The Southwest Portland Post. (Portland, Oregon) 2007-current, January 01, 2008, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 • The Southwest Portland Post
January 2008
LEttERS to thE EDItoR
No one should impose his or her animals on another person
I am responding to the article “DOG
PARK WARS” in the November 2007
issue of the Southwest Portland Post.
I am a dog lover and have been all my
When I was growing up my Dad
would bring home stray dogs and cats.
We always had five or six dogs and lots
of cats on the farm, along with all kinds
of other farm animals.
Limiting park hours for dogs not the solution
Regarding “DOG PARK WARS,”
November 2007. As a 30-year user of
Gabriel Park, a dog lover, and one who
cherishes the peace and serenity of the
park I have watched the controversy
about the dog park with great interest.
The park is a community space for
all to enjoy and use according to their
needs. Its users are a family and all
need to respect and value the needs
of all.
Closing the park for even brief peri-
ods would be a tragedy. Instead I offer
the following solutions:
Barking dogs are annoying at any
time of day. Please train your dog not
to bark.
Early morning and late night users
to any of the areas (not just the dog
park) should be quiet and respectful.
Try a meditative walk during those
times. Large gatherings, loud music,
partying and noisy dogs are fine during
mid-day times.
We are a community. Talk to those
you believe are creating a nuisance.
Take each others perspective. Value the
needs of others, just as you would in the
shared living areas of your own home.
Please don’t jeopardize the use of the
park for all by limiting the park hours.
My husband and I have a dog that we
rescued a year ago. We all love animals,
My belief is that no one should
impose his or her animals on another
My husband and I travel a lot in our
motor home. The rules of the RV park
are 10:00 p.m. ‘til 8:00 a.m. is quiet time
for everyone and everything. If some-
one breaks these rules and continues
to do so, they are asked to leave the
RV park.
Even in a residential neighborhood
quiet time is 10:00 p.m. ‘til 8:00 a.m. This
is a common courtesy to our friends and
neighbors that we live with.
If a person (or persons) is making a lot
of noise and the police are called, they
will respond. Noise is noise, no matter
who or what is making it. The dog park
should not be off limits to these rules.
I drove over to the dog park and I was
really surprised to see and hear all the
dogs in the park. There were even dogs
off-leash out of the fenced area.
There is a sign leading into (Gabriel
Park), “Pets on Leash Only.” The people
(who ignore this sign) are breaking the
law. I am so grateful I don’t live next to
the dog park.
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Editor & Publisher: Don Snedecor
Mark Ellis, Lee Perlman, Don Snedecor
Retail Advertising Manager: Harry Blythe
Graphic Design: Leslie Baird Design
Printing: Oregon Lithoprint
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Help Wanted
The Post is seeking freelance
writers to cover neighborhood news,
politics and culture.
Experience required. Bonus points
for photography.
Beats include arts, schools,
parks, crime prevention, and use,
transportation, neighborhoods.
Please mail or e-mail resume, cover
letter with specific interest, and
three published clips to:
Don Snedecor
Editor and Publisher
The Southwest Portland Post
7825 SW 36th Ave Suite #203
Portland, OR 97219