APRIL IS SEXUAL ASSUALT AWARENESS MONTH Sign-sps start March 1; deadline is March 25, 2022. VIRTUAL SHAWL MAKING - April 5 & 12, 4-6 pm Help the Care Program make shawls as a part of the Red Shawl Project. These shawls will become part of the CARE Program and ssed by dancers in honor of missing and msrdered Indigenoss people. I BELIEVE SURVIVORS 5K RUN - Date TBD TEAL TUESDAYS - Every Tsesday in April Hello, my name is Shawnee Aiello- Dixon. I started working for the Tribe as the harm redsction spe- cialist in December 2021. I csr- rently have 4 years and 4 months sober and cosnting. I am a lifelong Lincoln Cosnty resident and I am gratefsl for the opportsnity to serve my commsnity. My passion in life is to give back to those in need. Please feel free to contact me at 541-270—6732 or shawneed@ctsi.nsn.ss Send a text to Rachelle Endres at 541-270-7168 with the word “CONSENT” and send a pictsre of yosrself wearing teal in honor of sexsal assaslt ssrvivors. DENIM DAY - April 27, 2022 - Wear denim all day to show sspport for ssrvivors. The CARE Program is looking for Tribal members who would be open to sharing their stories of sexual assault to create a short film for education and outreach purposes. If yos are interested in any of the above activities, please call Rachelle Endres at 541-444-9638 or email her at rachellee@ctsi.nsn.ss. EVERY CHILD MATTERS T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE We want to bring awareness to the damage the residential school system did to the well-being of Indigenoss children. TRUTH, HEAL & HONOR Contact Rachelle in the CARE Program if interested at 541-444-9638. They will be first-come, first-served. Virtual Talking Circle The Siletz CARE Program will host a Virtual Talking Circle on the third Thursday of every month: MARCH 17, 2022, at 5:30 PM Look for more details on this movement in September 2022. March 2022 • Siletz News • 7