Siletz news / (Siletz, OR) 199?-current, September 01, 2020, Page 7, Image 7

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Sewing Circle
Bring your sewing stuf and
meetup with the CARE
Program via Zoom to sew
masks for your community.
10am 311:45
Email Jen Metcalf for
mee}ng login & password
Na}onal Suicide Preven}on Month
In the United States, suicide rates for American Indian and Alaska Na}ves is the highest of any racial
group. It is the second leading cause of death for AI/AN who are 15-24 years of age. It is important to
raise awareness and reduce the s}gma surrounding this topic, which includes encouraging those in need
to get mental health assistance. You can make a diference by learning about the warning signs of suicide
and by regularly checking in with your friends and family.
Suicide Warning Signs:
Hopelessness; feeling like there is no way out
Rage or anger
Engaging in risky ac}vi}es
Increasing alcohol and drug use
Withdrawing from friends, family, or usual ac}vi}es
Sleeping too much or too litle
Anxiety, agita}on, or mood swings
Seeing no reason for living or having no sense of purpose
in life
Feeling that there is no one that cares about you
Giving away possessions
Na}onal Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
September 2020
Siletz News