. What is Human Trafficking? What is stalking? • • The definition of stalking includes that a reasonable per- son would feel fear. It is important to note that fear is often masked by other emotions: anger, frustration, hope- lessness or despair. Stalkers use a variety of tactics including unwanted con- tact including phone calls, texts and social media, unwant- ed gifts, showing up and approaching family or friends, monitoring whereabouts, and threatening. What is the difference between stalking and harassment? • Stalking and harassment are similar and can overlap. The element of fear is what separates the two. • Harassment is typically irritating and bothersome howev- er, victims of harassment are not typically afraid of the perpetrator. • Stalking can start as harassment and escalate into behav- iors which cause the victim to live in fear. • There are different forms of human trafficking including forced labor, domestic servitude and sexual exploitation or sex trafficking. • Sex trafficking occurs when someone uses force, fraud or coercion to cause another person to engage in sexual acts in exchange for any item of value such as money, drugs, shelter, food or clothing. Where do traffickers find victims? • Traffickers can find victims in many places that seem safe. Social networking, home neighborhoods, clubs/bars, inter- net/social media, and schools are all popular places and ways to find potential victims. Victims are often lured through promises of: • Protection • Adventure • Opportunity • Love • Home • Money If you or someone you know has experienced stalking or sex trafficking: You can reach us at: Office: 541-444-9680 the Siletz CARE Program is here to help. 24 Hour Hope Line: 541-994-5959 If you are waiting for a COVID-19 test result, someone from the health department may call you to check on your health, discuss who you’ve been around recently, and ask you to stay home to self-isolate—if you aren’t doing so already. Tell people who you have been around that they may have been exposed to COVID-19. Answer the call to slow the spread of coronavirus. Please check with your local health department for up-to-date information in your community! January 2021 • Siletz News • 7