green Century Electronic Recycling. Recycle your unwanted electronics on Friday April 15, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday April 16, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at OPB/ Green Century Parking Lot, 6932 SW Macadam Ave. Electronics FREE to Recycle: LCD Monitors, cell phones, telephones, Portland artist Bobby Fouther was among the vendors at the Samali America celebration, March 25, at the Multnomah Center. Story on Page 1. (Post photo by Polina Olsen) networking and communication equip- ment, computers, laptops, printers, fax machines, standing floor copiers, UPS (uninterruptible power source), wire, ink and toner, networking and misc office electronics, keyboards, mice, VCRs, DVD players, stereo and audio video equipment, telephones, cameras, PDAs and hand held devices. Fee for Recycling: CRT Monitors $5 each; Tele- visions $1 per diagonal inch. Proceeds from CRTs & TVs to benefit OPB. More info at www.opb.org/connect. SpringFest. May 1 Hillsdale Hillsdale is planning one big celebration for May Day: A birthday party (the Hillsdale Farmers Market’s tenth), and Arts Fair (at Rieke Elementary School) and a Main Street promotion festival. So much is planned that organizers are calling the day — and those that follow — the Hillsdale SpringFest. The May 1st kick-off will have May Pole tools for free? What 19 Borrow would you think of a library that allows members to check out tools rath- er than books? Portland has tool librar- ies in North, Northeast, and Southeast that lend tools just like your local library lends books. In order to judge the need for a tool library in Southwest Portland there will be a meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19, Hillsdale Library, 1525 SW Sunset Boulevard. If you have a need for tools that you don’t have, have tools you no longer use and would like to donate, have ex- pertise using tools, or if you just want to find out what the heck a tool library is please join us. For more information please call Honey at 503.245.0223, or send an e-mail to swptl@hotmail.com. Mother’s Day Special! 1/8 Page Ad 20% Off Great Food Great Service • Great Ambience Open Daily 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. IN THE HEART OF MULTNOMAH VILLAGE 7820 SW Capitol Hwy 503-245-5457 www.fatcitycafe.net Call Don or Harry at (503) 244-6933 for details Deadline is April 20